/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>RIP Justin's balls edition :(


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bump for texas method question


>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (great for late intermediates)
5/3/1 (read 2nd Edition, then Beyond or Forever)
-- 531 with FSL/SSL 5x5 (moron proof)
-- 531 1000% Awesome (for early Intermediates)
-- Beyond 531 (training maximally for strength)
-- Leviathan (heavy single every session)
-- 531 for Hardgainers (hypertrophy)
-- Build the Monolith (hypertrophy)
-- Boring But Big (hypertrophy)
-- 351 for Powerlifting
-- Coffinworm (great for strength)
-- Advanced 531 (simple and great for strength)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (great for early intermediates)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (max effort + dynamic + repetition)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have high IQ)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
HLM (Heavy Light Medium)
Blevins Skynet AI
Juggernaut AI
Sheiko (for meet prep, don't break your dick)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Hepburn x Sheiko Blend (Tan Slacks blog)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version (homo)
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 lb totaling Redditor)
Hepburn "Power and Pump"
Programming 2 Win (by Jack Black)

>Optimal Tier (for gay, contrarian nerds)
Barbell Medicine

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

high bar squats build better legs than low bar squats

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The 4 day fixes a lot of the 3 day problems. If you need 3 day full body for practice, pick the 3 day. Or a different program

No, 4 day is ok for me. Should I alternate bench and OHP or just do bench as main press movement?

Don't drop press unless you have a meet planned. You can use it as an accessory if needed.

>Better legs
Define "better"

More defined quads

Have a guess.

>Defined quads
Wrong thread


imagine being this insecure

You're in the wrong thread. If you're interested in pageantry, go somewhere else.

Almost all powerlifters are going to nearly maximize their quadricep growth over the course of their competition career. The only thing that makes them more defined is low body fat (below 10%), which is not a good body composition for natty competitors.

>It's the people who lift for strength and not to look better on Grindr who are insecure
Lmaoing at your life senpai

How much body fat do you think olympic weightlifters have (not in maximum weight class)?

Attached: Ilya+Ilyin+Olympics+Day+8+Weightlifting+HMJG0PFBNQHl.jpg (594x395, 56K)

Depends on drug usage, but generally strength athletes are 12-20%

>looking go for women is gay
>getting your lifts up to impress other guys isn't

Right, that's still not high. In fact, it's pretty low. We're not talking about 8% bf dehydrated bodybuilders here. Still, they have strongly defined quads. This is not the case in powerlifters so don't tell me powerlifters' legs are just covered in fat.

You would win a golden medal in the mental olimpics user.

>He lifts for women
>He thinks PL is to impress other people
That insecurity comment was peak projection my man

>This is not the case in powerlifters
Yes it is. Any powerlifter who has achieved a respectable squat is going to have near maximally developed quadriceps

5x12 instead of 5x5
personalizing number of rest and intensity days between volume workouts
maybe doing it like
mon - volume squat & bench
tue - volume deadlift (at 12 reps it doesn't take a toll on your soft tissue since higher weight is a big factor for that, and you're using low weight)
2 days rest
intensity day
2 days rest
volume day or another intensity day if you through trial and error find your current 1st volume day takes longer to recover from

ultimately the idea of texas method is great:
you do a volume workout, it creates mrnk hgh and test
you do an intensity workout to test that progress, improve neural activation, and create hgh and test (mrnk lasts longer in cells and requires volume)

then after you finish building new muscle (aka when your mrnk is spent) you do another volume workout

volume can and should be driven through the roof on volume days
do as many sets as you can without dropping to like 6-5 reps, if you drop to 6-5 reps rest a few hours and do another workout with the same exercise

basically ideally it should be
saturday - 2-3 workouts of squat & bench, each consisting of 3-5 sets of 12 reps with 10 minute rests between same exercises, 16 sets is best
sunday - same for deadlifts

then just do intensity days every 2-3 days depending on which yields better results, then repeat volume workouts when you're recovered (again trial and error) intensity days don't have to be 1rms, you can do up to 4 reps

i've also heard that if you want to increase cns activation you should do partial reps with very heavy weight, like quarter squats or rack pulls, unless you're preparing for a comp

no rpe or any of that gay shit take every set to form failure (back rounding ass gets off bench etc)

The squats powerlifters do are hip dominant whereas the ones oly lifters do are leg dominant, it's two different styes which is why their legs look so different

Oh Jesus have sex


pls post body/lifts

Imagine just making dumb stuff up and posting it on a Yemenese yarn spinning discussion.

