It is official, I like cuckolding

it is official, I like cuckolding...

Attached: 1524398538360.gif (354x193, 875K)

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When and how did you discover that?

>being a homosexual


all white guys do

If that were the case I would called it quits a long time ago and settled with Kylie Jenner. Fuck off

im going to kill myself
been watching watching cuck porn since I was young, been trying to stop viewing and/or enjoying it, but I can't
but I'm Mediterranean

>but I'm Mediterranean
ok all white guys and one north african guy

keked a bit
wasn't that the whore who cheated n her black bf with her asian bodyguard

So do I. I just don't like being the cuck.

I've been watching tranny porn for almost 10 years, ever since I hit puberty.
However, 2 years ago I switched to cuckolding completely.
Also mediterranean.

european or african Mediterranean?
same on the tranny shit

cringe, hang yourself asap

European. You?

Embrace it comrade. It only gets better from here.

Nothing wrong with that as long as you aren't letting yourself get cucked
what do you think of this?

as long as it stays a fantasy and you don't let yourself get cucked it doesn't change anything don't worry
just don't project

I am a female and since this is an anonymous board I can admit I enjoy watching porn of women getting raped in front of their boyfriend who is also tied up and cant stop it

It gets weird when they start face fucking the bf but I began to enjoy that too

where do u find that

I'm a young guy who is more of a cyborg than a robot, i can be social at times but I stay alone and when people come and talk to me it's often out of pity or they're wondering what's wrong with me because I don't look like an autist and yet I act like one
I browse many board and Jow Forums is really the biggest cope for life that I have at the moment
I have many interests but no passion really

i posted in the wrong thread i am big retard

What thread were you posting in?


>tfw no gf to get abused and raped with

the "ITT we introduce ourselves" thread
I always have around 70 tabs open so i get confused
>tfw no gf to abuse and rape you :(

Hey man, just letting you know you can cure yourself of this fetish. You just need to embrace a new one.



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