Why do people buy this shit? Why is is suddenly popular?

Why do people buy this shit? Why is is suddenly popular?

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people are retards and think eating a protein cookie is gonna help their life

A lot of people love their sweets, especially if they can justify consuming it by saying it's a health food
>Yum yum food with protein make me healthy!

>be 45 year old mom doing zumba
>hear about how you need protein

That's how

>8g protein


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when i first saw these cookies a year or so ago Broad City was still being made and I really wanted to fuck both of them and I saw the Lenny And Larry faces and it just kind of looked like both of the girls to me so I bought a cookie once. Was okay. i never fucked them.


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No idea, they don't even taste good. I got a box for free once and every one was dry and crumbly.


my vegan coworker introduced these to me
they taste like straight chemicals
they're pretty filling but that's about the only redeeming aspect

They think because they're a "protein cookie" that they taste good while they can eat them and be good for them. In reality the macros are shit. Better off having a candy bar + 1 scoop of whey.

paid shills


This, and that one scoop will have more protein. I've tried all the flavors, they taste horrible.

yeah they taste like shit and have way too many calories for the amount of protein

Is there a based version of this? I’d like a sweet snack that isn’t body destroying.

None of those stupid protein snacks are worth it, just drink your scoops that's sweet enough.

Quest bars are okay, but they taste like shit and melt at anything warmer than 80F

It tastes like shit for those trash ass macros it provides. Not worth it at all. The brownies are ok

Plain Greek yogurt plus flavored whey is as close as it gets for me

>Why is is suddenly popular?
provide evidence or fuck off shilling a fucking cookie


Its all over every store now u faggot

actually they have less. around 4-5 grams. they got sued over this in 2018, not sure what's becoming of it

dude this
its amazing how underrated it is

>a whopping 8g of protein
Woah, I need to eat like 25 a day!

Is this not known?
Its my breakfast every day 200g non fat greek yogurt, 40g oats, 40g whey and a shot of milk.
55g protein, 35g carbs, 5g fat in 430kcal.
Its 1/3 of my protein intake in just breakfast.

Protein is becoming a bit of a meme and big food corporations are cashing in by marketing their garbage as being "high protein". Never mind the fact that protein is supposed to come from animals complete and with animal fats.

It's even worse in the keto world, they sell all sorts of cakes and junk marketed as being "keto" and "high protein".

A slice of whole wheat bread contains about the same amount of "protein" aka plant crap but you would have to be the most autistic and ignorant prat to think that eating 10 slices of bread provides the same muscle building resources as half a pound of red meat.

Protein isn't protein. That's how the corporate marketers sell high-profit garbage to you.

400 calories per cookie help me eat more desu

try low calorie ice cream

200g yoghurt, 80g oats, 1-1,5 scoop, frozen blueberries + a dash of honey (real honey). And some mixed nuts after.

In the 90s, it was Snackwells that was the hot but retarded choice of overweight middle age women.
>They're fat free, I can eat as many as I want!

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its just a yummy snack, doesnt count as a meal

>Why do people buy this shit?
Because they're stupid normalfags. They buy what instagram celebrities tell them to buy.

>Why is is suddenly popular?
Normalfags gonna normalfag. If something is popular, they gotta hop on that train.

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