Comfy Friday evening shitposting on /britfeel/ with the lads edition
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Reminder that you must NOT spoil Avengers: Endgame
Very bizarre ending with captain america going back in time, staying there and becoming an old man and then appearing 5 seconds later and giving his shield to that literally who black guy
what in gods name were they thinking
First for bullying out any comfy posters so this thread is as miserable as me
*shits in the kettle*
I'd be right in there yelling the spoilers!!!
>literally who black guy
he's been in loads of the movies
*shits in the pringles tube*
That isnt right lad, poor caretaker will need to clean that up. Dont you know he has arse cancer?
Feeling like a squashed nigga myself lads.
Very sad.
>what in gods name were they thinking
They were thinking 'this is on course to be the most popular movie of the year, and one of the most-seen of all time, so let's cram it with shite like this so people HAVE to see and embrace the normalisation of such things'
The only shocker is that there were no trannies in it noncing little kids because that's being steadily pushed as well
*writes -og*
Remember the temp that was filliing in for him while he was in hospital? Didnt even smoke rollies.
I liked the part where Hulk became a tranny and raped a child with his huge green dick
Cant believe the Avengers is trying to normalise black people existing
these were a thing years ago
Breaking unreleased footage of help helper lad
So how many of the frontline marvel heroes are white men now?
>tfw you will never ram your cock down the back of amer's throat out of hate.
having a right chuckle at this lads
Most of them since they just bought X-Men
shippy stream
kek hope he leave this thread for ever lmao
Good evening, just woke up from a nap
I have been invited out by my trans friend that I met up with today to come with her, her gf, and 3 other trans people to watch that film tomorrow. It will be the biggest social group I've been in for a long time. I do not know anything about the film. I was told it is a sequel to 'Infinity War'. Do I need to watch that to know what is going on and enjoy this film? I don't care about spoilers because I am nto invested in it at all and had never even heard of the film before today
>Good evening, just woke up from a nap
Yeah like you weren't talking about yourself an hour ago lmao, state.
You will have no idea what's going on but there's a lot of explosions and bright colours at least
got to admit he is my normie guilty pleasure
Why did you give Pigeon Roastie a lot of grief? And more to the point why did you slag the lads off behind our backs? Best repent NOW
And now for some actual decent music:
You guys post so much shit all the time.
Getting bullied on /v/ for saying I preferred Persona 4 to 5
Care to explain yourself Crona?
Life has no meaning desu
you said "trans" twice in that paragraph when it wasn't necessary at all
and it's US that makes a fuss over it
just fuck off you walking persecution complex
Nice to see /v/ hasnt changed much
*shits in his arse*
*serves you all a cup of tea*
double wahey
>Oh hey look there's a can of pringles just sitting there on the table, might crack into it me thinks
*slaps your hand*
They are MY pringles lad, back off
Started a new job last week and another one of the new starters started giving me shit today. I don't really know if I handled it well.
I was just trying to give him a little advice on stacking the pallets properly and tidy, in a friendly way. And then all of a sudden it's "your not the boss of me, stop telling me what to do."
I was shifted a few looks towards another lad who's been there a couple months because I really couldn't tell if he was being serious, but after I explained to him I was just trying to help out but I won't say anything else he just kept going on and on and wouldn't shut up about it. So I told him to drop it, before I dropped him. He promptly shut the fuck up after that and didn't say a word after that to me all day.
Usually I wouldn't be bothered, but I can see this being brought up to management possibly resulting in a warning.
What's your guys take on this shituation?
>TLDR: lad at work got pissy at me for trying to help him so I told him I deck him if he didn't stfu. Will I get in trouble?
I have not been in the thread, I was out with my friend
That's nice, I do like pretty colours
I regret it and shouldn't have done it, I didn't like the idea of there being women in britfeel because of I was quite misogynistic at the time. I'm not a misogynist anymore
Yeah I thought I wasn't going to come back again, I did leave for another 3 weeks after that. I am allowed to say what I think though and it is true britfeel can, at times, be very negative. I have gotten used to reddit a bit, which I used a lot in my time off. Compared to there, people here can be very cruel to each other sometimes. But there are good things about the thread too. Some people are nice, and the memes can be funny. And you can have live conversations, which you can't do on reddit
What flavour? I've got some bbq ones. They're pretty moreish
>you now remember daddyofive
strangers can't be cruel unless you tell them exactly how to hurt you
you are a basket case and you know it
Will you fight Pubes in a fight to the death? He's calling you out and wants to settle this man to ma- uh, woman.
