I'm posting from an iphone (inb4 some faggot whines about phoneposting as if it makes a fucking difference)
I only get it like half the time and I don't know why but I usually have to wait until I'm at my computer at home to post
>obligatory reee

Attached: whatever that's just ur opinion man.jpg (640x467, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you typing in a non-english keyboard? That might do it.

You're probably using apostrophes (like what I used in you're). You cant have those when typing with android. Or any other special character

What exactly is the appeal of phoneposting I dont get it

because you are posting from a phone, how about you get on a PC instead of using airplane mode on your phone to look like your threads are interesting and people are actually responding you fucking faggot
>outing yourself as a phoneposter in current year
kys newfaggot

use this tool to fix it

Phoneposting fucking sucks in every aspect. I've had to resort to phoneposting because my computer broke and it's fucking awful.

>You cant have those when typing with android
I do it all the time.

The problem is that you're phoneposting without using the phone version of Jow Forums.
p.Jow Forums.org/r9k/thread/52046422

Attached: Capture.jpg (1357x583, 141K)

It is because you are a faggot

I'm phoneposting in the shower right now. That's the appeal. Multitasking.

no idea why i said android I meant to say iphone. Weird...

I don't think so?
Apostrophes will do it? Huh I'll try avoiding them next time lol
Because sometimes I'm on a bus or in a car or not at a computer but still feel like posting?
lol called it in OP. Yeah I post from a phone sometimes and I do it fucking shamelessly
This could be the reason
Teach me senpai

Attached: ran282.png (177x294, 71K)

iToddIers BTFO

Attached: 1551972045582.gif (500x500, 256K)

it's fine, I use clover and this all the time

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-21 at 2.49.13 PM.png (955x647, 219K)

>lol called it in OP.
h-how new are you? do you not know to never inb4 in OP? jesus fuck newfaggots should be shot in the head

Oh trust me I'm well aware of the rule it's just that I don't give a fuck

Attached: ran225.jpg (640x634, 54K)

then why did you even bother to mention that you 'called it in the OP', dude, you sound new af

Posting while taking shits famalam

Because I don't take fourth-channel rituals seriously. Only teenagers do. lmao
And good god the whole "you're newer than me" shit is so cringy. I've been here for ages but neither one of us should be having a competition over who's fucking more established on a taiwanese gardening discussion forum for actual social rejects
good. now piss off lmao

Attached: kitkat68.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>I dont care about board culture
>also I've been here since the paleolitic
I shiggy diggy, newfags like you are the reason this website is dying, back to r/Jow Forums you go

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