This is what a full natty with great genetics ACTUALLY looks like

>this is what a full natty with great genetics ACTUALLY looks like

whats even the point... wahts the point of it all...

Attached: scotty.png (438x496, 479K)

So? The dude looks good.

Stop being such a size queen, fag.

don't forget he is a manlet.
men with proper height is even worst

load da baa

he’s looked better before. like way better. i forgot where but he said he was perfectly fine with this body so as of now he’s just maintaining, meaning he’s not at his natty limit

Scott isn't looking to gain much more muscle beyond that. A better example of the 'natty limit' would be AlphaDestiny who looks wayyyyy bigger than Scott and even most junkies.

Attached: IMG_2271.jpg (750x749, 97K)

He's fucking 5 feet. he doesn't look bigger than anybody

>comparing 5'10 scott herman with 5'5 alphadestiny
turn your brain on

*5'6.5", actually. Trying to downplay his height does you no favors, he's bigger than either of you in real life, undoubtedly.

Attached: AlphaDestiny40.jpg (640x640, 43K)

No it isn't. Go look at a natty bodybuilding show and you'll see people maxed out with good genetics.

Hi Alex

>when you put a decimal number in the inches
kek, give it a rest alex

How much does he weigh?

Don't even waste your time trying to pull le ebig bisnaga troll, you'll gain nothing from this.

The biggest cancer in fitness, bigger than roiders, are natural manlets who think they're experts when in reality their limbs are so small that picking up a pan in the kitchen adds an inch to their biceps.


Alex, pls go.

He's floating around low 170 to high 160, currently.

You are completely retarded.

Attached: AlphaDestiny112.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Lmao I'm 170lb and twinkmode. Doing a small bulk to ottermode.

he's in his mid thirties

If you think this is peak natty you have never lifted. However you probably just started training and want to look like Tom Platz in 3 months. Piss off

alphadestiny looks incredible now and is strong as fuck for a natty but he's a true manlet. it's hard for me to look at his physique as something achievable when i'm 6-7 inches taller

I lift for over 4 years in a gym that pretty much only has natties. I guarantee you are delusional, not as muscular as Scott, probably chubby and have an overblown view of how "big" you are.

I like Scott but he hardly has great genetics. He has narrow clavicles and an average ribcage and bone size

I'm not even close to hitting the "Natty Limit" and I dont have and overblown view of how big I Am. There are natties way bigger than Scott or me at the gym.

Attached: 20190730_060019.jpg (2097x2505, 2.41M)

That was a decent cope, however, just by tracing the head (the top of which is visible in the upper parts there you forgot to paint over) you can get a clearer idea of how narrow your frame actually is, smaller than Scott's actually. You'd probably not even look like you lift in a shirt.

Like I said, overblown.

Attached: cope.jpg (2097x2505, 2.34M)

You are thinking too much into extremes.

He might not be peak muscle, but Scott is close to peak fitness.

He already got his oneitis. Mission accomplished. He doesn't need to get big to impress roasties anymore.

Attached: scott020811-1.jpg (519x600, 52K)

You're definately retarded

t. 5'5 dyel virgins

This is a guy who competes in a tested, natural bodybuilding contest.
Do you honestly think he is 100% natty?

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>old woman who has a 16 years old kid..

It is heartbreaking that you will most likely never see the beautiful irony in that sentence.

Learnt to trace imbecile. Your outline is too spaced out his head isn't that big.

I have no doubt that he's taking at least low doses of test.
The dude's known for frauding everything like his height (lying about his height + using lifts), his beard (minoxidil), fake deep voice and the alpha pussy game stuff (cool glass of lemonade pasta).

Both his chin and the top of his head are visible in the picture you imbecile. Get off your phone or learn to zoom in. I didn't even include the headphones with are also visible.

Good natty body desu, mirin'.


Please just stop

Yes, and your outlining is way off. Admit it, you've been unequivocally BTFO and are now trying to save face and being extremely catty and you won't even post your dyel body.

Attached: guides.jpg (899x870, 96K)

Here you go Bud. Your outline of my head size is way off

Attached: 20190807_120341.jpg (1765x2825, 2.38M)

Is she rich? She has a channel where she shows off all these designer bags and whatnot. She's allegedly a chemist. If she's divorced, she probably got a big chunk from her previous cuck.

