>Literally nothing I do makes my lower stomach fat disappear
Is there no hope?
I've been eating 1500-2000 kcal per day for the past two months, I did HIIT cardio for two weeks at one point every day as well, but now I moved to a different location and go to a small gym and they don't have any treadmills.
Is there no hope? I just want to see my v taper and lower abs at least once before I die.
Just get cosmetic surgery, some people cannot get rid of certain fat tissue without having to lose so much weight that maintaining adequate muscle is impossible without gear, also your face will start to look like a meth addict first
Robert Roberts
I hope this is not me.
Gabriel Brooks
If you're ready to give up after 2 months then you simply don't have what it takes to get rid of it.
Samuel James
Post body. I bet you're higher bf % than you think.
Lincoln Harris
How much longer, user?
Matthew Gonzalez
I never said I wear super lean. I'm probably 12-13%
Parker Baker
>2 months >Already complaining Ngmi
Isaac Rogers
Fast. Do one day fasting one day eating 1500. You will see progress fairly quickly.
Brody Lewis
i got gastritis and lost 6 pounds, try it!
Caleb Thompson
Just get surgery. Fat deposits don’t always fix with diet, especially in superficial areas. I had surgery to remove fat deposits in my eyelids which made my eyes hooded. Now people respect my hunter eyes
Evan Campbell
stomach fat takes forever to go away, especially the last little bit
your body really doesn't want to get rid of it's emergency reserves. it's highly unnatural to go that low in bf%
Dylan James
Hit core as often as possible. HIIT and cardio is good but you actually need to build up your core as well
Austin Nelson
are you talking about this snake diet thing? what to drink on fast days user?
Ryder Watson
post body
Nolan Baker
Maybe you have BDD
Adam Jones
Try extended fasting.
Juan Gutierrez
>what to drink on fast days user?
water with electrolytes, the recipe is in the /fast/ OP
Evan Garcia
I know spot reduction is taboo in US fitness circles, but the only thing that gave me a rock-hard wasp waist was 150 situps every morning. Straight legs, nothing to hook them under.
Matthew Bailey
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if muscles were inclined to take calories from localized fat deposits so if you did do a shitton of exercise on a specific muscle then you would see spot reduction. The thing is that it would be an extremely slow process because burning calories manually to lose weight takes fucking forever and you'd only really see the difference if you were already low bf so small sample size. /brosciencepost
Hudson Jackson
2 months isn't a long time
Gavin Butler
You can do Yohimbe, but I wouldn't do it because it causes a lot of cardiac problems with caffeine and other stimulants. That or do ECA stack.
Luke Wright
get to 10-11%
Dominic Collins
Grow a big pair of pecs so they will make your belly look smaller in comparison.
Charles Williams
Try eating at a calorie deficit.
Kayden Martin
Post body fatass
Jack Harris
Get liposuction you stupid asshole
Lincoln Scott
post a picture
Hudson Johnson
it's not the calories just your fat intake. carbs = cannot convert to fat really. fat goes directly to your fat storages as lab tests on humans show. so aim about max 15g of fat per day at max you will lose weight. cookin oils included
You can kinda focus fatloss allegedly, but you still need to be losing a bunch of fat in the first place. Saw a Jeff Niplet vid where he claimed that intense ab workout (stimulates blood flow) will focus fat loss from that area. So something like doing your workout as normal, do one of those AthleanX 7 min abs that will kill you, then liss. Doing it fasted is advisable I'm going to try yohimbine
It's fucking true when I was doing 200 situps a day (100 in the morning, 100 at night) my waist shrunk quite quickly, dropped from 105 to 95 within a month
Charles Reed
>1500-2000 so, which is it? that's a large difference user.
Cameron Watson
There's also the fact that stronger abdominals will hold your organs better. It's not necessarily spot reduction.
Aaron King
iv'e come to realise girls like a little bit of chub
Jordan Robinson
He doesn't know and is most likely eating at maintenance or above because he is a fat retard.
Isaiah Cruz
You are probably like 25%-30% bodyfat lmao, you thought you could go to square one with only 2 months of child-like effort?
Why should a 500 calorie difference be important REEE that's just some chocolates or a slice and a half of pizza ffs it shouldn't matter fuck it, life sucks if you can't stay thin while eating 3000-4000 calories a day (depending on mood).
Oliver Gray
Neither is 2 weeks of exercise
Noah Thomas
You've only changed your diet for 2 months and you're still not sure how much you're eating. You've been exercising for 2 weeks. You want instant results. Have you tried Spanx? Or perhaps It Works?