This is the endgame of looksmaxxxing

This is the endgame of looksmaxxxing.

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>literally castrating yourself
>literally castrating yourself before trying minox and nizoral

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It's clearly a troll you dumbass

mirin his dedication. Hope he found some small measure of peace.

what sites this from

holy fuck, glad this freak darwin'd himself

"Cutting off your nose to spite your face" has evolved into "Cutting off your dick to spite your hairline".

imagine googling his username

Not that different from the poor saps who use finasteride and end up limp for life. poor bastards

this made me feel woozy

>a bald tranny
jesus christ

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Impressive. In a twisted kind of way.

Clearly shitty parents. Going bald has no major impact in your life and he seemed really troubled about it. Teenagers have not experienced hardship so parents need to step up and make them realize that minor shit like breaking up or going bald is not the end of the world. They failed this poor kid.

oh god, that can't be real

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You know if not him someone did this

Lots of guys "hairmaxing" take straight up MtF test blockers and/or inject themselves with estrogen...

anyone who uses incel tems like looksmaxxing and shit should be put down. yuck keep that pathetic shit outta here

Actually looksmaxxers already know how to deal with hair loss
hell, did you know brown rice helps to combat it too? There's all sorts of shit you can stack with the usual minox/dermaroll shit.
The OP guy is fucked because it's still genetics

Go fuck yourself if you think improving your looks is a bad thing, stupid fuck.
>Going bald has no major impact in your life
it does but it's not something you try to deal with by going full eunuch, don't cope asshole, hair is life.

I mean clearly he's genetically fucked, every man in his family went bald, he should have seen the writing on the wall instead of going full retard with these copecel measures. Just fucking lol

Self improvement is fine - its the use of incel language that's pathetic. There's no hope for incels and people who use their language will also never make it.

I only use those terms ironically cause it's fucking stupid. But I agree brother. (b)

Major cope, the term cope got popularized by PSL forums too, I love throwing it around because it gets me Yous.

looksmax is from PUA you stupid newfag


That's just incels who haven't accepted it yet.

>Tfw in the secret discord with this guy
He's based as fuck and you're clearly just coping, baldcel.

>there are men who would castrate themselves instead of just shaving their heads
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? It's just fucking hair. It doesn't really matter for a man and I say this as a guy with over 2' long hair.

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COPE. your face is EVERYTHING.

I would be more afraid of losing a single tooth. Couldnt care less about my hair. I had every single haircut there is (ranging from Michael bolton's cape of hair to fluorescent green spikes a'la Prodigy), buzzcut is the answer.

t. Every 17 year old before the Norwood reaper arrives

I am 27 and have been buzzcutting for the past 5. The only difference I noticed in women is that they get visibly intimidated. I remember going out with a girl from my uni and she told me, that she is surprised I didnt turn out to be thug, because I always looked intimidating to her and other girls. If you have a twink face, then yeah, baldness will kill your game, but if have a masculine face like Willis or Statham you will be alright.

That dude will kill himself in 5-10 years at best

Fuck watching that made me uncomfortable as fuck

>have thicker hair than most women

based retard

>It's j-just hair bros!

The mental gymnastics loserheads go through is insane. Give me the worst HAAS whales and I guarantee you I can find a more delusional and desperate baldie doing everything in his power to not accept the facts about closing the door permanently to prime young White pussy.

The most common phrase a baldcel says?

>man, my new gf's kids are so cute, don't you agree?

brutal pill

how'd they develop this anyway, that's a lot of ingenuity