300 days alone

aww how cute

Gas all these fucking normies.

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You aren't alone you fucking tard you still probably post on r9k and talk to your mom or something everyday.

1. Posting text on the internet is meaningless.

2. Saying "yes" to "want ____ for dinner" isn't stimulating, normal fag.

3. Being a shut in is worse than being outside alone in nature.

lmao. posting and talking on the internet is stimulating and its also why normies spend so much time on twitter, facebook, instagram and so on. using Jow Forums is no different from that. you probably wouldnt last a month completely alone without internet little crybaby.

>Being a shut in is worse than being outside alone in nature
This shit better be bait and if not explain how

>300 days alone
>spends time with natives after wounds are infected
>spends a week with tourists visiting the island.

Its more lonely to be surrounded by strangers than it is to be in complete isolation. He was alone on an island for 300 days. I've been alone in a sea of random people for 10 years.

>My NEETdom is worse than 300 days of real life isolation where you have to go outside and fend for yourself with no one to talk to or help you in any capacity
If you're above 25 kill yourself as soon as you can, there's no hope.

If you are younger than 25 leave this website. You didn't even read the thread and its only 5 posts long. LURK

I wanna say that one is bullshit but honestly I've felt that too. Why don't you literally just go /out/ then though if you feel it? My own solution has been to move back to a small town

Then if it's worse, why don't you go live in isolation instead of complaining like a faggot?

I'd love to go /out/ but I really don't know how. I live in a huge metropolitan area. I can drive for hours and not see real nature and when I do its a national park. I don't know how to survive either. Those are just excuses though. The truth is i'm stuck in a schedule in my own head. I'm scared of disappointing my parents. I'm scared of committing to anything. I don't have the will or balls to do anything but continue rotting away. I know its of my own making but I feel trapped.

Are you implying that 300 days innawoods will magically fix his normal social situation?
Because if you're somehow to dense to get the clue, what OP was implying is that 300 days of loneliness is not as bad as 20+ years of functionally similar loneliness.

>Are you implying that 300 days innawoods will magically fix his normal social situation?
But at least he won't whine here.
And he could have done things to have a social life. Stop blaming life or others people for your shortcomings.
You need to be a specific type of retard to consider surviving almost a year in the wilderness is easier than having your belly filled and your mind distracted by petty things even if there's a lack of physical social interaction.

god, you're insufferably gay

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>Stop blaming life or others people for your shortcomings.
He did?
>having your belly filled and your mind distracted by petty things
not having being fed means you're lonely? Because I'm pretty sure OP was strictly talking about loneliness.

Humans weren't meant to live with their bellies full and distracted by petty things. Its not natural and its not healthy. Whoever said easy life is enjoyable is a fool. He might not find life easier but he certainly wouldn't find it as miserable. A man that has to work hard for survival comes home tired after a long days work and feels pride and joy for what he does.

Tell me, would you rather live your entire life in a small room with all your needs met with nothing to do but browse the internet and distract yourself with petty actions with no human contact. You are never allowed to leave.

Or would you rather live alone on a island working towards survival and when that is met, working towards goals of bettering your life in meaningful ways you can see and feel in front of your face.

For someone who hates bitching and whining you sure do whine and bitch a lot about everything people on this board say.

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It's not like he had people around that he just didn't interact with, you silly shut in.

On the other hand imagine how much easier spending 300 days in total isolation would be knowing you have all those friends and family eagerly waiting to see you on day 301.
I dare say easier than being in isolation surrounded by people

Underage fuck off. If you are here for le memes to share with your friends to show how hip and cool you are go there.

>implying that fending for yourself in a survival situation doesn't completely distract you from being lonely for most of the day

I think i'd feel a lot more free being in complete isolation than being around many other people. You wouldn't have to restrict your behaviors at all. You wouldn't have to fear being ostracized. You could act however you like, do whatever you want to do. You could be a real human, not having to worry about social status or the impressions you make on others.

>You wouldn't have to restrict your behaviors at all. You wouldn't have to fear being ostracized. You could act however you like, do whatever you want to do. You could be a real human, not having to worry about social status or the impressions you make on others.
You just described chad

Know what you mean though

Whenever I feel bad about myself I come to r9k to see retards like this guy act like his life is hard because he's a baby

Honestly 300 is a solid number. Even when I've been the loneliest, I still interacted with family members once a week or so, and with cashiers a couple of times a month.

It's more about the stimulation. Try being alone 300 days without the internet.

>Try being alone 300 days without the internet.
Easier than you think when you're busy with survival shit

And then you make posts like these praying to god someone will agree with you and validate your existence. Why even post otherwise?

I am a shut in NEET but you are a fucking retard.

All the redditors mock you because you speak the truth. They have no humanity. You are correct.

You are wrong on all of those. Dont take your easy normie life for granted

I think a lot of the people in this thread forget that they are right now talking to another human being. Imagine 300 days without any access to tech on top of the normal isolation.

You're right, the dumb faggots telling you off don't know shit.

You're not real. You're just the text of an NPC on my screen.

>Hurr durr, you don't agree with my naive opinion! You must be an NPC

Stop talking shit you bastard. As a shut in NEET I feel ashamed of you. You are not one of us. Please kill yourself.