EC Stack

Give it to me straight, is an EC stack worth it for cutting? How much will it help me?

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I'm up to 100mg a day, 600-800mg of caffeine
You def notice an increase in body temp and sweat more and dehydrate FAST but the biggest help ime is the appetite suppression. I'm a former fatty who could literally eat all day endlessly but on EC I will forget to eat

its good to shed the last 2 or 3 kg, if you are a fat fuck it WILL NOT make a difference

i need to lose about 8kg or so, will it help me?

There was actually an article about a fat fuck that literally popped a bunch of ephedrine, put on a sauna suit, and when for a jog and fucking died lol

I use it toward the end of a cut bc once you're on for 2 weeks, your b2 receptors down regulate and it will stop working

At the end if the day its CICO, so if taking this helps you even marginally then I'd say yes. But it isnt a magic pill, you still have to eat at a deficit and do cardio, I find that it helps me stay in that deficit more comfortably as I'm not always thinking of food. Also helps with fatigue so I take it in lieu of PWO

Appetite suppressant factor is by far the best part. Otherwise it probably helps burn a few extra calories(some claim up to 10 percent)

In terms of safety, it’s very safe as long as you don’t have any heart conditions, and you follow dosing and timing properly so you don’t take too much too close together.

I always use ec when I cut

Also use common sense. It’s 2 stimulants therefor increased heart rate. Don’t take the ec and then go and do cardio or go immediately to the gym. Gotta wait a few hours till your heart rate isn’t as high

Can you order ephedrine online or do you have to buy in store?

You have to buy OTC at pharmacy, unless you're talking about a private ebay seller lol

Doesn't the pharmacy limit the amount you can buy at once? I feel like it would look bad going in every week and buying more. I wish I knew a private eBay seller.

Yes you can only buys so many boxes per month, I've ran this stack for 6 weeks at a time and never had an issue. From what I understand, epehedrine is a precursor for methamphetamine production, which is why you're limited. As long as you dont go in every week and ask for 6 boxes at a time you should be fine I think

yes, I surely am going to trust an infographic made by someone who can't even pay $12/year to maintain a domain

shit gave me anxiety and made me hyper irritable. Felt like a fucking druggie. 0/10 would not do again. I'll just use my own fucking willpower instead.

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How many boxes do you use per week? Asking for 2 boxes each time shouldn't be a problem I hope.

I usually buy 2 at a time. I use 3 pills a day, 1 box has 24 pills so it lasts 8 days. 2 boxes will be more than enough for 2 weeks, then cycle off for two weeks. By the time you need to buy more you're into the next month anyway

It’ll work but is bad for ur heart I bet. Also don’t be a faggot and consume 600+mg of caffiene like that dude up there, that will kill you

Have fun dying

EC stack honestly supresses my appetite more than adderall xrs/vyvanse its pretty useful for cutting

i took it on and off for years and it ultimately fucked with my heart quite a bit. i never took it longer than 8 weeks at a time, and never more than the maximum dosage, but idk after a few years of doing a cycle every couple months i noticed with my most recent attempt that my chest felt kinda hollow and my heart would hurt, so i stopped. i still can't take more than 400 mg of caffeine a day without some mild chest discomfort and that same hollow feeling. it worked great while it wasn't blowing up my heart tho, i got fucking lean af on it.

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why don't you all just fucking exercise
lazy faggots

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Awesome thanks for the info user


Are you retards eating random pills again?

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ECA stack has been popular on Jow Forums for about 12 years now newfag

arnold took random pills every day cucklord

Completely untrue, when I was younger in highschool, I was 240 pounds, I starting taking the stack, lost over 70 pounds, of course alongside lifting and cardio

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eca is a fantastic tool to use when dieting based on my single cycle. i started the cycle when my normal cut began to finally plateau, and used it to continue losing weight.
just be careful user. if you have an addictive personality it is better to not know what ephedrine feels like. mental clarity, extreme focus, high productivity, sociable, energetic, creative, and also lean as fuck. cutting sluggishness is gone, you will be strong and able to do more reps while still losing weight.
if you dont have 6 pack abs that border on an 8 pack, you are likely too fat to use it. you dont want to have to use drugs to do what you easily could have done without them.
if you do use it, try to learn from the drugs. they can teach you useful mindsets that you can try to emulate while sober to guide you in the right direction. god i miss it

Go for albuterol with caffeine and t4


My dumbass loves uppers so god damned much, the mental clarity, the focus, the feeling you can do literally anything and everything because you have big dick energy.

God I miss that shit so much. The additional little fat loss was simply a small bonus at that point.

Don't take EC if you really enjoy going fast.

did you ever get psychosis? as fucked up as it is, i love it. losing sleep, being up early and late, letting your mind race with ideas. i had a month where i wrote all over the walls and had the most erratic sleep schedule, seeing moving shadows and becoming incredibly paranoid. was shredded though.

I never got to the point where I wrote on walls or filled notebooks with my ramblings, but I'd get shadows and see shit out of the corner of my eye and I'd start to hear things. Not voices talking to me, but just random shit that normally wouldn't be around me.

For me it's the rush of endorphins, that feeling like you're on top of the world and that you're so focused and have so much energy you feel like and probably could do almost anything.

The biggest downside personally is with extended use I'd become irritable and worse than on a test cycle imo. There are already certain things that piss me off and with test I could go lift and work it off. EC for me would just stick with me and leave fucking pissed all day.

Ephedrine makes me feel so goddamned sleepy. Like I could lay down for a four hour nap sleepy. Didn’t do shit for my appetite either.



All of them make me sleepy as hell, I can’t function at all if I take them.

Does ephedrine help with confidence and energy? WILL IT HELP ME WITH THE GURLS, ASKING FOR A FRIEND.

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No, it just puts me to sleep.

If you want confidence, Testosterone is a better bet.

Ok you can stop larping now. Its obvious you never took any drugs in your life.

Just telling it as it is. All amphetamine-related substances make me sleepy as shit. Other stimulants don’t, which is what’s so bizarre.

To be fair user, some people with ADHD who take amphetamines will become extremely groggy and tired.

It's not often but those kind of people are out there.

I plan on taking EC stack. The first time I used it for a couple weeks and then stopped because I did no cardio and did not diet correctly. I’ve lost some weight though learning proper diet and cardio. Can I still use this even though I am around 20% bf at 19y/o? I’ve had some questions about this before and I stopped because I don’t fullly understand this. If this is an appetite suppressant, am I not supposed to eat at all? Or do I try to eat throughout the day even though I won’t feel hunger? Is it safe during the summer because I’m a lifeguard and stand in the sun? Do I only stick to light cardio( walking/jogging on incline, stair master) or intense cardio( running/hiit)?