Do people say hello to you when you work out?

Do people say hello to you when you work out?

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I don't understand the whole "local gym bros" or whatever the fuck.

Usually when I work out, its mostly the same group of people, and some of them talk to each other but at the end of the day I'm not there to make friends, I'm there to lift heavy shit.

Shit, sometimes I notice they chat for like 30 mins and doesn't lift anything, then maybe lifts for 10 mins and leaves.

Am I wrong for not trying to chat with them?

they say sieg heil xD

Not at all
I mean hell you're probably missing out on a possible gf/meeting someone through mutuals
But it's not your fault for not finding people interesting
Keep in mind people go to the gym to evelate their social status and so do you, but simply to a lesser degree

also Hitler was a massive faggot
post based unabomber edits instead

Depends if you're gymcelling or not. I chat with the regulars to train small talk as well.

yeah, the gym I go to is really small so you have to greet everyone before you start working out. I kinda like it desu, helps with social gains

Yeah, the big guys who are there most days greet me.
Felt good the first time the biggest guy there waved at me from the other side of the gym when he left.
Felt like I was part of the "gang".

>train small talk
Spoken like a true autist

I talk to no one mostly since I'm a turbo autist

i tlak to hurr durr since im a durr hurr

shut up retard

Used words/phrases at the gym:
Hi - to the receptionist on entering the gym
Bye - to the receptionist on leaving the gym
Cool - as a response to someone who tells you to keep the weights on the barbell once you're done

How many sets left? - to someone if you want to make use of their equipment

some people in the gym called me Rambo, don't know why
started doing calisthenics in the nearby park no long after that, more space, less people, even if they are there is more normal (guys training, little kids playing around, elderly people having a walk) a not some autistic phone staring/making circles around your bench like some kind of a hamster

yooooo rambo wass6p lol it's me tim

Do people actually greet you when you start working out? I've been training for like 5 years and I can count on one hand how many times I've been approached by another lifter. Not counting the women at the front desk greeting everyone.

Yeah. In my gym, pretty much no one used to talk to me. Then I started waving bye and hello to the people who responded. Then it evolved into small talk, and now regular talking.
However, don't let yourself be fooled. You should only socialize when switching between two muscle groups (e.g. legs/shoulders), as to not harm your gains.

Yes you are , fucking incel keep posting on here and thinking you’re superior you damn incellic superior complex man boy!

I didn't for a long time and I'm usually pretty turbo autist and intense but then one day this guy was like hey you can work in with me if you want and now I talk to people (the girls get closer so I can sniff out their protein farts when they drop em)

Yes because I'm in France

>also Hitler was a massive faggot

No u

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checked and truthpilled

quints of truth

based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based based

some old nigger always tries to talk to me about HOW MUCH HE USED TO BENCH, shit like that.

I don't mind, he's trying to be friendly.


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quints don't lie

No I leave the endless talking for when I have my dick out in the locker room

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