Would you take a fitness injection that made you swole and healthy without any effort and with no side effects?
Would you take a fitness injection that made you swole and healthy without any effort and with no side effects?
Yeah, who wouldnt?
I forgot to mention, but it turns you gay.
Everybody would, dumb thread.
95% of women are psycho cunts, if I wasn’t sexually and romantically attracted to them my life would be a lot easier
Depends how swole we're talking. I don't want to look like a veiny wrinkly mess.
You said no side effects. OP is lying again
I would take that shot just for that.
If I could turn myself gay I totally would. Women are useless and vapid (and I say this as a married man).
I don't want to be hetero anymore, it's just painful these years. But i can't.
this tbqh
Yeah, I’d just become an Orthodox monk and live out my days in peace knowing that I was called to celibacy and would enjoy being shredded in the monastery.
Worse than gay
I don't want HIV so I can't be gay. But wouldn't it be nice if you could just turn off any intrest in women that you have? Not just libido, the whole notion of romance too. I could get so much more done.
Life for God > life for anything else
Lmao not every gay guy has HIV, if you’re really worried use a condom and make your bf get tested before you go raw. Not to mention you can’t get HIV from oral
>Lmao not every gay guy has HIV
I poop too much to be gay
How do you cope? I share the same opinion but I want like 4 kids.
>implying I wouldn't take it for this reason alone
So it's just like Jow Forums then
Living for one man
Egg donor and surrogate, there’s professionals for that shit
>having more than 2 kids
Super irresponsible, overpopulation is a serious issue my man
OP is mentally challenged confirmed.
Don't worry user, I try to be eco-friendly as possible and I also don't feed niggers (you know, the ones that have 8 kids per wife but starve to death at the same time).
>Super irresponsible, overpopulation is a serious issue my man
If you're not an absolute idiot it's imperative that you have as many kids as possible, low IQ population growth (and in a democracy voting power) is the biggest threat to the planet.
>not living for the blessed Trinity
Rebelling against the Lord of all creation and refusing His offer of eternal life and a relationship with Him and His Church
>assuming anybody on this anime image board full of mentally handicapped NEETS, incels, and racists has an IQ above room temperature
T. Idiot that thinks he’s smart. You shouldn’t have kids
>relationship with him
>not having the capacity to understand a deeper relationship than a homoerotic one so declaring any relationship held by anyone gay
>having imaginary friends
>suppressing the truth of your God in unrighteousness
My prayers are with you, lad
Almost everyone on this board is a genius compared to the demographics fueling population growth. If you dont have kids they will, and your lack of kids will be a reason given why you dont need the resources sent to support their kids to have more kids. If you dont want kids fine, but dont think you're in anyway averting "overpopulation"
>not being able to take a bit of light banter without replying seriously to defend your imaginary boyfriend
>Have kids
>They're born into a world of idiots to suffer
I'm still undecided on having children, I don't care about muh legacy or le white race or da joos that's all bollocks and you'll be forgotten in 2 generations anyway there's no point
But that's what a testosterone injection does already.
>being a nihilist
Cringe. But none of what you said pertains to the original point, as a western Male who presumably finished higschool, not having kids is not helping the planet or having a positive effect on overpopulation
Finally somebody with a 3 digit IQ
My hairline says otherwise desu
I do, every 5 days :)
look mate im not opposed to religion and i can see all the good that it has done but i just can't believe it. you just need to loosen up a bit and take a joke
No, It's not satisfying if I don't fulfill it myself.
For bodyfat though? Hell yeah, I do wanna see my abs instantly.
Good, women were a mistake and I at least then I can hate them and be protected by sjws instead of an "incel"
I tried that and it's a nope. Injecting heroin demands too much self control to be healthy.