Quads are always maximally challenged at the bottom of a squat, it's irrelevant where the bar is

Why is the skinny faggot Jow Forums shitposter dogma so inconsistent?

So according to you faggots powerlifters simultaneously have huge unnatractive legs with small upper bodies and perform a squat variaton that sucks at building legs.

Get your shit together you fucking queers.

This, basically. There's a lot of insecure, effeminate modern men who were raised by single mothers.

Divorce became too easy my man, now this retards aren't even thinking thru the dumb shit they say.

Imagine believing this.

Exactly. People weren't taught to think critically and solve problems. They want to be spoon-fed, like a woman

wtf is this the turkish autistic brother of sam hyde?

I hate summerfags

>Not knowing Clarence
C'mon user

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king

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Buy rope

Nobody cares about your favorite twitch streamer twinkcel
This is a bloat thread

Go farm for You's somewhere else, whore

will straps and belt help me break plateaus?(and more food of course)

food will help you break plateaus

increases intraabdominal pressure and core activation, sure
griplet cope shit, no

>moving the bar 1 (one) inch lower on your back means you use no quads
lmaoing hard

the reason you lift more lowbar is because you have less of a lever arm on your back. Same reason why you front squat less than your back squat even if the only squat you did was a front squat

t. pissed off midget with a shit bench

>2,5kg eleiko red bumper plates

Attached: 2,5kg red plates.jpg (1000x747, 105K)

and a bamboo bar nontheless

Damn I used to really like him too... cant believe he was a piece of shit american soldier
deserved what he got

>posting edgy cringe shit
>not even clicking on the correct thread to do it
Get ahold of yourself kid

You are welcome for the right to post your edgelord blog.

not edgy or cringe.... in his statement he says "I joined because I wanted to kill people"
now thats edgy and cringe

Try quoting

>I wanted to kill people that deserve to be killed, save people that deserved to be saved (medically), and free people that deserve to be freed.

right... because afghan farmer defending themselves deserve to be killed
he just wanted to kill, and the US said "dose guyz bad shoot dem" and he went "perfect"
joining the american military is an excuse to murder

>afghan farmer defending themselves
>the taliban
I don't think we should be policing the world either but that's a hot take

If you don't like it, blog about it somewhere else (in the langua franca of the world, on our internet, on our website).


Yankee go home

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We can't, you goat fuckers won't stop slaughtering each other.

hell yeah
literall retard. Taliban was already for a ceasefire except rumsfield insisted on them turning over omar mullah too, who was largely symbolic at that point, and someone who rumsfield known they would never give up. You know why the Taliban was started in the first place? Local warlords raping children. Mullah omar had enough and with like 50 students brought peace to the land. Shit wasnt fucked up until the us invaded, and the taliban had done nothing to the us except immediately hand over bin laden

>this is what people who follow a holy pedophile actually believe
wrong thread abdul


If you don't like it, bring your military to the US and fight us.

im from rome you dumb fuck. if you dont want goddamn refugees then stop fucking invading their countries and killing everyone

lol, america is literally the sole cause of the refugee crises. When your country is almost entirely muslim then you wont have enough troops to fight them, all because you had to blow up some arabs

For a powerlifting thread you guys really don't understand squat mechanics. A low bar squat is different to a high bar squat not because it is a couple of inches lower on the back, but because it completely changes the movement. Powerlifters have underdeveloped quads compared to olympic lifters because of this reason. You cannot argue with this - a random powerlifting bum can squat 500 lbs and his legs look like shit compared to even an entry level olympic lifter.

