Be me, femanon

>be me, femanon
>legal britfag (16y)
>be slightly intelligent, good grades, unpopular but not repulsive
>be disgustted by highschool chads
>flirt with betas
>betas ignore me
>be solid 6/10 (being realistic i'm not a stupid whore)
>be out of their league
>have crush on redditfag wannabe chad (clearly on Jow Forums)
>ask him out bc hes too autistic to do anything
>he says yes and that he likes me too
>excited to go out and finally have bf
>he doesn't make any moves or contribute anything
>fucking ends things without a good reason like a degenerate
>he wants to be a pathetic chad more than he wants to love someone, have sex etc
>be fucking heartbroken but get over it
>months later
>still ignored by autistic fucks destined to be incel faggots desperate for a gf
>go on Jow Forums
>realise all the desperate brainlet incels are actually just reasonably attractive betas who only look for staceys
>realise i should just give up bc all the guys i'll ever like will be assholes or oblivious
>realise most of r9k is made of skinnyfat faggots who could get girls if they had good personal hygene, didn't treat women like objects, and looked in their own league
>women will tolerate being a degenerate autist if you treat them like people
>pic attatched is how you all look

i fucking hate my social status and my taste in men. why can't i just get wasted and fuck a gross chad like every other girl my age?

Attached: r1zr3jm86ba11.jpg (550x543, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you know the rules
tits or gtfo bitch

Attached: 1532627521467.png (339x277, 29K)

I hope whatever path you take works!

>realise most of r9k is made of skinnyfat faggots who could get girls if they had good personal hygene, didn't treat women like objects, and looked in their own league
Amazing insight now go away underage b&

Reported for being underage. Kys britbong

They do not necessarily want to ignore you, they think you inaccessible af since "hey, have seen how she rejects even the chads? No way I am getting blown out that way from a 6/10, if I take the risk of that pain, she better be Stacy."
Good on you for actually being proactive though and better luck in the future.
t. old ass semibot

Fuck why won't Mimi let me report this
What a shit app

>not using Clover

use clover you stupid faggot

what part of britain are you from? i am 22 years old and would like to meet you

Can't find it assholes

you little punk, you just don't like OP's truthful message

>he can't find Clover

Attached: 1463775083577.jpg (600x580, 37K)

just use omnichan

Guys come on brainlet here
Help me out

Thank you OP for saying what I believe. I even was so bold as to put his hand on my boob and he jerked back like it burned him. So, I finally said yes to a real chad and guess what. He knew what to do and he wasn't repulsive at all! Anyway stop trying with these wannabe's and scared clueless boys. Think of this. Lesbians are more assertive than these self described incels. Not a lesbian but they at least ask and some tell you what they will do to me.

you pussy, you make OP's point for her

Just google clover Jow Forums

>Trying to turn a young woman gay instead of letting her get bred by real men
You're are too far gone

Attached: 20190425_172700.jpg (951x1012, 382K)

nope i have no intrest in women. also sage the thread which i hope youve done aswell mods seem to be asleep

It's not in paly store

Github you brainlet
Jesus m8

>lesbians are more assertive
What kind of lesbians do you know

just use omnichan it has a great darkmode and has autobookmark and its in playstore

You're such a fucking retard omg
>he's not using the based aptoide playstore

wait what's even the point of being in a relationship again? It's just sex and exclusivity right? I would wait before trying to have sex with a girl, but then I think about what even is a relationship and realize that it's a pointless status. I might as well just be friends with a girl.

I'm no lesbian and not suggesting OP go gay but saying that even lesbians have bigger balls than most of you. You won't try or are incapable of doing anything so by default we go chad or get nothing.

I don't suggest you go gay but telling all these guys that lesbians are more assertive than they.

im in a good mood today, so here
download it and install the apk
do we really have to do everything for you?

>What kind of lesbians do you know
Non passive but not the very aggressive butch kind, you expect that from them

This is actually me if I was female no joke rip.

i never wrote that shit someone else did, fuck off my board you newfags are giving me a headache. you dont even sage this pice of shit thread keeping it up

I don't have a lot in ways of expectations but I am lesbian and got negative points in assertiveness

Come to Odessa Texas in the USA and be my brainlet loli gf. I make 140k USD as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and can spend it all on soundcloud rap songs or Molly or whatever you dumbass zoomers are into these days.

You're uglier than you think you are

>16 yo
Enjoy your ban dummy

i'm dead inside enough to realise i'm not a roastie stacy. i'm a 5 without makeup and a 6 usually