>decline bench
>walk away and leave gym
Decline bench
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb frogposter
based frogposter
cringe and bluepilled
>pick up barbell
based and redpilled
>Still alive
Give it back, Tyrone.
>barbell row
>gently down the stream
>leg extension
>I'm still a manlet
if you see a dyelligator don't forget to scream LIGHTWEIGHT BABBBBBY
>Dumbbell curl
>Dumbbell is not a vector field and therefore has no curl
>begin squat
>don't stand back up
>4 plates
>still hungry
>do cleans
>clothes still dirty
>dumbbell curl
>actually a boy
>pull up in the gym
>car is wrecked
>stay alive
>lie down on bench
>fall asleep
>overhead press
>dont have a head
>pull ups
>can't put it back down
>chest flys
>firmly grounded
>dumbbell flys
>still in my hand
>pull up
>my crew ain't even here
bruh, what the fuck
>pick up qt at the gym
>get tackled
>pick up barbell
>ring it and tell the waiter what I want to drink
>I'm actually 25 years old
>gym selfie
>actually taking creep shots of qts
>it's not a bell and it doesn't seem dumb???
>calf raises
>I'm not a farmer
>trap shrugs
>I'll take that as a yes
>bench press
>it pushes back
>cable row
>get electrocuted
>do skull crushers.
>smack boomer over the head with a dumbell.
Know that feel
What about that feel?
skrrrrt, we here for you 69
>I actually pay the rent
It's simple.
People who hate frogposters are from /a/. People who like frogposters are newfags.
I simply don't give a shit about frogposters, so I don't give them power.
>do good mornings
>it's the afternoon
>still no gf
>chin up
>Don't feel any better
>run out of chips
you guys made my morning
theyre still funny even if ive seen it in previous threads like this stupid fuck
here, want another that's posted often?
>military press
>am a civilian
shut the fuck up
>im seated
>I'm on a cruise
>nah i’ll stay
>guy wants his squat plug back
>qt is looking at me via the mirror
>try really hard to not make eye contact via mirror
>am alive
>Dumbbell raises
>Don't have kids
>weighted dips
>military press
> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Best one I've seen in these threads so far
>Turkish get up
>wtf im German
How can one frog be so based
>dont even have a chin
Yeah haha xD
>not a slav
>Shit my pants
>reverse butterflies
>dont turn into larva
>inverted rows
>was already inverted
>run marathon
>greeks actually got btfo and I just ran away like a bitch
>monkey bars
>am not brazilian
>romanian deadlifts
>fucking gypsies got another one
>wtf im German
But anyone can be German nowadays :)
Based gentlemen
>preacher curls
>i'm atheist
Not really tho
"German" is a nationality
My DNA results would say otherwise.
due to years of inbreeding you can find some DNA similarities between people occupying the same space, sure
doesn't change the fact that "German" is objectively a nationality and not a race as your are subtlety claiming it to be
What’s the point of this liberal “race is a social construct” parroting?
Do you like being cucked by black cock? Is this how you justify it?
>Take the free weights home
>get arrested
Not being subtle at all. There are distinct racial differences between frogs, krauts, bongs, snow niggers, etc. Just like there are distinct racial differences between Ethiopians and Nigerians. The gaps between the former groups and the latter groups are even larger.
not an argument
>distinct racial differences
i already admitted that in my previous post
distinct != significant
anything else?
Distinct is significant, otherwise it wouldn't be distinct. Go look at the visible light spectrum. There is a ton of overlap and the borders are fuzzy, but yellow is definitely not red.
in this context no, it's not significant. you share ~50% of your dna with a banana. are you "half-banana", faggot?
you're using the same old tired "arguments" to try and find distinctions between races to uphold your bigotry and racist views
again, "German" isn't a race. thanks for playing
>you share ~50% of your dna with a banana. are you "half-banana", faggot?
And you're 99% similar to a chimp. Are you just stupid, pretending or simply never studied genetic variation?
>And you're 99% similar to a chimp
you're proving my argument
why do you get to decide when and where these differences are "significant"? have you ever thought about that?
>why do you get to decide when and where these differences are "significant"?
Why do you?
>no u
Yeah maybe, but it's arguably what both of us are doing. At least my take is based on some cohesiveness. Whites can act in accordance with other whites with very little friction. Same goes with other races. Put the two together and you have tensions and disparities of outcomes due to differences. Blaming theses differences on one group or another is a complete cop out and rejection of natural science. The fact of the matter is groups have similar behavior that are complete different from other groups which causes conflict. You can force it (and we have), but the end result every time is conflict.
Typically people who reject this kind of stuff look for answers in class and suggest more market intervention. Of course not realizing the system is already communist.
Open borders for Israel, kike
>Of course not realizing the system is already communist.
>just ignore the rest of what I said
If a group owns the entire means of trade and by extension production then the entire economy is command and control, not free market in the slightest. Marx covered this. Sure it's not a dictatorship of the proletariat, but that's never existed (and never will) anyway. It's always just been a dictatorship of the party. Every time without exception.
I didn't ignore your rant about differences in chicken cooking methods causing race wars.
Nice strawman. You're obviously very IQ, so I'm just going to stop wasting my time.
>paying a gym to be able to squat when you can just stop paying rent
It's not a strawman. It's an appeal to ridicule. Don't be so stupid next time.
>good mornings
>I woke up at 1 PM today
You misrepresented my argument and attacked the misrepresentation, it's a strawman as well. At any rate, your ability to argue is severely limited. Last (You).
Your argument is that differences in race causes conflict. I didn't change that. I took it to the absurd point of a race war over fried vs grilled chicken. That is appeal to ridicule and isn't a strawman. By definition.
It's okay to admit that you fucked up your logical fallacy call-out. No need for conflict. We're both white here.. right?.