Keto DOES work. You are weak if you cant give up your disgusting carbs

keto DOES work. You are weak if you cant give up your disgusting carbs

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Ever noticed that fatties flock to keto like flies to shit? Fat people have no problem giving up carbohydrates because they don't like them to begin with. In 10 years more fatties have flocked to keto than fatties doing low fat in 50 years of fatties being told to limit fat.

sh don't tell them

what would i ever need keto for?

I can’t afford all that fat. I’m not gonna live off of ground burger and olive oil.

How else are you going to be insufferable in a conversation?

fatties live on carbs though. Or what do you think pizza, cookies, soda is full of?

Oh my god, you mean you ate less food and you lost weight? Holy fucking literally jesus christ, like literally jesus christ, the literal christian God, you are soooo fucking smart! Wooooow!

>? Fat people have no problem giving up carbohydrates because they don't like them to begin with.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? 99% of fatties diets are carbs. What the fuck are you doing here, you moron?

>Dietary fat = adiposity
Are you actually this stupid?



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He's going to tell you that carbs + fat = low carb.

Drink a soda, take a bite of butter, now the soda is low carb. That's the argument this vegan shill makes.

post body

Yup. Any diet that contains carbs is high-carb since carbohydrate is toxic to human beings, just like a diet that contains cyanide would be high in cyanide at any amount. Finally someone who gets it

So does a caloric deficit you lard assed dyel shit posting keto fogged fuck

I think its more because they like the idea of magically losing weight through ''' ketosis ''' when in reality they will still need to reduce total food intake

Keto works, period.

Nah, they can eat the same amount and just get the benefits of the up to 500kcal/day additional calories burned on low-carb.

Of course the extra satiety would make it hard to eat as much, but they could if they wanted to and still lose weight.

No one here denies keto works for weight loss. But only retards think keto works as a long term maintenance diet, let alone one for bulking or supporting a strength athlete.

You mirin? I know you are, let's see yours now

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Nobody ever said it doesn't work, it's just unnecessary (and unhealthy).
If you can't eat a balanced diet then something is wrong internally. I had trouble fixing my diet after twenty-three years of the absolute garbage I was raised on.
It took a lot of work, but I eventually altered my palate.
If you have to resort to ketosis when you don't actually have the extremely rare condition that necessitated its creation, then you'll never succeed once you've finished your "cut" that's built on sand.
If you're on a diet, you'll eventually be off a diet. With dumb shit like Atkins and Keto you've done nothing but convince yourself that you'll be A-OK once the weight is gone, when in reality you'll be up a creek without a paddle and rebound harder and longer.

Weight loss is 100% a psychological game, and all you've done is introduce ignorance of the intrinsic ruleset in favor of a different form of instant gratification.
You're playing yourself with this dumb shit. Overcomplicating it and trying to activate and manipulate chemicals like you're grinding in a video game or some adolescent shite.
Grow the fuck up. Metaphorically, anyway, Christ knows you're big enough already.

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(ex) Marine, vegan, medicinal cannabis consumer, crossfitter, apple user, tesla driver.
Some might add road cyclist and intermittent fasting followers but to me, they're not that bad.

>eat a balanced diet
Thank you, balanced diet merchant.

My diet of real whole foods was unbalanced. Now I balance it by eating processed food too!

Attached: balanced.jpg (350x235, 23K)

Humans are genetically adapted to eating a diet based on processed foods (cucinovore)

>not cutting carbs AND fat and eating an optimal amount of protein and snacking on celery/broccoli/cauliflower
to each his own, I'm not here to play games though

>ex marine
>former marine

Stop coping, sugar addict
the perfect human diet is meat + low sugar fruit in season (3-4 months out of the year).
Every other primate can convert cellulose into saturated fat within their body, except for us humans, that is because eating tons of meat is what made us human in the first place.

I see good keto progress pics on r*ddit, but all the people look dead in the eyes in the After pic. Go look, its uncanny, and scares me from doing keto.

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How far down the rabbit trail that is your anal cavity did you have to trodden to find any sort of implication of a processed diet?
This is your brain on nutrient depravation.
so is Keto low sugar, which is something everybody should follow regardless of a meme team of buzzword diets, or is it low carb?
Pick one, because you faggots are more contrary than women at this point.
>inb4 what's a carb


>mfw I still don't know what the fuck keto is and I've made 0 effort to find out

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There actually is a primate species that is an exclusive carnivore, though low carbers have no education so they cannot name it or are even aware that it exists. That primate is also a retarded peabrain, like all low-carbers.

Are you actually this retarded irl

To be honest, I lost weight by just working out a lot, an unbalanced diet, and eating at precise hours everyday

Keto increases satiety
satiety = you get fuller with smaller food portions
it is just easier to cut more calories without getting hungry as fuck

but muscle cramps and limp dick suck

you know how fucking expensive that grocery list is? Holy shit