
Weed mongs fuck off edition

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First for a cheeky spliff

Second for puffing down a right stinky baton

>He often said to me that he wished he could lie down to sleep 'like other people' ... he must, with some determination, have made the experiment ... Thus it came about that his death was due to the desire that had dominated his life-the pathetic but hopeless desire to be 'like other people'.

damn, feels

Well maybe not "comfortable" yet but certainly competent. Still occasionally pop it in neutral accidentally or take a corner far too wide, but I'll just continue riding till I feel I'm ready for the test. Pic related is my bike

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First spliff of the day lads

Poor fella. Makes me want to rewatch the film now

>mfw lucky enough to have had a decently quick first car
white privilege is real aha. but seriously my dad lent me all of his savings the bloody nutter.

>tfw want to smoke weed
>tfw too socially inept to acquire drugs

Don't know how you lads do it tbqh.

>he has never taken a business flight

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>Nobody that even lived in Great Britain is allowed to give blood if they lived there from 1965 to 1989, even if they didn't eat meat
>Familial CJD is a very rare genetic condition where one of the genes a person inherits from their parent (the prion protein gene) carries a mutation that causes prions to form in their brain during adulthood, triggering the symptoms of CJD. It affects about 1 in every 9 million people in the UK.

Christ so you can be completely fine and then just develop prions and end up brain dead

*takes a huge draw from a vaporiser and blows a huge obnoxious cloud of smoke into the thread*

if dream market doesn't come back online in may I might genuinely kill myself

until I was 17 I was unable to ejaculate without humping a pillow

>affects about 1 in every 9 million people
Literally not worth worrying about

>he doesn't have a friendly white dealer mate in town that he's known for years

Absolute fucking state of you

Lee Anthony Hoyland walking around Glasgow airport in a suit as he prepares to take his first ever business flight

Weed is like HRT, it's a wonder drug
Cures AIDS

I remember my dad talking about the elephant man, but not this guy, someone else. Any ideas? Someone else with the same nickname

Need a part time job so I can still have my comfy days off desu and it gets boomers off my back

I'm jealous bro. Very cute bike. Would love one like that. My friend got me into motorbikes and she's pushed me to go for at least a 600 so we can ride out together. Otherwise I'd be cool with scooter desu but that wee bike would be perfect. Bet it's MPG is unreal.


dealers are junkies
I don't befriend junkies

Maybe a lad he knew with a big cock?

>tfw smoke weed
>tfw dont make a massive deal out of it
>go about my day

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aah my bike's been rotting outside since february
really wanna ride it but I don't know what's wrong with it
too retarded to fix it and too autistic to ask for help
the eternal dilemma

That's only the genetic one, 300 people a year get it from meat

I'm not going to my mother's funeral when she dies

I don't have any biker bros except my own boomer stepdad but he only rides like twice a year in perfect weather. Not sure if I'd have the nuts to ride something with as much power as 600+, I find it scary just going over 50mph. The mpg is literally about 180

Lee Anthony Hoyland walking around Glasgow city centre and noticing preusse sat on the pavement surrounded by hypodermic needles

in men, a longer torso and shorter legs are considered more attractive than long legs with a short torso. however, the opposite is true for women

that's because you've only ever ridden 125's (I'm assuming)
a big bike can sit comfortably at 50mph and still have lots of oomph to pull away cleanly

nothing like redlining a tiny bike just trying to keep it above 45

Fair play mate, it's good to see someone who can smoke weed without telling everyo-

There's a dealer who sells drugs out his shed doing en the road from me, it's actually sad seeing all the depressed people in baggy clothes walk back and forth to there. Police won't do anything either. I hope they end up ok despite that guy helping them get addicted when it's clear they need useful and practical help

Same, I'm not religious so I don't see the point

What's wrong with phone posting. Lads?

>*Flies across Sainsbury's carpark to intercept your nan with a dazzling upside down jackhammer punch, sending her sprawling into the trolleys*

I think about being at peoples funeral and start crying when I say my imaginary speech. It feels good


cruel fucking world

waheyyyyyyyyyyy, tenner reef wiv da lads

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yes mate because atheists never go to funerals

>Evade bans
>Never write more than a sentence or paragraph
>Never produce OC
>Generally make low quality posts

How fucking autistic are you to the funerals are a religious thing

on phone smoke da weed

Why would you go to a funeral if you're an atheist? a funeral is where the body goes to heaven so if you don't believe in heaven then you dont need a funeral.

Do you want to have another go at that lad? English is hard I know.

I make loads of zoomer edits I'll have you know. What do you mean evade bans? I've been banned.

you on the left, my nan on the right

>a funeral is where the body goes to heaven
no lad you cant take your body with you

Blame the autocorrect phone retards who can't be disabled

ive shagged a grand total of 0 birds to be honest

Chill lad, easier to lie when you're not face to face.

Not really relevant though is it.
Funerals are literally a religious thing.

To cry and have a talk about the person who you care about who just fucking died? To meet all the other people in their life you didn't know about

not really, can be a chance to commentate their life and reflect on your own future

I'm an atheist and find funerals very important. It's family and friends getting together to say goodbye. It's nothing to do with a potential afterlife

Which one of you has been LARPing as me? You need to fucking stop!!!

