>he cares enough about animals to go vegan
He cares enough about animals to go vegan
fuck animals
Is your makeup vegan?
I just ate chicken. Eat your heart out OP.
Stop spamming these threads you narcissist. Go and read your bible user.
>boasting about your hatred of animals
yup, really going to win over the girls this way fellas
i don't hate them. i actually love them. they taste fucking amazing.
ooo a clever new joke. I am soooo wettt rn
noone gives a fuck about you desu.
Fuck women and fuck animals.
But he doenst care about his health when he's malnutriting.
>*Eat meat every day that was slaughtered in factory farms*
Also normies:
>*See someone hit a dog*
I notice the only people who are vegan are dumb city-bred Stacy girls who would never go within 10 feet of a cow. I grew up in a rural farming community and absolutely nobody there would consider veganism. All of them recognize how dumb farm animals are. Do you know what happens if you walk up to a cow in the middle of a herd and give it a lethal injection? It falls over dead and none of the other ones care at all.
i don't give a fuck about dogs eaither.
that's not true, if they realize what you're doing they will get scared, cows are as smart as dogs
women are animals
At least you're consistent. I hate it when people don't see the inconsistency between them loving pet animals and then being okay with killing other animals that are equally intelligent because our culture says they are food.
if you really care about animals and nature in general the best thing you can do is kill as much people as possible and then kill yourself, imagine the amount of pollution you will stop from being made
what if I like dogs and don't like cows?
or, ya know, I could take the non-psycho option and not pay for people to kill animals.
>Animals are gay yeeeeee
>>he cares enough about animals to go vegan
Every last roastie in the US would, if Chad walked into their apartment and kicked their cat 20 feet across the room and laughed, immediately drop to their knees and suck his cock.
>cows are as smart as dogs
The absolute state of vegan stupidity.
Pigs are as smart as dogs or smarter, but cows are the niggers of the animal kingdom. Cows are lucky they have the brain power to walk and eat.
Absolutely wrong. The only reason the rest of the herd would get scared is if the dying cow made noise or freaked out. If it just falls over dead they cannot conceptualize what happened. Horses are the only farm animals I have ever interacted with that had the same level of intelligence as a dog. They are where the line should be drawn for what can be eaten. Chickens, cows, sheep, deer, these animals can be eaten, and all fish of any kind.
Let me be clear here though, while alive, these animals should live well. Even dumb farm animals can be stressed by the environment they live in. We as humans should work to give the animals a stress free life until their inevitable death, which they have no understanding of. Farms that treat animals poorly while alive are scum.
Then you should be able to ethically justify killing cows for meat over killing dogs for meat with something other than I only feel emotionally attached to the one type of animal and not the other. Or admit that you are being inconsistent.
>Then you should be able to ethically justify killing cows for meat over killing dogs for meat with something other than I only feel emotionally attached to the one type of animal and not the other.
That's not necessary at all.
The default state is for there to be no ethical obligation whatsoever between humans and non-humans. They have no ethical responsibility to us, and we have no ethical responsibility to them.
If I *choose* to leave that default state, because I have decided that I like dogs, that doesn't create a contradiction of any kind.
and then what would you do with the cows? they would probably be extinct if they weren't useful to humans, and what would their lives in the wilderness be like? they will basically do the same thing they already do in the fields, the difference is that some of them will be killed by wild animals and others will die of diseases or starvation
This, cows are so fucking stupid they literally go extinct without people tending them. I guess what vegans REALLY want is cow genocide.
>go vegan
when you dont eat other animals, your body starts eating itself.
I'd go vegan for a girl but girls don't care enough about animals to date me.
>not being a vegan means you hate wild life
fuck off you amerimutt shill
obviously you do or else you wouldn't have responded to them
cute attention seeking though
but i believe you have to be legal age to post
Had a threesome with two good-looking ladies, none of them paid, raped or otherwise pressured.
I eat meat. I'm a literal huntsman. Wet pussy can be found outside the hippie community.
>she thinks we give a fuck about the opinion of some ditsy american bimbo
i am superior to animals deal with it fuck hole
>boasting about being so sheltered you think everyone outside your hippy community thinks the same way about eating meat
get fucked ameriposter