At what point in the "no fap journey" do the so-called "superpowers" manifest? Two weeks in and literally nothing has changed, no confidence, still anxious and awkward, no motivation to get girls and certainly no females interested.
No fap = SCAM?
It's to end your porn addiction retard
have sex
not with that attitude
90 days
This. "Superpowers" is just what being a normal human being feels like to people who get their compulsive porn-watching and masturbation habits under control.
If your anxiety and self-worth issues don't come from that kind of compulsive habit, then nofap won't fix them.
I started having more sex instead of fapping. Thanks nofap!
Since i started lifting i get erections much frequently.
Because of that i'm fapping more than usual. What the fuck bros
>Calling something no one but you profits of and hurts (((them))) a scam
Nofap/noporn won't cure your autism.
Growing to beyond whatever you think is the arbitrary Manlet cutoff won't cure your autism.
Roids won't cure your autism.
PUA won't cure your autism.
Yohimbine/creatine/Maca root/other snake oil won't cure your autism.
Looksmaxing won't cure your autism.
Mewing won't cure your autism.
Lifting won't cure your autism.
Dopamine fasting won't cure your autism.
Face-pulls won't cure your autism.
Cold showers won't cure your autism.
Quitting caffeine won't cure your autism.
If you suck as a person, you need to identify real problems and come up with real goals that will bring you closer to the person you want to be. None of these magic pills will solve your life problems, you need to work on yourself in an honest way, and understand that it takes time and dedication to build habits that form a lifestyle that will help you reach your goals. Nofap, and all the other snake oil to which Jow Forums clings desperately are just more examples of how you refuse to do the actual work required to improve your situation.
I've never finished in my entire life. I don't masturbate. The only time I have any sex drive at all is when I'm shit-faced.
I've yet to unlock any superpowers.
Don't believe the hype.
Nofap gains start up for me usually around day 15/20, but it varies for everyone. Be patient, user- you’ll get there.
Someone took the time to make that abhorrent piece of garbage
Doing sales for a year will cure your autism.
The other shit isn't a magic bullet, but it helps. I
t's way harder to function socially if you masturbate too much, I have done split tests when I did sales and interacted with 100s of people daily.
Why am I so much less focused on nofap? My workouts are much harder as well. When I fap daily, I feel like a zen monk, especially in the gym. I don't even notice thots. It just takes two days of nofap and it feels like it's constantly hailing in my head. Gym session are so much harder, I fail lifts, I sweat like a junkie, and I can't focus. I look at every gym thot and get sad because she isn't in love with me?
Is nofap really just a meme or are these the withdrawals of a decade long addiction?
You'll benefit from steeling your mind.
Being Zen because you're sexually exhausted and being Zen while energetic are 2 totally different things
Also, do more cardio
Kek your heart is finally functioning above 10% capacity and you turn into a sex crazed perv
There are no superpowers. I haven't had sex, nor did I masturbate for the past nine years and I can guarantee there are no superpowers. However, after a couple of years, you will feel more connected to reality. You will start to live your life again, rather than flow through it like a lucid dream. You will be more at peace with your environment and you will be able to enjoy every moment, and pain will no longer affect you as much as it did. In short, you will find some sort of inner peace, and find life worth living again.
TL;DR: nofap/nosex doesn't grant superpowers, but it will restore your connection with reality and bring you inner peace.
You get better blood flow from working out and cardio. Viagra just thins the blood. Working out is Viagra.
You have to stop looking at porn and do equivalent cardio
How the fuck could cold showers and mewing help your mental health?
you absolute retard