I cheated on my practice gf today

I cheated on my practice gf today
feels nice to have options now that I am getting fit

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LOL same
Gotta get some good practice on the easy ones

>he's not having a fulfilling relation and have meaningless sex instead
You will grow up eventually

LMAO you low test cuckold

>bluepilled af

how can i be a cuck if i had sex with your mother

oke kids, go get you some herpes

because we all had sex with your unique fulfilling girlfriend

my gf is your mother you sicko

Dad get off Jow Forums ffs

If you’re a grown ass man you don’t cheat. You’re a pretty obvious underage faggot if you don’t value meaningful relationships more than casual sex, I hope your future wife fucks a BBC while you’re wageslaving at Burger King do you can understand how it feels for your gf. Kill yourself immediately

>p-put some faith into your women goy!
cuck. all women are disposable whores. I realized this when I am in my early twenties how fucking naive are you?

Unironically this. You're causing a cycle of pain just because you aren't disciplined. Pussy is pussy user you're just being an attention whore right now

Weak minded.


> my sample pool of 4 college sluts proves that all -I repeat- ALL women are whores.

Get off of theredpill subreddit and clean your room bucko. It's obvious that you either seek out the low tier ones, or that you cannot attract respectable women.

you are the weak minded one for compromising with women
>respectable women

Post body and we’ll see who’s respectable.

you first white knight

You gain only temporary joy from this.

user, you are right to think that investing a piece of yourself in a woman is a risk, a risk perhaps not worth the potential harm, but men are not except from the despair that sets in when they pass their prime without children.

You will have to take the risk of loving someone eventually, even if it's not now. Even if that person is not special. You need a mother for your children.

Unless of course renting artifical wombs becomes an option in the near future, in which case treat women like the subhumans ruined by revolutions many compromises to permit them to be mothers that they are.

>muh biological urgency
>muh need to be a father
god you sound like a faggot

I’m literally shaking with rage I will kill you bro no cap.

Once again, you prove to be a little hedonist piggy that uses "muh experience" to justify his defeatism.

If you had any self-respect you'd find a good woman and have kids, but you can't find good women because they only go for respectable men, something you are not.
I can tell this because of your attitude, you have a childish mindset and if you're well into your 20's, you'll never reproduce (meaning mature men win over you in the end as they get to pass on offspring).

Hope you enjoy being the one man in the entire history of your ancestral lineage to fail to reproduce.

Imagine being this much of a low test cuck that you don’t care if you are a dead end for your lineage. You should get your test checked user

there are no good women dude you are literally mentally ill to actually believe this
they are all parasitic and go for "respectable" men just like you said
also, Earth does not need yet another piece of shit human baby
something a redditor will parrot

This. Everybody else is talking out of their ass. This is the truth. And I'm saying this as someone who is the opposite example.

I'm occasionally cheating on my gf with 9+/10s, but I never get emotionally attracted to these girls, nor did I stay in touch afterwards. Only options where there is no way - if you yourself keep your mouth shut that is - anybody will know you cheated. However in the end I just get more attached and in love with my gf whenever I've done it, because I understand that in the end only she loves me unconditionally. We got together when I was broken for life and since then (it's been 3 years now) I've got 15kg more muscles, got a career path that makes me happy and I also stepped out of depression and picked up my hobbies again (I'm playing piano and chess for 10+ years). The times I've been cheating happened were conscious decisions. "I'll fuck the shit out of this random slut and then drop her like hot chilli cheese fries and then we'll part ways and nobody will ever now this happened".

damn you're trash, or your gf is a cuckette, or both

>future wife
I think you're missing the point, roastie

why is he trash?
he mentioned that she loves him unconditionally

> calls 3.5 billion people parasitic and disgusting
> has no qualms with being sexually intimate with them though
> ultimately rewards the behavior he scorns
> unable to see the problem

I agree on the last part, you shouldn't have kids if you're brown, just remove yourself from the gene pool forever.
White people should reproduce as much as possible though.