>his legs look like shit
wrong thread, wrong board, wrong sexuality


>Powerlifters have underdeveloped quads compared to olympic lifters
No they don't.

Only on /plg/ is it preferable to have twig legs as long as you can post numbers online to other autists.

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Ultimate liftlet cope kek

Read these and fuck off


I used to like nuckoles before I found out that he was flirting with trappy online

Advice for growing legs? Really don't want to learn how to high bar squat

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Squat more

Natural guys are going to max out their leg size just by squatting. Measure your thighs and compare it to classic bodybuilders.

How big should I be looking for?

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Everyone saying there is little to no difference between the involvement of muscle groups between the two squats is correct, but to say that powerlifters on average have comparable quad development, particularly vmo, is just silly.

At the amateur/hobbyist level sure, but at the top level there is no contest. Powerlifters just don't come close to the full range of motion knee flexion/extension volume that oly lifting has.

Front squats

anyone else get spooked out by the probability of wearing out the spinal discs with all the high volume high intensity compression doing PL-training?

or do you guys just accept the possibility of wearing out your body and living with crippling pain ahead of your time as a part of it?

>do you guys just accept the possibility of wearing out your body and living with crippling pain ahead of your time as a part of it?
Grow some balls. 99% of geriatrics have slipped discs, herniated discs, torn hip cartilage, and torn shoulder cartilage. Most of them were sedentary or did light activity their whole life.

You are going to suffer the same kind of breakdowns. It helps quality of life tremendously to have strength and muscle to protect those injuries (which will still happen).

Look at what those war hungry corporate shills in power did to my baby.

Go be a democrat somewhere else.

>You are going to suffer the same kind of breakdowns. It helps quality of life tremendously to have strength and muscle to protect those injuries (which will still happen).
yeah i'm trying to convince myself of that

still freaks me the fuck out thinking that i could be one of those geriatrics on opiates 10-20 years earlier than i'd have to, at the same time one of my main goals in life is just to move fuck-off weight

If you develop good habits, and strength, you won't end up addicted to opiates for no reason

Most people on opiates go in to the doctor for a quote-unquote bad back and are too lazy to do the work to actually strengthen their back. So they bitch and moan until they get pills and then they bitch and moan when they get addicted to opiates.

>Muh two teams

This is a smart thing to think when you are 18 to 25 years old. the older you get, the more you'll realize that there are two teams. Good guys and bad guys.

So I guess he'll be going from "missing leg day" to "missing-leg day"

>cable triceps and flies
>machine row
>Competition ROMâ„¢ leg press with all the plates that it could fit, plus a cheeky fiver laid on top
I am becoming bro. Now I need to grow biceps. Like and surscibe

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>If you develop good habits, and strength, you won't end up addicted to opiates for no reason

i've worked with elderly people both in elderly care and in a psychiatric setting, some of them are just absolutely fucked pain-wise man

and if not opiates a ton of them still shred their organs with 'mild' pain-killers

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Why are you projecting so much? The vast amount of americans want to end the wars. Look up the polls, left right middle, americans want the wars to end and the tax payer money spent stateside. "Good guys and bad guys" what a oversimplification. Those are the words of the blissfully ignorant.

Painkillers are more of a psychological crutch than they are an actual pain relief tool

If you love terrorism, just say so.

Yeah and the United States government is the bad guy

You're another commie loving millennial. Fuck off back to r*ddit, faggot

Soldiers were ordered to work with Afghani warlords who kept child sex slaves, when they refused they were dishonorably discharged. Trump, Obama, Clintons, many others in power take Saudi Arabian money, and make weapons deals. Saudi Arabia trains and arms radicals with american weapons. Obama dropped more bombs than bush, and Trump is dropping more bombs than both of them. They are killing more civilians than radicals. The civilian death toll creates more angry radicals for Saudi Arabia to train. The wars are about money and resources, not terrorism. The problems have only gotten worse in the 18 years of war, because that is the intention.

Oh my God, I bet you think you were bullied as a kid too don't you

I get that you have some weird Taliban fetish but can you fuck off to shilling on Jow Forums or Jow Forums