Sent message to femanon from zeemaps

>sent message to femanon from zeemaps
>she acts like a stuck up bitch when i try to be funny

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 20K)

they just dont appreciate your high intellect humor

Seriously tho. Femanons get treated like royalty on here and think more than a few of them let that go to their heads. You're not that special. Bitch!

She was waiting for prince charming to sweep her off her feet with a forklift.

I agree with this user. I really do. I'm such a funny guy, fortunetly most people CAN apreciate that

If you did have other people to talk to you wouldnt be looking on a map for companionship

lmao you got btfo by a roastie so hard you had to run here and cry about it

lmfao trips confirm op got btfo by stacy

Heh no you fuckin don't.

Post the message you sent, a million dollars says it was stupid and cringe.

Relax, your nice guy is showing

>Post the message you sent
K (this was after a string of passive agressive messages from her mind)
>Hello angry female: i think we started this off on the wrong foot, honestly. Questions:
what's your name?. How old are you?. What's your favourite color
visible to the human eye?
The first message i sent her
>hello female: Hi. Your inbox is probably so full right now...Maybe i'm the lucky
guy?. What are you looking for exactly? A friend? a boyfriend?. I can
fulfil both rolls...

You want anymore? Because there's honestly not much else

Anyway i've cooled down now and i'm feeling MUCH calmer. MUCH FUCKING CALMER

>nice guy
What did he mean by this?. I'm a terrible piece of shit...

Jesus Christ no wonder you got blown the fuck out lmao

Oof. Well at least you are practicing. Better luck next time.

I'm gonna have to side with the roastie in this one lmao


I don't care anymore honestly. By the time she answered the first email was already talking to some other pretty chill people from the map. My feefees just get hurt a bit too easily sometimes that's all

>why haven't you killed yourself
Because it's just the fucking internet and i don't really care?. If i wasn't an autist i wouldn't be on here

If you didnt give a shit you wouldnt be posting about it. You are still obviously hurt about it.

I have a quick temper but it goes as quickly as it comes. I know your dying for me to be mad but i'm really not anymore

>quick temper
The thread is 3 hours old, you arent over it at all nice cope boyo

The thread got bumped. I'm posting in it because it got bumped. Pretty simple, friendo. Besides we totally resolved it and we're the best of chums now, soon to be married

>Besides we totally resolved it and we're the best of chums now, soon to be married

Yikes, its shit like that that caused this thread to exist in the first place.

Just have a normal conversation with her like you would a guy. Ask questions, don't treat her any differently because she's a girl.

>doesn't understand sarcasm
I feel genuinely sorry for you...

Yeah that's what i normaly do when talking to a girl. It started of with me making a bad joke and jesus i don't even know anymore...Whatever. What a dumb thread i should probably just delete it at this point

>Maybe i'm the lucky guy?. What are you looking for exactly? A friend? a boyfriend?. I can fulfil both rolls...

This is the exact opposite of that.

You know i never said i was good at making jokes...

Yes you did, right here

>Yes you did, right here
Whatever. You're nitpicking at this point m8

Getting btfo in your own thread is pretty sad how do you live with yourself?

By waking up everyday at 8:00 am and going to sleep every night at 11:30 pm

OP tell us more about how you got destroyed

Well you see, i was bending over one day...and my anus just happened to be wide open...