Which one are you, Jow Forums, A, B, or C? Remember to be honest!

Which one are you, Jow Forums, A, B, or C? Remember to be honest!

PS I think the jannies are finally asleep...

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A with girls from B

I'm C btw, used to be B


Ahh, a true Patricians taste.


B but dressed like C

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A but dressed like C

im an ironman

>remember to be honest

all these choices have friends and go outside, i am none of them

A and b is the only way! Hands down

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Holy fucking based, brother.
>tfw once fucked my girlfriend immediately after Rocky Horror
>pulled up my skirt, poked my dick through my fishnets and pounded the shit out of her
>came all over her corset, both of our makeup was all smudged by the end
Damn, that was hot.

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I found her.


My dream girl.

Look at her: despite her glorious physique and high status, she looks miserable. A life chasing happiness, doing all the right things but still she lacks..... something. All of the hard work she put into her life yet this feeling of discontented burn-out persists. Everything sucks. Everyone sucks and no one understands her.

Except me.

I want her so bad

Attached: dream girl.jpg (163x297, 54K)

a and c you mean. imagine being a fucking faggot who wants to get fucked by men


all of the above

My primary motivator for doing anything is to impress and bond with this woman. I know she is merely a drawing, but she represents something real. Something I hope to be real...

Without her I am nothing.

Jokes on you faggot! I know it's gay but saying dressing up as a girl and saying it's not gay is a whole new level of cope

Not if I get her first faggot

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I can never say this irl because it's exactly the kind of arrogant shit people would ruthlessly mock me over but literally as early as I can remember I have been obsessed with girls. Asses, tits, pussy, etc, all shapes and sizes. I started blowing loads at 11 and I'm a fucking pervert when it comes to women, I just want to drown in pussy and asshole and be covered with girls constantly. Literally the happiest I have ever been is when I had 4 girls in a bed with me, it felt like my life was complete. I will never understand you dudes who are into futa and crossdressing and shit, I have literally never had a thought like that enter my mind. Anyway I'm sure you'll all call me a closet gay but I just needed to get this off my chest, suffice to say I strongly identify with A. I should get some blood work done because I bet my test is through the roof, I am truly obsessed with pussy.

>Imagine being so uncomfortable with his sexuality he has to drown in pucci
Lol you doublegay

A but with the cuteboy from C

I will out-compete all men on all levels just to get her

wanting to be a girl is NOT gay

Nothing wrong with that tbqh senpai

Its the literally the gayest lmao

t. no brain

t. No pussy

A with multiple boys from C