Want to do chin ups and dips but cant. im just to fat - 105kg/190cm. any good alternatives?

want to do chin ups and dips but cant. im just to fat - 105kg/190cm. any good alternatives?

Attached: depositphotos_113951354-stock-photo-reverse-grip-pull-ups-on.jpg (1023x868, 64K)

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be less fat
in the meantime, do bench and rows

lose weight retard

I'm doing it now, looking for some additional exercises for stronglifts

Assisted chinup and dip machine

At first:
For Chinups: Hang from the bar as long as you can while staying tight and not moving (don't use your bones to support yourself, use your muscles).
For Dips: Stay at the starting position (i.e. arms extended) for as long as you can without moving, you should not let your shoulders roll forward or up, chest up

And then you do:
10 negative chinups
10 negative dips

And then:
1 chinup
1 dip

And then you just do more, until you reach like 10 chinups and 10 dips. After that you do weighted chinups and weighted dips.

First of all: lose weight, you lard.

Secondly: do negative reps.

You should also read these, so that you don't injure yourself:

Im 110kg at 5'11 and can do it just develop ur back and triceps more

Do rows and lat pull downs
Do them with bands
Do them on the assisted dip/pull up machine
Do negatives

Advice to all fatties, focus on starving yourself before lifting weights. You need to be in such a caloric defecit that lifting will be pretty much pointless besides high range reps. If you decide to keep stronglifting, you will allways look like a powershitter

That just isn't true for beginners.

Go for assistance machines and pulldown machines. Sit ups will also help back muscles.

Start with dead hangs for as long as you can. After a while, begin adding eccentrics (you jump up to the bar and resist going down for as long as you can). Then add banded chin ups with a strong band. Over time decrease the strength of the band. Finally, do a real chin up. Starting Strength has an article about how to get good at chins by Niki Sims. Theres no such thing as too heavy for chin ups. I'm 5'9 and weigh 205 pounds. I can do 5 strict pull ups with pauses. For chins, i can do 5 with 25lbs attached.

dont listen to this retard. lift weights. eat clean. sleep. repeat

>too fat
lel your not too fat your just a skinnyfat weak bitch
anyway use bands or the assistance machine

>rows and lat pull downs
this is all you need for first chin/pull ups

dips are harder to crosstrain, so just put feet down for assistance and get better at the dip by doing it

Attached: assisted dips.jpg (1200x1600, 161K)

You are fit to begin when you reach 15% bf.

Am I the only one who does dips facing away from the station because I'm terrified of slipping and slamming my shoulders on those vertical handles ?

If you have access to a gym don’t waste your time doing negatives, band assisted work is also a bit of a bother. Just do lat pulldown on the machine, rows and maybe machine assisted pull ups to build up to unassisted pullups, shouldn’t take too long until you can do some if you’re also cutting. Doing dips when you’re too weak is risky for your shoulders, you can do the assisted though if you want. If you increase your bench and do a bit of tricep work as well you should also start being able to do dips soon enough as well.
Weighted dips and weighted pull ups especially are some of the best exercises around, definitely start doing them as soon as you are physically able to, but don’t stress over starting them right now, get a bit of strength first and drop some weight and then get started on them

Attached: 580BE33D-424D-4DE5-92AA-7F7598839A9F.gif (320x320, 3.6M)

Yes, YOU'RE almost certainly the only person who does dips facing away from the station because YOU'RE terrified of slipping and slamming YOUR shoulders on those vertical handles.

I weigh 120 kg at 6'5'' and I do 3x10 easily just get stronger

Thanks, I was just making sure.

>not doing 50kg dips for reps like based me
lol the absolute state of city of fat people