I haven't lifted in 2 months and am going to go to the gym tonight. what should I lift lads?

I haven't lifted in 2 months and am going to go to the gym tonight. what should I lift lads?

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Usually people lift weights at the gym.


Full body but low volume

That looks like a manlet arm

How tall are you, OP?

6'1" so yes I am king of manets :^(

ya but like what should I do? gimme a routine you spergs

noose hangs to failure

Pick up weights, then put them down. Then pick them back up. Do that until you can't.

how should I pick them up though :^)?

With your hands, duh

uhhhhhh you're going to the gym WITHOUT a routine?
if you haven't built your foundation, start with full body workouts like Ivysaur 4-4-8 or something


Imagine being this desperate for attention from anonymous men on a mongolian hieroglyphic forum

First do it with left hand, then right hand, then both hands, then no hands

Who has worse arm me or OP?

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...theres only 4 lifts that matter user. Bench press, overhead press, squat, deadlift.

Lift your soul man, get your shit together

OP your bf% must be very high

As opposed to my sub 10%

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OP here you fags look weak compared to me but yes my bf is a lil high atm :^)

You're going to lift some sweet DOMS

Lift your mentality up so you arent asking for someone to spoon feed you like an infant on a Turkish textile board.


projecting lol

Be weary of fatty

no muscle at all

Why are you so intimidated by me?

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