But if you're an atheist you're secretly hoping that your dear old nan doesn't go to an afterlife.

Empire Market is where all the cool kids are now

Well that's fine but you don't need to sperg out if someone doesn't feel that way, funerals are a religious thing but a lot of atheists still go because they want to see their other family and grief together and then move on. If you're like me and prefer to grieve on your own then a funeral is pointless, if you believe there's nothing after death and the body isn't looking down on you then it's also pretty pointless.

No? If there is one then she's happy and if there's not then it doesnt matter. I'm not thinking about myself

*walks into the thread smelling of piss*

Just amended some details in my car insurance policy and it made the price go up by 4p, absolutely devastated, lads. How am I going to afford this

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can't remember what I used to use to find onions

Hello Crona how are we? Not followed the market genocides closely but apparently wall street have blackmailed people. Irony of it all is they are likely near incel tier themselves but are adept enough on a computer to make millions within a clandestine social environment. Not heard of Empire but coming from you I don't doubt it's the new main market place tbqh.

Oh yeah I forgot to report but Empire Market seems to work, even if it is a clunky piece of shite. Just got NDD from some geezer for my pilly willys

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i can wait a week for DM to come back
if EM doesn't have the same vendors that I know I can trust then it's worthless to me

>Tfw the LADS at work start talking about where they're go on holiday
>They start talking about Tenerife being good because the girls are down for a quick shag and are easy.
>Pretend not to hear or be part of conversation.
>as am forever virgin....

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>Oi spergo
>where u go hollys?
>probably thailand you quiet freak HAHAHAH

>always listen in on chads and deanos conversations at the gym
sometimes it's genuinely really interesting, but often its just bitching and moaning.

>n-n-no i-i dont

but in all seriousness like who tf goes on those types of holidays, i could understand Amsterdam but going to Asia always looks and sound's so shit and sleazy to me.

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They sound like retards. Those places are complete sausage fests these days

They're not really going to Asia though, they're going to walled private holiday resorts that are like bubbles completely isolating you from any culture or actual Asian people

Sucks doesn't it lad. Was really hard to find a vendor on WSM and then I found one, got a rapport up with him and then everything went up the fuck. Hate having to find a new vendor each time. Wish I could just get a lad who I can trust and who can trust me to trade outside of shitty websites that at any second could go boom or nick your money.
Are you gonna try Dream straight away? Most people are cautious as fuck that it's been infiltrated by LE.

if it's fucked then it's fucked
I'm gonna at least try to spend the money in my btc wallet, I'm pretty well shielded

>Talking to Chad at work today.
>See this guy always talking to the qt Romanian girls.
>Slightly jealous of him.
>Young, tall, good looking, strong jaw, blond hair and blue eyes. Always smiling. Talks to anyone about anything.
>Start talking to him about girls and stuff.
>Tells me he's only ever sex with one girl and he wasn't her first.
>I go "haha fucking virgin".
Jesus if this guy can't get laid I don't think any of us have hope.

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went and watched endgame last night lads people in a british cinema now fucking clapping at like 7 points during the film? what happened??

>tfw have had an equal amount of sex as chad

suppose im off out of here now then lads

I refuse to believe this is actually a thing

>wow did you see that cgi explosion
>FORTNITE!?!? *clap*
>lmao he DABBED!
Average normie audiences for a normie movie

>Want an extension on coursework
>Attention Seek on a bridge
>Waste OUR taxpayers money
>Seek attention on /britfeel/ for your epic mental health exploits

Ya........ no.... fuck off again please and take every discord tranny with you

Gonna spend YOUR taxpayers money on some booze lads

I'm with Bulb electricity and I kinda wish I wasn't. It's cheap but they send the most Reddit emails. I just KNOW they were written by a woman. I can tell.

>gamecopyworld is still going

i don't pay tax

Bet you claim bennies yourself lah

See this doesn't upset me as much though. Wasting vital public service time and effort is more damaging than giving a NEET some money to put back into the economy

Would prefer you spend it on that then it going to a paki family of 37.

need that no-cd crack for 007: Agent Under Fire bro

I couldnt believe what i was hearing like i almost can forgive clapping the EndGame shit starting up but its like these fucking normies are laughing at the stupidest shit im not gonna ruin shit but im so mad at the shit they laughed at not funny if your above the age of fucking 12 but legit clapping in my fucking english cinema

rather it goes to you than chantelle and her ten children

remember when 4chans boogieman was ebaums world?

so everything you buy is vat free?

Rather it go to you than the MP's luxary dinners

Next britfeel meet is at
15 St Albans Street, Rochdale, OL16 1UT

i came here from when Jow Forums raided ebaumsworld in 2008, and when i say here i mean /b/

Based and neetpilled lad.

Got a crate of bud and some cider the other day. Gonna have a good sup this weekend waheyy.

Better not be any Pakis there or I'll smash the fucking place up

Rather it go to you, facilitating a britfeel NEETs shitposting benefits me

>*Ambushes your nan whilst she's feeding the ducks at the park with a Sextuple Basingstoke Gobwobbler, scattering the daft bint up a crab apple tree*