What is NASA's objective when they fake this kind of thing?

what is NASA's objective when they fake this kind of thing?

Attached: 1553572845834.jpg (1600x925, 49K)

not sure, but I feel like they're trying to tell you something. I'm sure if you think about it obsessively enough you'll figure out what it is. Good luck.

Dozens of telescopes globally with teams of thousands of people over years working to make this image and some random basement dweller says lol fake. You're like a flat earther who flies in the face of overwhelming evidence.

What is YOUR objective?

i think they wish to further humanity's understanding of the reality in which we exist. the absolute bastards

Don't forget to build a beautiful mind room.

Ricardoposting, obviously

Attached: ricardo_0.png (1398x795, 212K)

looks like a femanons anus

The whole of NASA just exists to spread Steven Pinker tier futurist propaganda to keep everyone distracted and believing the future is glorious, instead of the wasteland capitalism and overpopulation are turning it into.

Steven Pinker rapes children.

How can they be posting black holes if the earth is flat?

We're gonna make it bros, all our waifus are on the other side of that hole.

that makes sense, user. NASA is actually a propaganda agency

It literally is. Nothing more than that. It's probably never been anything more than that to be honest. That's why they fake everything. Because they never existed to explore space to begin with.

mad cope

Anyone else shitposting on Jow Forums about "NASA FAKED THIS PIC" whilst trying to learn all there is to know about black holes?

>flat earth
Pay attention, class. This is how you spot a NASA shill. They spread the flat earth bullshit once too many people started questioning the moon (and other) landings in order to poison the well and paint them as kooks.

they trying to divert attention away from people realizing that jews control space and time so they fabricate bullshit like this

The picture wasn't taken by NASA you fucking mong

Attached: 1554693875780.jpg (1200x1600, 105K)

>calling someone else a mong
>posting porn as a reply

Attached: D06o2M3WsAAPDsB.jpg (360x356, 17K)

generally speaking, fake photos are doctored rather than taken

I dunno but it reminds me of this

Attached: ryw5uZF_d.jpg (640x360, 13K)



Attached: file 3.gif (920x690, 822K)

no..... you fucking mong