Some /fa/ggot told me to get on a treadmill, implying that I am fat. Was he in the right or mentally ill?

Some /fa/ggot told me to get on a treadmill, implying that I am fat. Was he in the right or mentally ill?

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Take off your vest and shirt.

that should be the least of your worries

Fuck off this is white people board.

Also, I wanna bulk up to 200 lbs at 5'10. How do you dress cool & elegantly as a big boy?

I don't wanna dress sporty like a random meat-head npc.

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With more breadth and a hint of gyno.

Attached: me 2018 resting face.jpg (554x554, 32K)

unironically mirin that /fa/

Listening to an fa opinion

You're not fat, you're just ugly and have bad taste

Let's see you at 40 years old and also post an example of how you dress.

Attached: me 2019 sleaze.jpg (675x1200, 101K)

stop larping as igor op

With big legs almost impossible. You have to taylor everything to fit your shoulders and chest while it hangs like a tent around your stomach. If you have low bf only obviously.

Treadmills prevent hair loss insofar as they suppress test. He was right.

based context gets

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mirin neck
you're not fat or ugly, /fa/'s full of anorexic autists
don't wear turtle necks tho you look like an uncircumcised penis


Some sort of jeans and some sort of solid t shirt. Slacks and button up at work. It's not that hard to not look like a brain damaged little ugly Slavic ass bitch.

post an example

Attached: come on now.jpg (200x180, 41K)

>everyone who criticizes me is mentally ill

Is OP really Igor or not? Also I heard he was in prison for child raping or something like this. Is it true?

Back once again with the heroin junky look always a banger of an outfit m8

Do they not have jeans and t shirts in Moscow?

Go back to Kohlchan, Igor.

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infantile degenerates and elliot roger types

You’re 5’9, don’t lie. I’ve seen you in threads before chromedome

Even at 24% body fat your shirts can be like that
t. escaping builtfat zone, going to slightly wider ottermode

put it this way, in any normal sneakers I'm ~1m80

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another context get

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