Natural preworkout

give me GOOD NATURAL PREWORKOUTS beside coffee, fast I need to go to the gym but I ran out of coffee

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Is adrenochrome natty?

crackheads get out

you took too much, too much too much..

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eat a banana before, is good carbs

Beets and watermelon for citruline

Willpower and passion to workout. You don't need a pre workout if you love lifting.

Bang with citrulline mixed in


A slap in the nuts
Getting dumped

Dark schocolade

This, my preworkout is water

This is all good OP
You can trust me as I mass replied to them

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water & sheer force of will

An apple

Has worked before.

after a heavy set or two your body is like "oh shit, we doin this?" & kicks into high gear. No preworkout necessary.

but smoking bad

This. Stogies or snus

5x5 face slaps
Throw cold water on your face inbetween sets.

Pure anger. Get fucking mad

have sex

Is this archer? Or like a cartoonized fear and loathing?

Post body

trash advice. after nutting you just want to sleep. thats how I know you are a virgin.

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Idk the burning shame of looking the way i do is normally enough for me. Ritalin is cool too tho

>You don't need a pre workout if you love lifting.
Let me guess, never worked a physical job?

A broken heart had the opposite effect on me...
> t. emotional faggot

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