Ah classic tunes there lad. Wonder if their even about nowadays
Why are there no support groups for lonely people like me?
*grabs a 40oz*
it took me ages to remember the name. not listened to them for years
the brit lads on int are using a liveboard
didnt he lose his kids?
Everything is so shit right now lads.
my life is like sometimes I feel ok and sometimes I feel shit and it just alternates forever what does it all mean
Prepared pic rela for din din frens. Tinned tommies and a couple of fried chucky's on toast with a fair bit of salt n pepper. Simple yet delicious frens.
Guess I belong on /ck/ now, haha-ha.
Somebody would of taken the kids away themselves if the police didn't.
that's just god balancing the world for people not doing as well as you
haha just kidding, it's only going to get worse
I'm on a diet and it's reached the point where even something as fucking stupid as "pizza wizza" is making my mouth water. I feel like I'm being conditioned, you pavlovian bellends.
What do you think they talked about lad??
belly wellends
Had about an inch of a pint and can't stop thinking about how I want to fuck asian girls.
Barmaids in this pub are wearing proper weird hipter revealing clothes. Shame they are white and common.
>what do you think they talked about
2018 /sp/ memes
In pub with mummy, lads. Heading to the bar, just had a Guinness. What will you boys be having? This rounds on me.
love me beer
love my pies
'ate the wife
nuf sed
*minces into the thread*
Double G and T for me please
miss amber rayne lads
half a pint of diet coke please
Get us a Smithwicks Red please lad.
Pint o old rosie please, and could i be cheeky and ask for a pack of these god tier bacon fry thingies
pint of kronenberg my main man.
thanks lad
>(she/they) non binary bemme
Actually could lad this bar has it and blonde and pale
Based taig bars
christ alive this person needs a heavy gassing
Rimworld is actually stressing me the fuck out lads BIG time. Good though because I rarely get stressed just pissed off instead.
Aye it's like in every Irish pub innit. Miss going out alone in Dublin and getting drunk.
Hope you enjoy it yer forrin devil ya
I've a microwave bacon muffin to have then will get some pizza slices when i go to lidl
>in pub with mummy
Momma's boy!
looks like moni in 5 years when he gets fat
Right lads. Off to meet the niggers.
*writes avengers spoilers on the wall in the shitters*
>sum cheeky cunt just spilled my lass an called me pint a slag
>little fukken bastad
>would've fukkin had him but the fukkin knacker fukked off
>pies are shite today
>pints n'all
>aye, two pund for a fosters? outrage
not even gonna waste my time greentexting
Post tunes lads.
I'd really enjoy that arc. Moni tries to become a plus size model
She is actually right, we should not shame people for being overweight. It's ok to be any size
Time to noncey woncey some kiddy widdys diddlys after my pizza wizza
anyone else feel like normally you wouldn't spoil stuff for people but when you see stuff like this it just makes you want to write tony stark and black widow die on it
*writes your telephone number on the back of the stall door*
*writes "looking for a daddy" underneath it*
No it isn't. Sort yourself out, fattie
>Looks like moni in 5 years when he gets fat
>I'd really enjoy that arc
How can we make this happen, Moni I'd date you if I could force feed and fatten you
Howling at what Poley is saying about Crona in the Discord. Awful awful things. Shan't be posting details though, don't want to stir shit
surprised he doesnt have a group of tumblr friends to go hang out and be a nonce with
So you're saying having a diet is a form of sexual violence against fat cunts. Because that's what these bitch be preaching ya'll
not gonna lie, i read her name has fat sex rapist at first
No she said diet *culture*
>don't want to stir shit
>Howling at what Poley is saying about Crona in the Discord. Awful awful things.
Give me an example of what diet *culture* is.
l do not mind. I don't know why she doesn't like me because I have always been nice to her and I actually quite liked her. I was quite surprised when she lashed out at me yesterday. But I will not dwell on it
>please send me evenings and weekends
dieting is diet culture moron