Are any Jow Forumsizens in recovery? I'm recovering from alcohol and heroin addiction

Are any Jow Forumsizens in recovery? I'm recovering from alcohol and heroin addiction.

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drug addicts should just be executed, it would be better for society

if ever we get to that point then you can be sure you would be executed too, so careful what you wish for

How did you get into smack OP?

I am recovering from my PhD degree in CS. I still find it difficult to believe I submitted such an amazing thesis 1 week ago.

Almost 4 months alcohol free. Couldn't have done it without gym.

i was drinking in a park. i ran out of booze but the liquor store was closed.

so i approached a homeless guy and told him i'd buy him gear if he could get some for me. so we ended up smoking gear under a bridge together

nobody legitimately good in cs does a phd instead of getting a juicy high paying career out of undergrad or at most masters

started depression medication after almost 12 years of trying to figure out what else could be the cause of my depression and suicidal tendencies. turns out i just need meds.

that sounds romantic

Congrats man, stay strong. You're gonna make it.

So how are you feeling now?

Still (((recovering))) from bulimia

Recovering from meth , 6 months sober but I still dream about it every day

People who call for the executions of others should just be executed, it would be better for society

about the same more or less, only on week 2 now. won't notice significant changes fromw hat i've been told.

very lethargic, which hasn't changed since before meds either.

What are you on? Bupropion was amazing for my lethargy while it worked. SSRI's make me more chill but sleepy as fuck

Be strong brother. You are doing great

i never understood substance abuse just stop taking

Theres no recovering. Youre fucked for life lmao
Enjoy suffering until you end it

people start it from being in incredibly hard times in life and use the drugs to cope instead of suicide, after enough use the chemicals in your brain change to be used to it and it becomes part of your equilibrium. then bc that amount only makes you feel normal now you need even more to get the same high. by that point if you try to get off youll basically have a 'negative high' aka withdraw, and at a certain point with some drugs the withdraw can literally kill you. the drug is now essential for 'normal' function and youre now addicted

thats how i understand it from my very small amount of experience addictive drugs.

How do you feel, when you get the meth cravings? Is it a bit different with every drug?

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gl hf, hope ya find a way to be content without substances

How can a person be this dumb
Not trying to offend, I'm just finding it hard to believe that someone can be so absolutely retarded. I mean, how did you even manage to learn to read and write?

Yes I've been sober now for over a year. Main addiction was Klonopin and alcohol. Moreso the Klonopin, I've never had a problem with alcohol by itself. Together it's a very nasty combo but a great escape from the stresses of daily life... and the good parts of life too. Decided it was time to stop running and start living.

I been sober for more than 2 years. 12 step program worked for me.

Please redpill me on alcohol bros. I don't want to waste my time and money on this shit. All I need is a little push in the right direction with some heatlh/fitness info.

based Dutert

How old are you and what’s your history with alcohol? Ever try it, moderate drinker, raging alcoholic?

We need info before we can try and help

I fucking love sleeping on opiates

Alcohol is fun as fuck and has helped me get laid many times. Just don't be a retard and drink everyday

I mean you can become a professor with cs PhD. I have a cousin that's one

Diet coke addiction, been clean for a year

You're drinking because you're hurting, baby, but the hurt just ain't going to go away.

I'm like 2 years out from a heroin addiction, was drinking a lot in that time but i've gotten a gf lately and i don't even drink much any more

Legalize all drugs, BUT make any crime currently classified as a felony a capital offense if perpetuated while on drugs.

No need to waste resources on guys who can handle their shit.

I don’t drink often, but I tend to go way overboard when I do.

It’s easy to get carried.

Was honestly more responsible when I was drinking every weekend in college. Now it’s a “special occasion” and I make the most of it by getting blitzed. Drunk me is retarded.

Porn addiction. I think's the only way I could recover would be going cold turkey for a year innawoods or in a monastery or some shit, which actually sounds like a fun idea, but now that I have a job and a social life it seems out of question.
So everyday is like being addicted to heroin with a "inject heroin" button danging before my eyes.

that isn't true at all rofl

How much is too much?

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Same way. Back in the early 20s I’d be blasted drunk no hangovers able to go to work and school consistently. Now if I drink 1 beer I’m hungover the next day. However if I get smashed, the wife’s angry but I have no hangover the next day. Just got to deal with the nagging. Choose your battles

Recovering from porn

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My nigga?

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I'm recovering from my last workout, you worthless subhuman

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>Recovering from porn

Plz elaborate. How much did you jack off and to what kind off stuff? I jack off to vanilla stuff once or twice a week and don't really consider it an addiction.

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Hey user,

124 days clean from Heroin and Meth.
I attend meeting like I attend the gym: DAILY.

I’m working the steps too

Averaging 4 or 5 times a day, more if I had the free time with all kinds of cuck interracial sissy trannies degeneracy.
>Inb4 just occupy your time
It's not that simple, if I had stuff to do I'd just fap anyway and be late/miss it. Also it caused ED and gyno on me so that was another very real effect.
Now I'm on nofap and getting on arginine supplements hopefully I'll get it up this weekend.

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Like that’s gonna stop me from killing rectal administrating tar addicts.