What is the best body type to attract traps?

What is the best body type to attract traps?

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Trap body type

A bear

This. Every trap wants to be pounded and facially abused to the point where she/he is barely alive and they want a huge guy to do that


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cocaine and mephedrone bodytype.. too soon?
seriously stop being a fucking animal

nope, only actual gays like bears.
traps aren't gay so the usual type of man that young girls like: lean, good jawline, tall, nice hair, minimal body hair, no beard.

There is such a thing as a bear trap though

Be white and in asia

This is the body type traps want and also the one they are attracted to

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traps are usually stingy fucks and only fuck other traps

lol fag

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>traps aren't gay

Will someone sort this out please

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Can some post the calculations pls.Traps are only 3 percent gay and as we round down 0

traps arent gay


Traps and femtwinks only fuck other traps/femtwinks 95% of the time, because theyre whole schtick is being attracted to cute things

The rare 5% are hard to come by


You'd think they would be into hyper masculinity

Nah thats just self insert garbage you see in doujins.
Real life is pretty much the opposite.

So I have a chance? Also what is a dojin

No, unless you have a femtwink build you have a close to 0 chance
And a doujin is porn

get a big neck from neck hangs

start practicing

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Here's the problem we run into, what is meant by "traps are gay" is ambiguous. Let's take it case by case.
>liking traps
Is gay, because they're men
>liking traps when you don't know they're traps
Is not gay, because you think they're women.
However, if you become aware of the fact that they are indeed traps, it becomes gay.
>traps themselves
Some traps are gay, some aren't. Many are faggots but some just get off by pretending to be girls, and actually want to fuck girls and not get fucked by guys.

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It's like any other hook up. It depends on the person. I'm 6' 175 lbs at about 14% body fat. You can see that I lift, but I'm not a big guy. The trap that I met mostly liked my dick print and abs.
Also this
>Every trap wants to be pounded and facially abused to the point where she/he is barely alive

How'd you meet it, I'm normally just into girls but I wouldn't mind dominating the fuck out of a trap at least once.

At the gym. She asked me for help doing hip thrusts. Then we sorta kept glancing at eachother all night. Then one Friday night I bumped into her at the back room and gave her a big smile and said hi. she was dtf from then on


A lot of self-denial here.

I'm not sure about Traps but Fem Twinks love masculine straight acting guys. I've dated 6 Twinks and probably been with over 10

I don't think you know what that means
Besides, how am I in denial? I know I fucked a tranny and it was the best sex I ever had.
P. S. Have sex

>traps aren't gay
Here we go

What was it like? Dammit I want this.

Anything remotely humanoid as long as you show interest in them (doesn't have to be genuine)

t. Trap

Traps are gay but they have a different mindset than the average faggot. That's what he means

Meet me at the gym

playing with a dick is pretty fun desu. And she's very muscular so that was awesome when giving her a massage

So you didn't savagely fuck her?

Oh I did. Until she came on herself. Man, you're making this really weird somehow.

You fucked a dude with a dick and he came on his own belly. Sorry brah that’s pretty fucking gay.

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Wow dude you really make this thread hahah you are gay hahahha

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Do you normally like rough sex?

The real question is what workouts do I do to become a trap

Yes, but it also hurt a bit because I'm tight as fuck and don't stretch my ass enough. Plus i don't see my boyfriend often so he can't do it regularly with his cock either. At least he loves how tight i am and it makes him cum gallons

Goddamn you sound perfect. I need a tight, fit trap gf.

Become a cardio bunny

There is a difference between liking and fucking traps. Liking traps is gay. Its a guy who you are attracted to without the component of sex being imminant. Fucking traps however is hyper masculine. You are removing this man from the gene pool which you have to compete with and at the same time you are using him to boost your own testosterone through sex and the trap is also getting you off. Its like fighting other men but you dont face physical danger and its a psychological agression rather than a physical one, another training exercise for dealing with real women.


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huge titty tall mommy gf bod

bait but in case u actually think like this seek help


Ok Augustus

Yo where the fuck do you get an epub of this, using a kindle to read is 100x better than page flipping.

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I like this explanation

Where do you find traps irl?

You want to be about 86x54mm with a big shiny square midway across near the top.

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Just don't swipe regular fags

HRT+Cardio+Hip thrusts

>traps aren't gay

ROMAN RVLES or bust.

It only comes up with girls..

Set it show men too, user.

>Tfw 0% certified hetero

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me at 100%


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Acquired taste or bust

>tfw progressing steadily from zero to 100%

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same, more opportunities i guess

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Just stop watching porn

Powerful big Lenny

we know but that would end the thread too soon, no one here is looking answers just topics to banter bullshit about


That isn't a trap, it's a tranny.
A trap would actually make you think it's a girl.

nofap is what caused me to get horny enough to give in and fap to traps in the first place

Traps want to feel dominated, so you must be big!

every tranny inst i have seen, admittedly that's only a few, had them taking a lot of pictures with skinnyfat, sickly looking boyfriends that looked kind of creepy.
and these were ELITE trannies.

i think there are probably only two requirements to have a relationship with a tranny:
*very basic hygiene and >3/10 looks
*be willing to take them on dates, pretend they aren't men and pretend you aren't ashamed to be seen in public with them.

that said. guys, don't fucking do it. homosexuality is a choice and it's a bad one. these are sick, miserable people that die young.

Who cares if traps are gay or not?
Just bee yourself and fuck whoever you want


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