It's Not That Hard Jow Forums

>everday you need to:
>spend 1 hour sweating and being active
>eat 1 pound of lean protein
>eat 2 servings of fruit
>eat as many vegetables as you want
>drink 1 glass of skim milk
>drink 1 gallon of water
>go outside and get sunlight and fresh air for at least 30 minutes
>get 8 hours of restful sleep
>brush/floss your teeth
>tell your Mom and Dad you love them

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Hahahaha imagine not being able to stop eating hahahaha like nigga just put down the fork hahahahaha

>apply progressive overload and eat caloric surplus
>go into caloric deficit when too fat
holy shit so hard you literally need all the help you can get

I like the last step

Based and wholesomepilled

This is hard for the average normy.
The average normy would cry if he/she was forced to do this for 3 days

Fuck you nigga i like to eat and cook.

>all that text to deflect the fact that he roided

>1 pound chicken breast = 139g protein
>1 pound lean beef = 123g protein
>1 pound pork loin = 125g protein
>8oz skim milk = 18g protein

Unless you're a bodybuilder on steroids, this is PLENTY of protein for anyone trying to be fit. And if you really wany some extra protein, a few whole eggs wont hurt you

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>implying this isnt all supposed to be home cooked food

What a dumbass. It's all homemade food. That's implied

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How size is 1 pound of meat would you finish it it three meals?

>in fact, just don't eat anything you like
why are normies so bad at making healthy food taste good/cooking in general

Why do these losers bitch about fitness
no one's forcing them to change their lifestyle of mediocrity


Did you have a stroke? You ok buddy?

>Entire list avoids the macro fat
Never going to make it

I was trying to say can you eat 1 pound of meat in the span of three meals?

>tfw you realize ops post is a simplified easier version of how to be Jow Forums compared to rob mcelhaneys over complicated steroid user routine

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Yes, obviously. Why couldn't you?

You do you iifym

>implying veggies wont be cooked with a little fat
>implying meat wont have some fat

How much fat do you need, fatty? Why dont you go get some icecream too

Idk never tried to eat a pound of ground beef, I think.

he's a roiding faggot and certainly did not do the things in that instagram post

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Dude four chicken breast is 1lb. Done or am I wrong?


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>dont eat like shit

it literally isn't hard you lazy cunts

i hope heart disease & diabetes strikes you and your family with the most painful death poaaible

Don't do with beef. If it HAS to be meat use chicken or turkey but plant sources would be better.

Yeah I need to start running as well tbqh. Lifting alone isn't cutting it for me anymore.

I can't run, I don't want people to see me and my local gym doesn't give me privacy. If I had a big home I'd get a treadmill and run five miles on it daily with glee

>Skim milk.
Keep your sugar water to yourself, faggot.

Run at night you retard.
Or stop giving a fuck what others think of you and just run. I promise you nobody gives a fuck how much you can run and if they do they will never in their life attempt to tell you about it

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You do understand this is the actors words about how he got jacked..

this picture unironically does not sound that hard
if you want drastic results you're going to have to work for it, crazy that this is a foreign concept to most people

Got bored of just lifting, so I started running again, and worked my way up to running a mile a day.

Just a week ago I could hardly run 400m, now I can do 2 miles, and I'm only progressing.

Running again, cleaning my diet, and continuing my current lifting program has made me feel great, best I've felt in years.

I'm serious, cardio is actually good for you.
I was really just too lazy to do it until I completely got bored of just lifting.

10/10, I strongly suggest running

I hate to sound like a David Goggins LARPfag but holy shit, that's a loser's mindset if I've ever seen one.
>unwilling to take care of yourself because of social anxiety
mate, nobody fucking cares.
Take care of yourself, first and foremost.
Go do what you KNOW needs to get done.

>boohoo other people will see me
never gonna make it

Nobody even notices runners. Do you even notice runners if they're mediocre-looking?

That said, you can jog on the spot to sweat at home. Or do fucking jumping jacks. If you'd happily run that much at home then you can happily skip rope.

If your doing a bulk or maintenance, whole milk is where its at..

But if your cutting, it's skim milk all day err day


Gotta work to get shredded.

Nah eventually they'd get used to it and become one shredded motherfucker.

Probably true in his case desu

Dude no one gives a fuckk. You're a man and you gotta do what you gotta do. Hit the gym, lift the weights, go for those runs. Get your diet in order. You cannot allow your youth to pass by without achieving the strength that your body is capable of.

