How bad is my back rounding on the 205lbs set here? 250 is my new 5rep max, but I feel like my back angle isnt great...

How bad is my back rounding on the 205lbs set here? 250 is my new 5rep max, but I feel like my back angle isnt great. Will this cause injury if I keep climbing in weight? I was gonna go for 215 on monday, but dont want to put my back at a higher injury risk. Any advice is appreciated.

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rounding wasnt really an issue other than the very last rep, even then wasnt hat bad. it looked like the bar was a bit too far out infront of you tho

yo should also think about buying a belt

You're going to round on your maxes no matter what. You look fine. If you don't like rounding then just drop the bar the second you start doing them and only max out "non rounded"
incorporate pendley rows and hanging leg raises to focus on your stabilizing muscles.

Thank you for the advice. But wouldnt a belt take away my core from the lift for the most part? Like wouldnt I not gain much core strength, like straps take away grip strength a bit?
Thanks for the advice

Agreeing with this user here, and I'd say your first 3 reps were pretty much textbook. Keep it up, user.

no, infact you get more core activation WITH a belt than without. the idea of belts causing a weak core is a myth

Not that user, but belts do NOT eliminate core. It gives you something to brace against, which gives stability and helps you remember to keep bracing, which is how you keep your core activated throughout the entire lift.

The rounding is minimal here it's a normal amount when you near your max. What you want to avoid is FOLDING or collapsing of the back and still trying to drag the weight up when your back or core has gone. You are not that here at all and are fine.

Strengthen core and work on heavy rows to help prevent that back fold also use sump deadlifts now and then to strengthen weakpoints and help your lock out get stronger it carries over really well to conventional.

I would be more concerned with how you lower the bar after each rep, seems like you're exerting yourself much more on the eccentric movement of the lift.

I actually dont do any barbell rows at all, so implementing those could help be gain some more core stability / strength? Do I do those on a day I dont deadlift or on the same day you think? I've been following SS and it isnt in the program

Dis be de truth.

Used to think I'd get a stronger core only using belts for max and once I just started wearing my belt for all my sets my technique got better got better at bracing and got stronger. I do
Do beltless on accessory lifts like rdls or just have a beltless day every 3 weeks but mostly use a belt.

Great work, lad. Why not drop the bar, though?

How long have you been lifting? I only started doing DL's about a month ago and I'm already doing 220lb+ for reps, 205 seems quite low no?

I'd guess do them after bench press twice a week but not on deadlift day. There's that many versions of starting strength so in guessing but what's your routine look like?

Not OP but at a guess when people first start doing deadlifts they have alot of form fears and back fears and weird technique phobias that stop them hitting heavy numbers on deadlift. I'm a PT and I've trained people who swear there max is 80kg and I'll have them hitting over 100kg for reps in 1 or 2 sessions.

Been working on form because I am fearful of hurting my back. I already have lumbar facet syndrome which makes things more difficult as it is.

Don't just tense your abs, my dude. Push them outwards while breathing in and squeeze your ass when pulling upwards.

The hardest part is clearing the weight off the ground.

Your ass and hips needs to be lower, they're too high in the starting position imo. Other than that you look fine.

Mark Rippetoe always says the hips need to be high for the lift, that is where the que came from in my mind

Just the one on here.

Rule of thumb, if your form is bad, your lower back is going to tell you for sure. I feel it right away when my form is shit.

>not the OP

Took me a year to get over 260lbs... my ham strings were spaghetti from sitting in a chair all day.

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Cool man!

t. dyel

His hips position is fine.

bar is too far in front
pull the slack out by leaning back

Don't listen to these faggots OP. Don't use a belt until you hit a plateu you cannot overcome.

I'm 29 and started doing it with dumbells. Honestly not that bad.

I hope that's in kilos

Looks good but work on your bar path a bit more, don't go around your knees especially on the way down. Hinge until it's past your knees, then bend them after. Might need to work on flexibility.

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Not bad, that's just what a grinder looks like. Nice set fren

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Why come here just to troll? belts are fine

sauce on that pic?

i think a lot of people mistake the muscular lumbar pain for them having fucked something up in their spine. i know that was the case for me when i first started lifting. completely put me off doing them for more than a year. favourite lift now

What a nice informative Jow Forums thread.

Need more like this.

I do agree, theres no trannys in here lol