Women should be shamed in public

For their rape fantasies just like a lot of things associated with shame (I don't like this thing at all but it exist and will continue to exist and can contribute to this thread idea), then maybe manlets/average height will be more in fashion and heightism will be gone or will be anomaly in society, if not now then in next generations, Don't forget that women are severely influenced by society standards.

Being tall 6'4+ is literally unhealthy, we consider this as desirable trait only because women are a meme gender and 97% of them want to be raped properly by their boyfriend.

Inb4 "incel", no, i just want real equality.
Inb4 "manlet", no, I'm 5'11 and consider tall in my country.

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Incel manlets like you need to be genocided
T. 6'4 sex-haver
You pathetic r9k fucks are shitting this board up with your unhealthy attitude towards women
>hurr durr whore roastie etc.
Kys, your defeatist nihilistic cringy attitude doesn't belong here and neither do you.

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ok virgin have sex

You're pathetic and probably brainlet. OP is talking about women preference not >tfw not gf. The fact that there's so little variance in women preference is worrying and the first thing to cause depression in a lot of men which by nature won't fit those requirements. Nobody want to compensate and women sexual preference is what need to be changed at the core.


Manlet incel can't compete and gets mogged by tall women. Take a look at any book featuring statistics and IQ and you'll see equality is the biggest meme of all between sexes and between races

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Extremely redpilled thread srsly

>you don't agree with me that's why your wrong
>there is little variance in female preference
Absolute bullshit, interact with females in real life, rather than exclusively jacking off to porn.
>men are getting depressed cuz of this
Your premise is already bs and it gets worse. This doesn't apply to all normal healthy well adjusted males who have sex.
>women don't want to have sex with me so they need to adjust there preferences to want to have sex with me.
>it's not me who's wrong it's everyone else !
Just fuck off. Don't even try to have sex, it won't fix your terminal stage mental cancer anymore.
Leave and stop shitting up this board with your patheticness, incel.

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I like getting mogged by tall women..

>the things I would let the brunette do to my manlet body

Are you really going to deny women vast sexual preference for submissiveness? This is one of the boldest claim one can make. How many women do your know that prefer short men over tall ones? Even online it's extremely hard to find. I can pull you 10 studies that show women OVERWHELMING preference for being the pray/preference for tall guys.

>it's not me who's wrong it's everyone else !

You're aware that i can spin the same argument against you yes? And i think changing the standards to be more equal is better than trying to fit the standards by luck.

You're a brainlet i wasn't wrong.

Based chad
Cringe virgin

Have sex

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Normie mentality. Just use magic word and suddenly every statement one made is irrelevant because you can't counter it by reasonable answer/already emotionally biased.

No wonder you're that ignorant.

t. has never seen a vagina in person

>and he (she?) continue

This is a bait right?

ya seethe virgin boy?
you can post your boring ass essays that no one reads all ya want but you're still a loser rofl

Piss off loser, no one cares about your self image issues and insecurity.

Gawd, I wish I was that little negro

t. brainlet volcel

Good bait op the cringe redditors are seething

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>I'm 5'11 and consider tall in my country.
you live in asia?
>then maybe manlets/average height will be more in fashion and heightism will be gone
then maybe incels will be more in fashion and inceltism will be gone

fucking spastic

You ruined Jow Forums

The discussion is about raw sexual attraction you seething faggot, Being an incel or even mentally challenged has no place here. Now give me argument against how society doesn't influence sexuality (fetishes are proved to not be a product of genetics, they're sexual preference in a way)/that women like manlets as much as guys like tall girls or gtfo.


>no condoms
>no contraceptive pills
>no abortions
>no welfare for single mothers
>no money after divorce
Here you go, i just fixed women.
They would be more likelly to marry a good partner in their youth and lead a healthy and productive lifestyle.
But nobody has the balls to do, what needs to be done.

No, they still will think they're compromising on their mate attractiveness and the guy will think he isn't enough, the idea of this thread is "how we can make women sexuality more distributed, or at least closer to men". It's possible but i don't think it's ever going to happen, the change will require massive shift in society.

Either increase women testosterone to make them hornier thus less picky and almost equally attracted to wide options or make a drastic change in society like OP suggested (too extreme imo) or genetic engineering (not sure if possible, we know almost nothing about why we attracted to certain things or if it require experience first).

>they still will think they're compromising on their mate attractiveness
So what?
The majority of marriages are a compromise already, they just settle down later after destroying their psychological ability to emotionally pair bond.
>how we can make women sexuality more distributed, or at least closer to men
The reality is that shaming never worked, women behaved differently in the past because they lived in the condition that i have described in the previous post.
I don't think there is any other way to fix the issue.

only way this will be achieved is if your count lets in a lot of muslims, muslims and incels will force government to enforce sharia

>hornier thus less picky
No they would just go after Chads even more and without any shame.

Possibly. The idea of increasing testosterone is making them as sexual as men and men proved they have really low standards. But women sexuality operate differently i guess (are they?).

List of women that deserve the rope:
> gym thots
> race mixers
> single mommies
> those that get kids past 33
> instawhores
> multiple partners before marriage

Missed anything?