What is a cozy part time job to help pay for Uni?

Have you ever had a cozy job? I'm halfway done my degree and I will kill myself if I work in another kitchen.

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Posting an original bump cause i wanna know too

forgot to mention that I'm looking at a post office job rn. Might be nice buy I'd have to bus half an hour to get there.I just want a job that i can do 15-20 hours a week while taking classes without wanting to kms desu

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I've seen people working at my college's library, It seems cozy enough and not alot of people ask for books since most of the times they just bring their laptops to study or do papers.

I think I'd kill myself if I worked anywhere besides a kitchen

a shame you don't like it user, but I wish you luck in finding another part time job.

Its just so hot, loud, intense, etc. + my coworkers were all degenerate ubernormie faggots. Loud ass Post Malone for hours, talking about smoking weed and going to clubs. I wanted to kms. The only good thing about that job was a cool foreign coworker that I could talk to. I want something a little less rattling if I have to do it for potentially 2 years.

You'll want a job that doesn't involve too much stress or physical labor. Post office job sounds good at first, but its a never ending mail sorting job. And if you work in the front office, its never ending dealing with customers from 8am to 5pm.
So avoid laborous physical jobs.
The easy jobs are like security guard or simple jobs like house sitting or human / animal sitting / walking. Usually taking care of something or watching over something are the comfy jobs. Though they don't pay well.

And then there's the internet jobs like being a youtuber or a self entertainer. Some people like Belle Delphine makes $100k-200k per month from just taking photos or short skits. So there's always Twitch and live streaming video games.

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There's also always a chance you'll finally give in and bukkake that doll, you know?

Also nice dubs.

I did start streaming a bit but not as a job. I got up to 40 viewers once but averaged around 3. I think that would be an ideal job but getting popular without popular friends is almost impossible. It would be v cozy but I'd starve and not be able to pay rent on top of dropping out. @ me if you know Greek :)

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If you go with the twitch or stream route, or youtuber, you have to start somewhere.
Even Jon Tron started with just 1 subscriber.
And it took a couple of years for him to get a ton of subs and popularity.
You don't get popular from just 1 or 2 weeks.

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Another good set of dubs but still no bukkake.
What's it going to take, user?

Tutoring. Its godly. Choice your own hours and get paid like 20+ an hour. Just requires you have some skill in a needed field. For me it was coding I made a ton of money doing that. It easily covered college/rent/etc. Admitted I worked a lot of hours teaching actual classes over summer and around 10-20 hours a week during the school year.

Also kids are fun I love just telling them I cant read and stupid shit like that. Plus their so fucking wholesome it just really lifts your mood when you get a cool one or a intelligent one.

If youre a good writer, have people commission you to write smut fanfiction. If you can draw, sell furry porn. Furries will buy anything

I remember reading that Brooke is not for lewding, but is the anatomy there?

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The freaking doll can't even handle a little cum because it will stain.

There are plenty of lewd threads to see and contribute to, why do you want to see dolls get lewded?

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Ive worked in a lot of different jobs retail,fast food, construction,restaurant.

Comfiest job thus far was electrical apprentice / Host at rest.
At least in electrical there was an end goal like finishing wiring the house and if you hurried you could chill a bit, but fuck any big corporate job who tries to make you work at any second, dissuades actual hard work.
Host was chill, smug girl coworkers, gay servers hitting on me, all I did was lead people to their table.

Here have some peridot porn

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n-n-no reason...

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slow gas stations always looked fun to me and if you are a robot you'll probably fit in with the types that already work there
security jobs are also pretty good since you just fucking stand around and watch people

Security looked okay but I'd need to get some course done. I already have so little money and not alot of time to get the training needed.