Are tattoos the ultimate form of cuckery? You are literally letting another man put his mark on your body for the rest of your life. imagine doing that
Are tattoos the ultimate form of cuckery...
idk about that but tattoos are unironically the most unnattractive shit ever and i'm extremely grateful i didn't fall for the tat meme what with how normal it is to get those infernal markings now
>another man
>not getting a tattoo from a chick you're fucking
The fuck's wrong with you, mate?
its peak group think. you see a tattoo, think wow thats cool, maybe if I get that, people will think I'm cool.
any kind of tattoo is giant signal that screams "i make poor decisions in all aspects of my life". there are literally zero exceptions to this rule
No no you don't. And it's obvious based on the fact that you think this is how tattooed people think, that you don't have one
These anons aren't wrong
I'm guessing you don't make a lot of money
They are both wrong. The equivalent of roastie cope takes
t. Fell for the tattoo meme
Post your shitty tats with timestamp fag
t. Fell for the gonna talk about things I know nothing about meme
I don't see the meme. You just pick what you like
I've always wanted to but mine are somewhat different and I don't really wanna be recognized by friends I know who browse here. I've been wanting to post in cbt also since I finally got to a respectable physique but been unsure because of the tats
Imagine being this assblasted over something as harmless and irrelevant to oneself as tattoos.
I know, this entire thread is cringe
t. Fell for the tattoo meme
Welcome to 2019 Jow Forums. Blame Jow Forums and Jow Forums for that
>mine are somewhat different
This is what everyone with a tattoo says
It's an idiot thing to do, and usually, like all idiot trends, it's done by poor people without degrees who make shit money. Not always mind you, but if you graphed it on a bell curved, you'd find more tattooed baristas and menial workers than you'd find professors, doctors, and people with high ranking positions.
If you're young and from a decent family, don't get tattooed. The only reason you want it is because you're young, want pussy, and think getting inked up will get you more attention. It won't, it's a shitty trend and you'll regret it in less than 5 years, and end up forking over cash for laser treatments.
TL;DR Don't get inked like a moron with a highschool diploma.
yes and no. a lot of people have similar things or different versions of the same thing like roses, crosses, anchors, quotes, pintrest girl shit, etc.. some people have one of a kind tattoos for better or for worse.
I have tattoos and like them. If you dont have tattoos and you dont like them that's cool too :)
What does the bible say about tattoos?
It says Jews are not supposed to have them.
Good thing I'm not a jew then.