Can you pass the Navy Seals test?
* Swim 500m in less than 12'30"
* Rest 10'
* Do at least 50 Push-up in 2'
* Rest 2'
* Do at least 50 Sit-up in 2'
* Rest 2'
* Do at least 10 Pull-up in 2'
* Rest 10'
* Run 2.4 km (1.5 miles) in less than 10'30"
Can you pass the Navy Seals test?
* Swim 500m in less than 12'30"
* Rest 10'
* Do at least 50 Push-up in 2'
* Rest 2'
* Do at least 50 Sit-up in 2'
* Rest 2'
* Do at least 10 Pull-up in 2'
* Rest 10'
* Run 2.4 km (1.5 miles) in less than 10'30"
looks easy as fuck desu. not saying I can do it.
you should post a 90% score, not minimums
Yeah, I can do all that except the swimming because I don't practice swimming at all.
Those are basically my my daily routine/warmup before i even go to the gym.
Optimum values for officers:
swim 8'25"
push-up 98
sit-up 91
pull-up 21
run 8'59"
the swimming alone would kill 90% of Jow Forums
You should be able to pass any military force test because they administer these tests to the soldiers after having deprived them of food, sleep, and general recovery for weeks.
The swimming portion is what weeds most people out. More than likely most of "fit" wouldn't pass
Not sure about swimming, but I could pass everything else for sure.
hah faggot i can swim 50m in 27secs 500m is like 8-9minutes to me faggot
running is for faggots like you
This is the introductory seals test Lel. If you fail this they just throw you in the navy. The next tests are when it gets 10x harder.
yeah well I can't find any info about the following tests
There’s a wikihow about joining the seals that explains it
>Old fag late 30s.
>* Swim 500m in less than 12'30"
Not sure on this as who gets to swim 500m everyday?
>* Do at least 50 Push-up in 2'
double it 100
>* Do at least 50 Sit-up in 2'
have lower back pain and a dodgy hernia that can get upset but sure.
>* Do at least 10 Pull-up in 2'
in muh sleep
>* Run 2.4 km (1.5 miles) in less than 10'30"
is 5k in under 21 still good enough?
Every year gets harder and harder at my age.
You train to stand still.
This is just the SEAL PST to get into BUD/S. This test is administered with food and sleep. If you pass, you go to BUDS. You will take most of it again at BUD/S as a diagnostic, though.
Why does this OP image make me smile?
Is it because Jesus is handsome and welcoming? Is it because it’s a wholesome meme that isn’t too offensive?
The swimming part is not all that hard. It's 20 lengths of an average pool. If I go swimming I do about 20 lengths in 20mins and thats breaststroke taking breaks every few lengths. Any half decent swimmer would easily complete that with front crawl.
What would catch people out are probably the push-ups. 50 push ups if they are STRICT (ie chest to floor to arms locked out) in 2 mins is really hard. Similarly strict pull-ups from a dead hang are much harder than bro pull-ups but 10 isn't that many.
>Can you pass the Navy Seals test?
Are they the elite of the elite? I want to know what is considered the best of the best in the american army
Are you serious 50 pushups and 10 pull ups I can do both 3 mins
Everything is easy except the swimming. No way I could do that right now in that time limit. 5 football fields is a long ass way.
33yr old here, I use the minimum requirements of SEAL PST as a baseline for a healthy body.
I try and do this twice a year, once in October and once in May. If I fail, I take that as a sign that I'm dangerously out of shape and that I need to work on being healthier.
Last May I finished everyting in order but the swim was really fucking close to failure, I got it done in 11:49. haven't worked on it during the summer. I gotta get back in the pool as soon as September comes around.
Seriously if you are otherwise healthy male and can't do this, you should think hard about priorities in your life.
There's Delta Force but you can't just walk in and ask to join them - they only take people who already have a lot of experience.
Double it and I still can.
>There's Delta Force but you can't just walk in and ask to join them - they only take people who already have a lot of experience.
Incredible trips
I dont want to join them, Im not even american to begin with, I just want to have the same level of ftiness just in case I need it
Idk about the swimming and the running but I could pass the rest easily.