Is it just an excuse girls use, or is there a point where boobs get too big to work out?
Is it just an excuse girls use, or is there a point where boobs get too big to work out?
Its always an excuse.
it's an excuse for the most part but they can hurt, imagine someone tugging on ur chest for the whole time u run or jump rope, not really comfortable now is it? gets worse with menstruation
t. have a big tits gf
Some of them actually get surgery to make them smaller.
Certain types of exercise are indeed unpleasant or impractical. Others can be done just fine regardless of cup size.
Excuse. If you can't run then bike.
Think of the weight-lifting opportunities though. It would be like wearing a weight vest every day
haram asf
It is an excuse, but a legitimate one. Running especially can damage and tear the breast tissue if there is not proper support. They also can cause pain that can be difficult to work through. However, ultimately with the proper sports bra and a strict use of impeccable form, unwieldy breasts can be controlled for working out
> t. 36DDD
post tits for science
You first
Those surgeons should be publicly humiliated and forced to perform 10 breast augmentations free as community service.
Dude just show us your tits we are genuinely interested in the scientific research opportunity
Knew a marathon runner chick in hs with huge tits and she was skinny.
She wore a tight ass sports bra and said that big boobs be buggin
A friend of mine uses 2-3 extra bras to mitigate the impact, but yea, cycling/swimming is better
Looks like shit nigger, being proportional is key in looking good.
Sounds tough
Get yer fucking tits out yer slag
dumb bitches would rather go through painful operations than do cable rows 3-5x10-20 twice a week.
>huge tits in tiny frame ugly
Some people like different things
They look like they could hurt, but if a girl is a titcow she should just do massive heavy weights
No, they should just resign instead of doing more of that nonsense.
It's a valid excuse for running/HIIT. Some sports bras just don't have a high enough power level to contain the fattest of tiddies, and they wind up slapping around and possibly throwing the girl off balance/hitting her in the face.
No intelligent reason for tithogs not to lift though.
Makes sense
She seems like a powerhouse
It's not an excuse, my boobs fucking hurt like shit after the first mile.
This is almost too big
Is it true that working out makes tits sag less?
You some kind of fukn faggot?
It can be an excuse as with anything else. My sister had J cups and had a breast size reduction because of the trouble it caused in everyday life, not even regarding exercising.
>It is an excuse, but a legitimate one. Running especially can damage and tear the breast tissue if there is not proper support. They also can cause pain that can be difficult to work through. However, ultimately with the proper sports bra and a strict use of impeccable form, unwieldy breasts can be controlled for working out
wrong, wearing bras actually induces more tit sagginess in young women.
always shun thots that get breast reductions
I know someone who got breast reduction. she had double Fs and was having back problems. She made a good decision.
not training so your body can bear this privilige.
>never gonna make it
I've known a couple girls who had that done. Typically they get it done when they're around their 20's or so in order to preemptively avoid long-term back issues. A shame, but I can understand it. They still generally kept enough to have nice tits anyway, though.
That tennis thot got one done and won a major over Serena afterwards.
She took off her weighted training vest.
This is blatantly incorrect
I’m only ok with it if the trade off allows them to become a world champion.
rip her spine desu
>Back Issues
Just means they didn't wanna do the rows, pullups and overhead presses.
>Prof. Rouillon used a slide rule and a caliper (a device used to measure the distance between two opposite sides of an object) to carefully measure changes in breast features of hundreds of women over a 15-year period at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Besançon.
>Rouillon found that women who never wore bras had nipples on average seven millimeters higher in relation to their shoulders each year than regular bra users.
seven millimeters each year. Let that sink in.
It's just bullshit fat people use, its like when a skinny guy say's he can't put on weight.
Unless your a teenager its bs.
my gf has 34DDDs and always brings up getting a breast reduction
Too be fair unless she's 6ft that's a fuckton of weight.
You may have won Wimbledon, Simona
But at what price?
Experimental science may help her recover
no she didnt faggot she just had to hit the gym and male those muscles stronger
now no self respecting man will ever even look at her
I don't care if a woman kills her baby, but breast reduction should be illegal.
Not the best place to ask
>funded by the Israeli Institute for Advanced Societal Degeneration
Imagine having a loose fitting backpack on except its on your chest.
Doc just feeling up some titties on the daily. Good for him.
It's an excuse. My wife was a K cup and is probably more into N cup terrorist now at this point, she's also pregnant. Doesn't stop her from getting on that elliptical or going for a walk. She can't wear bras now but she has no back pain.
Girls make a lot of excuses and want a lot of sympathy. They're also vulnerable to persuasion and peer pressure more than men. So when the TV is all about "get a breast reduction and be more like a man lolololol" they tend to do it because they see it.
Big boobs are awesome because you can do things like this.
you're literally gay
>she just had to hit the gym and male those muscles stronger
are you for real?
And I bet she was a bit chubby with bad posture and didn't even try to lower her body fat first and went right for surgery instead. It's like people who get gastric bypass surgery when they didn't really even try diet and exercise. Also it's ALWAYS rich white women that get breast reductions, people decide to cripple themselves for some reason when life is too easy.
lots of fat black girls are getting them now too because they worked the system to get it covered by (((insurance))) check real self breast reductions and you'll see before/after pics
That's sad.
jesus christ this is bringing me flashbacks of punky brewster
Season 1?
Every single one of you in this thread defending big breast are actual children. Go back and get your diaper changed mommy's boys
Ugh...little man
>In relation to the women's shoulders.
Wowie, I wonder if shoulders, you know, change due to shitty posture as you age.
What a bitch
no when she first reached D cup ,, so 13 or 14 i would guess lol!
>Lists two activities that cause very little bounce
what a waste, they'll never actually be good at sport no matter what they do
knew a girl who blamed her weight gain on her giant tits. She had a reduction but then kept getting fatter, only now she couldn't hide her gut under mega milkers.
I stopped talking to her
imagine having heavy sacks strapped to your chest
imagine oiling those heavy sacks up and sliding your dick between them
your point being? Go on, finish you fucking retard.
Tiny hands detected.
danke für deine Meinung, Kinderficker
Looks like a qtpie to me. Good for you user
Boobs can absolutely be uncomfortable or even painful when moving a lot.
However, that discomfort is nothing a sports bra or two can't fix. Occasional discomfort should be expected when you are exercising so it's still an excuse though.
Your family is a disgrace and you should be ashamed to have had a sister butcher such perfect creations
My new mantra in life
Thanks user
Fellow bf of big titty milk maiden reporting in
This user gets it
However I must say, I am jealous of those who are far beyond the Ds...being a tit man makes me wish my girls triple Ds were bigger