>eat 2 servings of fruit
>eat as many vegetables as you want
don't do that, vegetables have anti-nutrients so if you eat too much you'll fuck it up, also they're pretty toxic, so don't overeat them

1. You are grossly overestimating how much people will pay attention to you. I know half the people I pass on my runs by name and even they barely notice me unless I greet them.
2. Stop worrying about what others might think. You are doing things that they too would like to but are too lazy to do, they should be ashamed, not you.
This isnĀ“t just about getting fit, its about improving your life and taking pride in doing so is an important part of it. Confidence gains, my brother.

>vegetables are toxic

>Mac's a ketard

Should've guessed. Cutting carbs as a natty will just put you in ngmi mode.

what a goober

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>Being this uneducated and out of the loop
>Who is Dr Paul Saladino

>>>drink 1 glass of skim milk
what the fuck

the most based post I've seen on Jow Forums

Who cares, everyone knows you need a solid diet to make roids work otherwise you'll look like Genova

dont forget to tren hard and eat clen

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>my father is dead
>my mother is an asshole to the highest degree
>last point of contact was her giving me a phone call asking for money
>on my birthday
>that she and the rest of my "family" forgot about
At the time I was broke as fuck.
Blood is relly not thicker than water, familial ties are bullshit.

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the phrase blood is thicker is a misused bastardization. "blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb"

eat tren andavar work hard*

>1. Drink a lot of water
>2. Sleep a lot
>3. Eat a lot of proteins
>4a. If you want to lose fat, eat less
>4b. If youwant to gain muscle, eat more
>5. Lift weights

That's literally it. No more, no less

>Lift weights six days a week
3-4 is enough if you can do it for 1+years
>stop drinking alcohol
you can still drink ocasionally but obviously it's better if you don't, not only for getting ripped but for general health
>don't eat anything after 7pm
>don't eat any carbs or sugar at all
??? maybe if you want to get ripped in 1 month from 15%bf. Sugar you should still cut for health
>sleep 9 hours a night
8 is ok if you dont work out every single day and take steroids
>run three miles a day
cardio 3 times a week is plenty longterm

what a retarded virtue signal

this, just run on the spot, alternating intensity.

this is actually a lie because if you did this it would be over training unless on steroids

His routine isn't that difficult?
>Lift often
Yeah maybe 6 is a lot but most people can do AT LEAST 3 days which will yield results over time.
>No alchohol
This should be how you live anyway, save for special occasions, that shits horrible for you.
>No food after 7
That's just IF my man, it's actually really easy.
>No carbs or sugar
A little extreme but reducing the two is proven to be healthy.
>Don't eat anything you like
This is just a stupid point, your body will adapt what is sees as "food" and "likes" after abstaining fro garbage for a while. I used to hate fruit when I was a fat fuck but now that shit tastes sweeter than candy because I don't eat 150g of sugar a day.
>Personal trainer
Not a bad idea but its a waste of money with all the free training programs online. You only need one if you lack discipline.
>Sleep 9 hours a night
Good consistent sleep is *surprise* really important for the human body to function properly.
>Run three miles a day
That takes like 30 minutes if you're slow, that can be a warm-up / cool-down for your daily workout. Cardio is also important to keep the literal engine of your body in good working order.

The fact that this sounds outrageous to so many people just shows how little people actually want to change. I'm sure to most Jow Forumsizens this routine is even considered "light."

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Its really not that hard.

Carbs in-vs-out

Workout for 30-60 minutes a day. Mix cardio with weight lifting.

The end.

I hate these people.

Just fucking WALK if you are so fucking insecure. I walk for an hour and a half every rest day because my small local gym is always filled with old fucks who do nothing but steal the elliptical and treadmills and walk on them.

I mean, people notice joggers, but its literally a 2 second passing judgement (either good or bad) before they completely forget they ever saw you.

Based stroke poster

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You severely underestimate the minds of non fitness people. My mom is quite intelligent, especially at math and is very good at her job which requires a lot of self confidence, but shes an utter retard when it comes to calories. Cant understand why she is slowly gaining weight and why she needs iron and b12 injections when 90% of her daily diet is carbs.

I helped put her on an 1000 cal diet (450 calorie deficit but not counting exercise) and luckily shes drinking a protein drink every day and with meat every other day and shes already lost 2 kg in two weeks and feels much healthier. Thats all it took, literally counting your food and cutting it down.

But they dont know that.

Media keeps them in a data smog of conflicting info which is mostly lies anyway to the point where "eat less, move more" strikes them as bullshit.
The normie mind listens to the TV and clickbait and considers them an authority.

Nobody gives a shit about you. Why is it a problem people see you in the gym?

i was going to write about how it's actually way easier and that you don't need to do anywhere near all that stuff but then i realized i don't want fags like you to get gainz because it's better that your exterior continue to be a reflection of your mediocre interior. stay pleb. srs