Is sushi Jow Forums approved?

i don't mind spending more money for quality food. sushi has always been delicious to me but recently became my favorite food. i get really good pumps the morning after i eat it for dinner.

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Yes but its expensive so I usually hit an all you can eat sushi buffet if I get the craving

Sushi is great. Just don't eat so much tuna that you get mercury poisoning like that guy from Entourage

none of the americanized sushi rolls. stick to nigiri's and sashimi.

is that a real thing? i mean i know its real but how much would u have to realistically eat? i love eating cans of tuna. i empty out the water and mix it with mayo. entourage was a great fuckin show btw the nostalgia is real.

Yes, sushi is very Jow Forums. Don't eat it very often though because mercury poisoning

yeah i hate that. i live in tel aviv and fortunately the people here eat really healthy so the spot i buy from hasn't been tainted with American gluttony.

Just use the sauna it removes mercury from your body

You have to eat it every day for years. It was also super expensive high end bluefin tuna, which is an old fish that has lots of mercury built up in its system. Canned tuna is generally one of the smaller/younger species of tuna with WAY less mercury

This. Every wednesday, fucking glorious

sushi is a calorie bomb and very easy to overindulge in, too. Overall, a nice meal, but proceed with caution

sushi is based, sashimi is as based without the extra carbs from the rice

>i mean i know its real but how much would u have to realistically eat?
Lots and for years. Thing is that mercury doesn't ever really leave you and it's always doing it's thing so even a little will make an impact over the rest of life.
You're not going to live forever anyway so just don't overdo it and you'll be fine.

It's good but God damn it's expensive. It's literally rice and trace amounts of fish.

Love sushi. Great carbload when you need it! Just expensive af.

>very little fish
Why do people buy this when they can easily make some at home?

Sushi is hard as shit to make properly. You need little jap hands just to pack the rolls.

Can you just put those things together and eat them? Tried it and it's pretty good but not worth the price at all

Rice is based
Seaweed is based
Fish is based
Sushi is based
Op is a faggot

That’s a poke bowl.

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this is like asking why any type of customer service business even exists if everyone can do the service at home

Sush is great. All of you poorfags must be jelly of my $15 all you can eat lunch specials
If I want something that's really super quality I can just go down the street to a place that's hella expensive but easily 3x the quality. Nip food is definitely my favorite all around

>$15 buffet
lmao what? Am I reading this post correctly?

maki sushi is a specialty food even in Japan. Sushi eaten in Japanese homes is usually chirashi (mixed in a bowl) or hand rolled in a cone (temaki, pic)

Attached: Make-Temaki-Sushi-Intro.jpg (3750x2500, 1.1M)

making sushi at home is really hard. A bunch of my friends' moms tried and none could get it right.

then why do israelis look disgusting?

dont eat white rice retard its pure carbs

Sorry to disappoint you but Nippon has all those retarded mayo/cheese abominations on their menus as well.

Nigiri and sashimi are the way to go

For me? It's the chirashi donburi. The best Japanese dish.

Make your own onigiri and save yourself a couple thousand bucks. Rice, vinegar, nori, fillings (tuna, kimchi, sweet potato, SPAM, whatever) - done. It's piss easy.

My wife makes rolls. I make sashimi. We eat like royalty. It's stupidly easy.