Fighting the hunger monster right now fit. What do?

Fighting the hunger monster right now fit. What do?

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Drink water and that problem won’t occur

just don't eat, it's that simple, just don't do it, see how easy this is?

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I couldn't resist and just had 8 chocolate chip cookies with milk

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Chug that water, bitch.

N8gga why?! The water! You could have just had the water. Fuck you fatty. You've played with my feelings for the last time

Hes not me. Just drank some water. Still hungry tho :(

oh damn that sounds nice
I can eat what I want coz I'm a skelly hardgainer (not that I ever try to gain)

Im not OP if that wasn't clear. I was fighting my own hunger monster and I gave in to cookies. I feel so sluggish right now.
I regret my decision frens..............

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50 pushups, NOW!
I'm on the 6th day of intermittent fasting, what kind of fast are you doing?

Mistakes happen OP. You can always try again

eat chicken breast

BAD user, tomorrow try being a BASED user.

When I was still getting my footing with not being a horrendous irresponsible food gobbler, i found a good use of an exercise i used when I was training my GF to increase her jog time.

Always put your hypothetical breaking point ahead of you. When we were jogging and she'd say she was at her limit, Id always give her a identifiable landmark (house, parked car, etc) not too far ahead of us but just far enough that she had to push herself to and then she could break guilt free. After a while i got her into the habit of pushing herself a little bit more each time, until when we reached the landmark and I kept going she'd just toughen it out that extra ways. Worked great for food impulses too. Whenever I got that retarded "OH SHIT IM HUNGRY NOW I GUESS ITS A CHEAT NIGHT HAHA" id give myself 20 minutes more before I allowed myself to break. Helped a lot when I took up chugging as much water as I could until I was gagging it up. After 20 minutes you might feel differently about the situation, never forgot that your body will adjust and you wont be hungry after a while. And if not, well who knows, maybe youll be able to push yourself another 20 minutes.

Yes.. i should be .... i will try fren

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This man is a nigger and a jew.

Do not trust his post.

>Drinking water

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Just OMAD but ate at like 10 am and its 11pm right now and I'm a hungry fatboy lol.


the less water I drink the more needy for snacks I get, although the amount of water I have to drink to avoid wanting snacks makes it so I have to pee constantly so I pretty much have to pick my poison

Dealing with the pee breaks is infinitely less painful. Just makes the "just drink infinite amounts of water lmao" less viable if you're in a job where you can't take a piss break whenever you want.

Scandinavian snuss

What retarded faggotry am I looking at here?

what I did is binge until I hate myself and then go past that point until I associate food with painful emotion

I know I know soon I swear
Trading food for a nicotine addiction no thanks.

Water and black coffee nig

>Mistakes happen OP. You can always try again
That's what his mother said to his dad and that's how OP got a brother

>Staying up too late.
>on the computer.
>complaining about being hungry
>only hungry because youre fucking up when your body should be in cozy comfy snoozeville.


Take ephedrine and never feel hungry anymore

Just have a big helping of sleep. Or become a NEET poorfag and your problem will solve itself when you won't be able to afford food.

/v/ trying to act like Jow Forums