It's out

It's out

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Who is this?
Give me a name.

I love this show

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [1080p]00_05_24_001.jpg (955x1079, 179K)



I'm a lolicon but I watch it for the bodybuilding content

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Is this achievable natty?

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Fuck, wrong pic.

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Based and lolipilled

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Nice bulk!

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Hazal Kaya


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I'm actually reading the last manga that author wrote. It's absolute fire. Putin isekai looks good too.

Go back to misc, grimes.

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Why is Hibiki so strong?

>Tfw sick

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Hibiki did weighted dips while being a canon chunkster. absolute unit

She is perma-bulking.

That bed is unnecessarily big. It would be a pain in the ass to get in and out of bed every day.

Silver Sparrow

Yeah but to be fair that's a lot of rich people shit- big and luxurious beyond comfort or practicality. People will build homes so large they need multiple kitchens so they don't have to trek so far. Or they'll start putting couches and fridges in their walk in closets because it's too far to the exit.

She does dips with chairs.

Seed you fuckers I want my kawaii wheyfus

Is Machio natty?

She works at a beef restaurant and has been bulking on steak her whole life

I was on board with the russian girl until she brought up that crossfit shit

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 06 [1080p]00_16_19_001.jpg (1920x1080, 406K)

Reminder that we have a thread on spee now.


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Based and child molestor-pilled

You both will hang when the ethnostate is implemented.

>tfw this russian anime character is based off this russian porn star

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>the ethnostate

dunno if you follow the news but that shit aint happenin champ

she's american though


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t. pedo cope

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does this anime give legit lessons on proper form and shit?

bench was pretty good squat was terrible

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Sometimes, but don't take it too seriously.

if you are a starter, as the anime is intended to, yes


Based President Petin

Konpaku Youmu

Are Hibiki and Zina going to be a couple?

That's Prime Minister Poutine, comrade.

I read the manga and Zina blackmails the teacher about her cosplay and they do it together.

Hibiki and Akemi fight over Machio’s love for different reasons

wew lad. Roughly what issue of the manga does that first thing happen in?

okay so I think I found Best Girl


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Wait til you see his sister.

Anyways, just do your best!

Next couple episodes

Oh and Idk around the 10s or 20s I guess, it’s a long-running character arc - they keep doing it over the series

brah you lied to me, all they do is walk around together and talk


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>You both will hang when the ethnostate is implemented.
Even Jow Forums understands this won't happen you giant cringe larping as a golden boy on an anonymous chat forum

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weak episode

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 06 [1080p] - 0002.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

Imagine getting mating pressed by machio hahaha

Imagine mating pressing Hibiki haha

Imagine anons actually laughing out loud when they post haha

Deadlift episode when?

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I can feel it lads

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Hibiki is leaving her humanity behind

This is a cartoon and therefore not a sentient being. It is unable to give consent to sexual or otherwise romantic relations. Furthermore, it is unable to feel such emotions associated with sexual acts, romanticism, and friendship. It is a lie; a character drawn with deceit. I'll explain:

Now, while the character has been drawn in an art style that can be described as "cute," we must remember that it was purposely drawn in such a way to evoke specific emotions from the onlooker, such as longing, warmth, sexual feelings, and a desire for companionship... at least on the surface.

The reality of this character, however, is much darker as one dives deeper into analysis. What this character really does is remind you of things. It reminds you of your desire for companionship. Your desire for a loving girlfriend. Your desire for physical contact. Your desire just to be touched in a way that makes you feel wanted. It reminds you that you have none of these things, and are left wanting. This drawing is preying on your fear.

Your fear of missing out and never obtaining a partner is one of the most powerful emotions one can experience: fear of being alone, forever. This character appears cute and harmless on the surface, but in reality, it represents your greatest fear, loneliness. It is a wolf in sheep's clothing, distributed among the population entrapping every onlooker who gazes for too long.

We must reject the anime menace, conquer our fears, and stay on the Straight and Narrow Path towards the light. Give careful thoughts to the paths of your feet, and be steadfast in all your ways. Look neither to the right nor the left, and keep your mind from evil.

tl;dr anime is cucking you

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Considering he disappears in clothes, yes.

>I'm a paedophile
>posts an ancient whore who got dicked for hundreds of years
>but at least she looks like a child
you people are sick

that's how you know he's natty

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I have a loving 3D girlfriend, flourishing career, good health, and several fulfilling hobbies, in addition to my waifu. Shut up nigger

Reactions like this are why anime shitposting is fun. Have you ever considered it's you that's taking it too seriously, rather than the viewer?

if the light is a woman with eyes on my pockets, then I'll gladly let the darkness consume me.

Finally. I've been waiting for him to show up/

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Ditto dude

Glad we're making it

I have a gf which provides me with plenty of physical contact and companionship. Now fuck off with your weak pasta

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Don't trust the animation too much because the animators may not have animated the proper form right.

The animators are not the writer after all

>None of the girls have hips or thighs, just femurs

Welcome to Japan.

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It's to accommodate the several black men she usually sleeps with desu senpai


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>I'm so satisfied with my life I have to seek validation from an anonymous laotian watercolor bulletin
Sure you are bud

>trying to talk sense to a bunch of weebs

that's a losing battle there bub

lotta fake girlfriends in this thread


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Well boys, looks like it's arm day today. Time for a solid home gym workout.


what did you unzip!


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>if the light is a woman with eyes on my pockets, then I'll gladly let the darkness consume me.

I should really watch Jojo at some point, just to get all the memes.

Please return to your home on the friendly side of the Internet where mods protect you from naughty words. I think you know the website I am referencing sir.

Btw, this is a cartoon about building muscles, it is not meant to inspire lust!

It's fun as fuck my dude I'd highly reccomend

First two parts are the best anime there has ever been. Everything after is weak shit, carried only by meme potential.

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I hope you cheated somehow and didn't actually spend thousands of dollars on a shitty gacha game, whatever that is.

This episode teaches you how to Kip when doing pull ups.

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you know you're fooling yourself

They do say that it won't do much for gains. At that point whether it does help coordination or not doesn't really matter, since you're not going to do them either way.

I love this aesthetic

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based and cuckpilled