All I can surmise from your post is that you're either an incel who seethes over not getting pussy and wants to get back at women, or a redpiller from reddit with a delusional prophethood mentality.
Either way you have some growing up to do ;)

I cheated on my practice gf multiple times because she's a Christian who didn't want to have sex before marriage.

I am not sexually intimate with women lmao just getting my dick wet
>let me first announce that I advocate white supremacy to establish that I am a 4channer
>All I can surmise from your post is that you're either an incel who seethes over not getting pussy and wants to get back at women, or a redpiller from reddit with a delusional prophethood mentality
nice projection

Yes you ARE sexually intimate with them. That's literally the definition of sex.

> let me hyperbolize this guy's arguments so that I can attack them
Point proven, you're not in top shape today it seems.

>calls out women for not being respectable, whilst not only not being respectable himself, but actively encouraging/bragging about it
Clean your room faggot

> unconditionally

it's an anonymous board and I can brag about having sex anonymously without losing anything

You lost nothing but arguments today. Seems like you lost your self respect a little longer ago though


Either way you have some growing up to do ;)

OP is based as fuck trolling all these white knighting faggitors

Which point wasn't clear enough to you? The fact you're a hypocrite for ensuring the survival of a culture you supposedly loathe (but actively take part in), or that you're immature for claiming superiority over women when the actual opposite is true (ie good women avoid you).

Do you deny this? If so, I can simply quote your earlier posts to make you see! Just because you're anonymous doesn't mean you don't look dumb

> calls 3.5 billion people parasitic and disgusting
> has no qualms with being sexually intimate with them though
> ultimately rewards the behavior he scorns
> unable to see the problem
I didn't make the rules I just play the game

you are the immature one
you desperately want to win to the point yoy are strawmanning and putting words in my mouth
you are the hypocrite for hyperbolizing what I have been saying
a typical faggot projecting his insecurities
>Do you deny this? If so, I can simply quote your earlier posts to make you see!
do it. and don't fuck it up bitch.
lay it out coherently as possible

Im in a similar situation lads. There is a yummy 46 year old that im having an affair with at work. Im a 24 year old single man and i cant resist that little beauty. We havent fucked because she doesnt just want sex in my car. She wants to get a hotel to make passionate love. Today we sneaked a few kisses at work when alone. I know im doing something wrong but i havent felt the attention and affection from a woman like this in years like this.

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Sure, I will
> cuck. all women are disposable whores.
Means you have a toxic mentality about women. This on itself is already a problem, but to make it worse you use it to justify cheating, something that you claim makes them whores in the first place. (ironic)

I can go on and humiliate you further, but I'd like to see what you have to say to my post first.

> do it. and don't fuck it up bitch.
I understand you're upset, just try harder next time.

not OP but it takes two to cheat user

As long as she pays for the hotel it's fine

he's doing both

>yummy 46
mate you're fucking a prune

correction, kissing

>I can go on and humiliate you further, but I'd like to see what you have to say to my post first.
he got your panties in a twist bruh
OP prolly went to sleep

What do you mean with that brother?

Not in the slightest actually, just very eager to see how he'll reply. It's been entertaining so far!

She’s only doing it to prove to herself that she’s still got it. Are you a tool?

>toxic mentality
holy KEK you just outed yourself
>This on itself is already a problem
>but to make it worse you use it to justify cheating, something that you claim makes them whores in the first place.
all women are whores whether they cheat or not
how is this so hard to understand?

> all women are whores whether they cheat or not
how is this so hard to understand?

Also please refrain from not using arguments and say something substantial!

you tell me why they are not

>Women are hedonistic whores, they have no concept of fidelity
>LOL! I'm fucking this hot chick on the side, she's so hot bros.. my gf doesn't even know it! fuck her she's a bitch anyways!

This is the Jow Forums doublethink

Burden of proof is on you pal

dilate tranny

Posting this on r/thedonald fellow 4channer!

looks like the redpiller faggot left