Thanks bro

You're retarded if both A) you think anyone would put effort into actually having this dumb of an argument on the internet, to the point where I would carefully and mathematically trace his head to prove a point that is easily understood anyway or B) you are at all impressed with pictures taken in the gym with flattering light and a pump, which would probably tell me you've never lifted yourself. I've had women think I'm a literal fitness God off of pictures, but real life tends to be very different from that.

It's not a bad body, but it's also not special, and you're delusional if you think you're "just starting" and are gonna get hundreds of times bigger than that as a natty. To go


And the be smaller than him is just embarrassing really, which does prove my initial point.

This has to be bait. You can literally see your shitty outline going over the tips of hair, or even just nothing at all.

He looks better than 99.9 percent of men and every man who lifts can tell he's natty. He's made it. If you want to be a fraud it's pretty obvious to anyone who lifts.

First of all I never claimed I was bigger than anyone. Re read my post. 2nd I said there are many natties bigger than both me and Scott. Which is true. There's always room to grow. You said you've been lifting for 4 years. That's not enough keep going

>projecting your body dysmorphia onto other people
Just because you have terrible body image issues doesn't mean everyone else does.

Attached: image.jpg (650x399, 22K)

> I would carefully and mathematically trace his head to prove a point that is easily understood

You already tried and you failed. You suck at math and lifting.

Post body. That's right. You won't.

Nothing else to add. Stay mad, fag.

That's debatable and very dependent on how you're judging it. Someone else already said it in this thread, but many "natties" which are TESTED and compete in pro shows are actually on gear, and people believe them, which helps create more delusion. It's also pointless to judge fitness personalities off of pictures, because in this one, for example, Scott looks insane. But try looking like natural, in the morning, after waking up flat.

In terms of creating a physique that is both attainable and that is possible to maintain for the rest of your life Scott is, actually, close to peak fitness. If anyone is under the impression that they're gonna get 10x huger than him only lifting and eating well it ain't gonna be pretty.

Attached: Interview-with-Scott-Herman.jpg (500x708, 75K)



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If he passes all tests and claims it, sure. Why not?

You dickheads would accuse Andre the Giant of being on gear to help cope with ur shitty genetics.

Attached: 516803721_b481a299f4_o1.jpg (299x428, 35K)

>t. 65 IQ

theres a difference between lifetime natty and natty now

You have a terrible notion of size and proportions.

Attached: kek.jpg (1402x1063, 269K)

looking good desu

Passing drug tests doesn't mean you're natural. It just means you can pass tests.

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>Andre the Giant

He had a growing disorder you colossal retard. His genes were shitty as fuck.

You really wanna compare pumped pictures taken in the gym vs. a picture clearly taken at home? Show me one where you look better than this.

Like I said, not a bad body, and he seems to have good triceps genetics, but if you or anyone else thinks it's easy to beat Scott, just do this: lift for the next 10 years, absolutely natural, and then see how close to Arnold you got by the end of it.

Attached: 66449916_376341366414101_6099858834212768068_n.jpg (320x320, 24K)

If you really want to draw a comparison with you need to post a selfie, moron.

And that's a gym pic on the left. He's getting a check up right after his training.

You are dense.

He looks great generally though and almost every person and a lot of women would see him as fit and hot.
Also if you're only lifting for appearance then that's pretty sad, and may as well just steroid up if that's all you want

I apologize but I'm not actually stupid enough to post a picture of mine, much less of my face, on Jow Forums. You can absolutely continue to whine and take some sense of "victory" out of this to try and mask the fact that you have no arguments, though. That's fine.

that's really all you need more than that and you look weird

how is he a role model if he gets mogged by an average American female by height, weight, size

>I apologize but I'm not actually stupid enough to post a picture of mine, much less of my face, on Jow Forums.

I didn't ask you to post YOUR selfie, you massive idiot. You must post a selfie of Scott if you want to do a fair comparison with Learn to read.

Idk I’m fully natty with moderate-high tier genetics. I feel like I look better than op’s pic.

That being said I might look like shit and just have a bias. But I know natties with waaaaayyyy better physiques than this dude.

Manlet though, 5’8. So it cancels out the ‘mid-high tier’ bone structure.
Pick your poison.

Attached: 916507F8-E4F6-4E2B-AB43-15AC776F20D8.jpg (4032x3024, 1.88M)

Sorry, last pic had poverty angles. Forgive the glasses though, I have new ones.

