Meal Plan

How come so little is discussed about meal plans on here ? In other bodybuilding related forums I sometimes go to it is a huge topic with people autistically planning out every detail they eat alongside the timing - yet on Jow Forums I rarely see it discussed apart from "should I eat x or is it bad" threads.
I have been wondering recently since I worked out for 4-5 years now if the way I eat is holding me back. Now I try to eat healthy unprocessed food as much as I can but I dont have an autistic meal plan like a lot of bodybuilding people have. So does it actually have any benefit as a natty ? Or is getting 1g of protein per 1kg body weight enough alongside trying to eat healthy food all around ?

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Are you gay by any chance?

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong thread here my dude.

>How come so little is discussed about meal plans on here

Because we aren't bodybuilders. Most of us are average guys just trying to make it so we fuck up and eat Dominos once a week but we're really trying with stronglifts and some cardio once in awhile.

Tbh this = actual bodybuilding people

Fit = anonymous people who generally look ok (only people who post body count) and don’t pay that much attention to one of either routine or diet

We haven't had serious bodybuilders on here since 2013 with Scooby, Jeff, and Zyzz (rip)

Based desu this poster.

Fit isn’t a board for bodybuilders so much as it has a population of bodybuilding enthusiasts. Other populations include recreational lifters, amateur athletes, calisthenics practitioners and ngmi fatbody shitposters

this is me

-Are you working out hard and adhering to the principles of progressive overload?
-Are you giving adequate attention to your recovery?
-Are you hitting your macros?
-Are you getting the amount of sleep you need?
-Are you getting enough servings of fruit and veggies?
-Do you have any medical conditions or deficiencies that may be interfering with your training in any way?

If you're missing any of these, there's far greater benefit to fixing them than worrying about meal timings, carb manipulation, excessive supplementation, etc., and frankly most people here aren't anywhere this solid in their routine.

Fitness is 80% diet

People probably don't bother asking about food because it's so damn easy to find whatever you need in the sticky and online in general that you don't need to ask.

that shit looks so cucked lmfao

meal planning is fucking dumb
don't eat garbage and hit your macros, if your fridge isn't full of stupid garbage you don't need to meal plan anything. if you somehow eat less than 150g of protein in a day, eat some cottage cheese or whey at the end of your day

>im bulking
eat more oats
>im cutting
eat more salmon and nuts
it's that easy

Post body

>Fitness is 80% diet

No it isn't.
It's 80% finding a routine and doing it without missing any days.

have sex

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fucking why


i eat oats even when on a cut

half a handful of nuts keeps your fat levels in check, hits a bunch of micros, and keeps your tendons from getting fucked up. i didn't say chow down on a cup of peanuts every morning

Just use myfitnesspal to track what you eat on the go

>the way I eat is holding me back
The only thing about your diet you should concern yourself about is how much protein and calories you're stuffing down your throat, everything else is pubmed grad student masturbation or advertising for books/youtube channels.
Losing weight is 90% diet. Getting j00cy is 90% gym and dedication ( and 10% roids if you're a real bodybuilder). Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.

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Baste and beginnerpilles

Learn to not enjoy food. Your meal prep should be the same boring slop, day in and day out. Not that you CAN'T make it tasty by mixing things up, but if you're the average person eating the Standard Western Diet, your relationship with food is one of constant indulgence.

It should only be chicken breast, tuna, a white fish with veggies, brown rice, quinoa, white or sweet potatoes. Do this for a month straight like an autist and you'll change your relationship with food completely.

>Based and redpilled old schooler
Mentzer used to have a big slice of carrot cake and a coffee for breakfast while cutting, protein and calories are the only thing that really matter for diet

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Based! Top kek my friend too kek indeed.

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>Mentzer used to have a big slice of carrot cake and a coffee for breakfast while cutting

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everyone here is a fat powerlifter is why

Because Jow Forums has no discipline

No one actually lifts here.

It fucking sucks to eat the same meal 3+ Days straight

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Sry im retarded i just saw the picture

>sitting in gym and actually taking a selfie
>taking a selfie in the FUCKING GYM
>puffing up chest
>14 inch arms
>posting about bulking like you know anything

My turn!

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I'm not a competing bodybuilder just a normal man with a full time job and other commitments. I eat clean with the odd cheat meal every 2 weeks or so to prevent me going insane. No need for this autistic meal planning and counting shit. I roughly get my protein in each day and try not to eat processed foods. Work out 3/4 times a week. Works for me and I don't have to obsess over shit.

post body

Sounds smart but I don't want to eat old food, or the same food every day.

only women and losers do this shit, fuck off cunt
do something productive in your life

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Do you know where u are? /fit
Alot of people i know cant eat the same thing every day they get tired of it, so they dont realy meal plan they just do as u do and eat healthy thats good. I am an autist as u know so i set a goal (bulk/maintain/cut) read articles by certified nutritionist, talk to actual nutritionist(got healthcare) plan shit out to a tee eat the same shit every day the same routine. My routine my scheduel is my safe zone.

Post body

Scooby posted on Jow Forums?

with dudes lmao

meal prep is so fucking efficient. i bake a family pack of chicken once or twice a week - in 1 hr it's enough for several days. i just keep it all in one container not a million little ones but its a good way to have healthy food on hand always

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I'm fully willing to do meal prep once I've figured out what foods I can eat

But half of Jow Forums is telling me to go carnivore and the other half is telling me to go vegan so I can't decide
