What exactly does this shit do and should it be taken before or after workout?

What exactly does this shit do and should it be taken before or after workout?

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During work out OP. It gives you gains.

it make the small chest titty into the big chest titty without making the big floppy man titty

those answers dont help

It’s a low calorie source of protein.

after a workout for maximum gains.
if you have trouble getting enough protein buy isolate whey(20$ more) and drink it before you sleep
drink it with milk if you cant stand it with water
thats about it

Is it really worth it though? Looks kind of gross and unnatural

Low calorie source of protein, taken after a workout feels good and supposedly helps with recovery and growth. At the very least it allows you to up your protein consumption

The non meme answer is to stick to real food to hit macros, but powder is convenient if you have difficulty meeting macros.

it's food. you eat it.

It has calories and is protien dense and fills you up and is tasty.

Meal timing has no significant benefits and can be basiclaly ignored by all but advanced lifters in normal circumstances like losing weight, gaining weight and recomping.

Unnatural is shovelling processed foods into your face at such a rapid pace that your organs fail and you die.

Drinking your protien instead of eating it, because it's a convenient way to achieve a balnced macronutietn profile, is fine.

Not fully true. Protein before bed has tiny hypertrophy benefits. If anything, the optimal time for whey is before going to sleep for the day

Ok but which paragraph was whey powder??

No whey dude

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>after a workout for maximum gains.
it doesnt actually make any difference if its before or after, except you might pukw

>Protein ingestion prior to sleep can be applied in combination with resistance type exercise training to further augment the gains in muscle mass and strength when compared to no protein supplementation.

I drink my protein shake during just because I feel like having the extra food helps with energy.

Makes it convenient to meet protein needs without shoving 2 whole chickens down your gullet on the daily.

How do you not puke?

>when compared to no protein supplementation
read what you’re posting lmao

It’s only 400 calories of shake my dude, it’s not like I’m eating a whole meal. Plus I drink it throughout my workout, not at all once.

It that not offset by your sleep time being interrupted by digestive processes?

Why not just make up your energy?

You aren't working out hard enough

>if you have trouble getting enough protein buy isolate whey(20$ more) and drink it before you sleep
is this on top of your normal dose of whey or instead of it?

chicken breast: liquid edition

>if you don’t want to puke then you’re not working out hard enough
Ok bud.

Yes it's a higher order of whey, whey in its near purest form

Not OP but how much protein should a 5'5 160lb manlet get in a day while cutting? Also does it really make you feel full?

>imagine eating while working out and thinking you're being productive
The fatty cope

1g per 1kg of body weight as a minimum

It converts whey into gains mang.

How braindead does one have to be to make a post like this?

Yes there are small benefits - for example there's small hormonal benefits too.

But even consdiered together theyr'e a very small factor.

I would say, for beginners and even intermediates, giving yourself a little more flexibility in terms of diet management day in and day out will generally be more beneficial than the tiny marginal gain you'd get form worrying about meal timing.

This trade off can manifest as easier appetite management, reducing the liklihood that you'll snack or overeat or be thrown by energy dips in the middle of the day or miss your macro target because you're worrying about waiting until bed to do this or that.

When those tiny factors start to actually manifest noticably in your progrress, is when you start to become an advanced lifter.

160 grams. Trust me.

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.8g of protien per lb of bodyweight is generally considerd to be in the 'safely more than enough' end of the scale.

If you're very overweight and cutting, use lean bodyweight instead.

but to add to this - you can eat more than the recommended minimum if you want.

some people find protien mroe or less filling than carbs - so more proiten might suit your goals more or less as the "rest of my macros" after you get the requisit protien and good fats.

FWIW filler carbs are usually cheaper than filler protien.

I mean, do you take that at night AND after your workout or only at night?

Can you not read?

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Alright cool, thanks for the response.
Out of curiosity what if I were to consume the recommended amount of protein, ate at a calorie deficit, but didn't workout? Would I still look lean/have lean muscle? I do workout, but until I get back to university in a week I only have access to dumbbells...

>just got 245g protein with slight calorie deficit + 20/4 IF and still making linear SL gainz at 1/1.5/2.25/3

Shoenfeld has done studies proving more protein is always better. 1.7g/lb on a cut and you can even gain lean mass provided you aren't an advanced lifter. I'm nearly outa forever skinnyfat mode, I'm fucking coming for you ottermode.

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It’ll help you maintain muscle mass. Not that you lose much in general natty, but every bit counts

You might lose a little muscle without light resistance training

>eat 100% protein
>eat no fats
>eat no carbs
All the chicken breast I want! Wow!

i like it after a workout to just chug a shit load of protein asap

i try to avoid using it all that much because i'd rather eat real food

>chicken has no fat



You're either doing 3-4 scoops or drinking it with milk during your workout

It's a protein supplement for poorfags that cant afford enough meat.

It doesn't make a difference

I do 3 scoops and add peanut butter powder for extra flavor and thickness.

It doesn't matter when you drink it.


You aren't working out hard enough

I am, but thanks for your concern

But you aren't

I am, but thanks for your concern

Live in denial and mediocrity then idc

You sound triggered that my lifting isn’t like your lifting.

>Can't take constructive criticism

>Jow Forums

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>lift until you puke
>”constructive criticism”

>your intensity isnt high enough if you are able to ingest food without getting sick*

Or perhaps I’m conditioned to high intensity?

Then you need to up the intensity you should always be out of your comfort zone.

That’s not how conditioning works, friend.

It is exactly how it works user

What if my comfort zone is being out of my comfort zone.

Conditioning allows you to leave your comfort zone without needing to puke.

This is the truth, it does not matter when you take your protein! What's most important is that you get a consistent flow of protein throughout the day. It doesn't matter if it's before or after a workout at all.

If you eat 4 meals a day, each meal should have 1/4th of your daily protein requirements ideally.

Wtf then it’s no longer being out of your comfort zone because it is your comfort zone so you’re regular comfort zone would no longer be your comfort zone so that would be your comfort zone again. Except it wouldn’t

I use Carnation Instant Breakfast currently. Will be switching to a more appropriate protein powder when I can afford it.

How does one avoid getting stanky farts?

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i drank it for a while and got some radical bad diarrhea for three times a day, followed by 2-3 days of constipation. Anyone else have this problem?

Were you getting enough fiber?

all you had to do is write that user's pic's filename into a fucking search engine

I've been successfully marketed to and believe that protein = nutrition and protein = alpha tough manliness

Gotta spend $70 on my choccy milky drink to become a big boy

It's a low calorie source of protein, and when taken with the right timing, can aid in muscle growth by triggering protein synthesis. Within 1 hr pre or post workout should be fine. It's also easier for your body to absorb than something like a steak. and cheaper.

idk what that user is talking about, but i would take caesin instead of whey at night, since it takes longer to digest. but i wouldn't worry about that for now since you don't even know what you're doing with whey protein

1g per kg of bodyweight is not that hard to be fulfilled. Eating more is excessive.

If you are consuming food during a high intensity workout you are going to make yourself sick. If you aren't then it is not at the level of intensity that you should train at. What about this is so hard to understand?

Haha woke as fuck bro, upvoted

This. I just can’t drink or eat anything before or during the workout. Makes me want to throw up.

It tastes good