Attached: 8027B0B2-8D66-4A00-9E11-01F4D2E45DD2.jpg (814x814, 110K)

>you need to post a selfie, moron

Ah, the classic troglodyte dilemma. Cannot write properly but then gets frustrated when civilized people don't understand him. In this one Scott is leaving the gym, also pumped. It's also not a selfie and taken from a bit far, so there's no chance of distortion or angles.

My argument stands and is irrefutable: You are DELUSIONAL if you think this is just the beginning for a natty, or that natties can get thousands of times bigger than his. Absolutely delusional and you cannot refute this.

Attached: cZl1Oowz.jpg (664x374, 58K)

You look good, like a creepier David Laid. I would try to grow the arms a bit more.

Liftgardium leviosa

damn scotty looking big in this. not sure if natty here

Did someone take this photo while standing in a six foot hole?

You also have terrible notion of perspective.

Argument refuted, but keep posting pictures with completely different angles and perspectives. Scott is not bigger than

Attached: mysides.jpg (664x374, 97K)

I'm at a loss. I believe you are trying to be dumb and misinterpret things at this point. Perhaps you would be more pleased just to ask that dude for his number and blow him off already.

>I'm at a loss.
You've been since your first post. You don't have the range for this debate.


in reality he's 5'3 but even if he was 5'6 thats still embarrassing


Legitimately hysterical.

You did not even understand the argument at all. Not once did you touch on it, or reply to it, even after I explicitly stated it. Every post is an attempt to highlight how much you liked that dude's body and nothing more.

Just come out, man.

No he is not.

There's a sucker born every minute. The fitness industry lives on people like you.

I think you are jealous of Erica and wants to steal Scotty from her. "She" looks like a man, so you might have a shot.

Scott may not be bigger.
But he has lower bfp for sure. Which matters in the discussion of ‘natty limits’ given one of the problems natties face is maintaining shredz. Let’s face it, big muscles don’t look as aesthetic as the same sized muscles with less bodyfat.

Not that they look bad, klokov is a good example of higher bfp looking clean. They just might not look quite as good.

The problem is not that the BPF of Scott or that poster, it's your intellectual dishonesty in resorting to angles and other trickery to convey a point that doesn't exist. By samefagging this hard, your desperation is showing.

>doesn't know what to say
>I'll just repeat what the other guy said back

It's getting sad at this point. How are you going to smugly justify the fact that more people are now coming out and calling you wrong and your desperation is showing?

>calling me out

Nope. lol You've been obliterated ITT.

Now it's gotten truly pathetic.

Attached: samefag.png (782x598, 30K)

Dude, I’m not the same guy.

How about screenshooting the entire thread? Yea you won't because you need to hide your samefagging.


Why you do this to yourself user, I was on your side and just wanted to contribute

Attached: E5E16E0A-030B-487E-B26D-F3152B20A8EA.jpg (4032x3024, 1.89M)

You got the point, the fag wanted to prove Scott is bigger, and failed. He's intellectually dishonest, a disingenuous little rat in his comparisons.

Don't worry, he'll turn around now and become gay for you too, then go on about how much bigger and stronger you are compared to Scott. Consider exchanging e-mails if you're into that, it saves the thread from getting endlessly shitposted.

>shaving your chest
Lol fags

Attached: 538.gif (290x260, 1.65M)

He's bigger tho. You get extremely upset when someone points out the man of your wet dreams is smaller than others.

Attached: scottherman2.jpg (354x520, 85K)

>people started rightfully calling me gay
>I'll call THEM gay instead to deflect from my criticism!

You really are a genius.

Stick to the topic instead of sidetracking it by calling people gay then. You like to play with fire, but don't like to get burned? Let's go back to where it all came tumbling down for you Laughable. It's ok to be embarrassed.

I am not that guy you moron. I am another dude who thinks you are gay. You literally searched for a naked man and saved the picture to post it here.

>inb4 samefag paranoia again

>I am not that guy you moron

Attached: You+just+made+me+laugh+like+a+madman+in+a+_4e49021057fe4d9a1195d9b0b95db398.jpg (413x395, 115K)

fourth guy here reading everything and I think youre a fucking retard. worst type of poster who cannot admit he is wrong and starts calling ppl samefag when they back him up lul

5th guy here and I think you and the other dude with poor paint skills in love with Scott are retards

Looks way better than the typical roidmonkey


That's what average genetics with a poor diet and meh gym discipline looks like.

Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of your son's severed penis rattling around in my mouth.