What's your opinion on the fembots that use this board?
Do you like them? Have a favorite?
Have you ever dated a fembot?
Post your fembot stories.
What's your opinion on the fembots that use this board?
Do you like them? Have a favorite?
Have you ever dated a fembot?
Post your fembot stories.
I like them or pity them for the most part. I think its rude to make threads in which people post their pics and shit talk them without them being here to defend themselves.
Sorry to burst your bubble son, but fembots don't exist. And even for the tiny minority of "fembots" that do exist, they're only here to say "uh do you know i am a girl" just to soak up attention. Grow a pair of balls son and just ignore them.
>but fembots don't exist
why are you spreading lies?
why did she block half of r9k with her head in the photo? is she retarded
Because trannies and traps are NOT fembots which just leaves the larpers and as we all know they're just bored males looking to waste some time and give some false hope to a lonely robot
I like them. I wish they liked me too.
>why did she block half of r9k with her
Because he's a tranny psyopper
We usually say that we are fembots to give some context, i mean, what kind of attention are you going to receive??? there's no way of knowing who i am or whatever
Theyre whores user. If they werent theyd post normally
>If they werent theyd post normally
nothing about this board is normal
>Do you like them?
Generally? No.
I don't like tumblrettas, or the very "quirky!! and sassy!!" uwu girls.
The mentally ill ones on here I have no opinion on.
Though I did talk to a girl on an r9k discord once and she was very nice.
Overall though, they're whores.
Here's an idea, regardless of your gender or sexual preference, how about some actual content to your post.
If it requires the mention of either of them, tweak it a little so the implication can be made that it's a regular robot.
You'll get an honest response on the situation that isn't tweaked with hate and/or spite. If you get no response it would mean it doesn't deserve one and either too stupid and/or a troll.
We all win on it
>how about some actual content to your post.
>I wish they liked me too.
Im sure some of them do
>Im sure some of them do
Highly doubt that but thanks for the kind words anyway
you never know if you don't try. you might surprise yourself
>tfw ywn be a male and experience homo sex
The downside of being female
I have met over 70 fembots. I had at least 8 fall in love with me and 4 confess their love verbally to me. I e dated one for two years. I regret almost everything. Online stuff almost never works. I just want one wholesome girl to hold, love, and protect.
No I am a nigger and we truly are fembots. The only thing that keeps most black women from killing themselves is that they are too stupid to understand just how much the world hates us
Big yikes from me. Imagine dating a "robot" and he turns out to be a complete whore.
look on the bright side you get to experience lesbian 'sex'
>I have met over 70 fembots
how many were trannies?
I thought you had twerking, trapping black fathers, bitch fights with hair pulling and gossip too
As long as you don't fit a certain aggressive stereotype, many won't hate you.
What the absolute fuck. Are you a NEET who stays home and texts multiple girls at the same time? Do you have a nudes collection? Have you ever felt bad for doing this?
Girls are gross. Males are cute, espicially gay male tops. Id love to get vaginally destroyed by one, but they wouldnt fuck me because they don't like girls.
I don't like them because they hate me, and they also lie about not doing so.
I am a khhv. I just like meeting people online. I have met more male robots over the years.
I did not count trannies. As far as I know, I have only met maybe 15 or so trannies here?
>Are you a NEET who stays home and texts multiple girls at the same time?
I was a neet
>Do you have a nudes collection?
No. I have gotten nudes a few times but I never save them out of respecc for the waymen.
>Have you ever felt bad for doing this?
Yes. Especially when they fall in love with me and I do not love them back.
but user, i luv you.
Would you date a girl that behaves like you do? Or would you call her an evil orbiter collecting bitch? Really makes me think.
Inb4 you all ask how I met so many.
1. R9k omegle
2. R9k used to be more social. Threeish years ago it was basically soc here and people would post face pics and stuff
3. Casual conversation in the threads. Just ask to move things over to discord.
4. This option works on girls who are new to r9k but I would not do it unless I am catfishing or experimenting but you can just advertise your discord or beg girls to talk to you. A lot of retards will figure quote, eh why not? These are the same girls that date robots and come to regret it when it all crashes and burns.
I would date a girl that behaves like I do, yes. I do not really do it anymore but if I like her personality and we really do love eachother I would. If I do date a girl however I stop contact with most of the other girls I talk to.
>espicially gay male tops. Id love to get vaginally destroyed by one, but they wouldnt fuck me because they don't like girls.
you fujoshis get weirder by the minute, well I hope your dreams of being vaginally destroyed by a gay male top one day come true user
>I am a khhv. I just like meeting people online
You never once wanted to take things further than just online with anyone or the girl you edated?
>You never once wanted to take things further than just online with anyone or the girl you edated?
I have but meeting up is impossible, people change in person from online, and I struggle with real life human contact.
They seem pretty cute desu. I would totally date one if there were any living in my country (Ireland)
Did you ever video chat with them or anything? if 8 girls really did fall in love with you online and you only edated one of them I feel bad for them desu. Imagine being a girl and getting turned down by a robot
>you never know if you don't try.
If only things were that simple haha
Does anybody knows the whore that is studying Chemistry from New Jersey with a name that starts with a C? Does she still post here?
I saw an irish slut femanon the other day on soc
I video chatted with quite a few and voice chatted with almost every girl. For the 8 that fell in love there were different reasons why nothing happened.
Two of them turned out to be underage so that is a nope nope nope, two were just too far for any hope, two of them I was too shy for (when I first started talking to girls) so I ghosted them and regretted it. One of those two was a 10/10 and I tried talking to her again but she never responded. Then there was one I tried to date and one I am still talking to.
There are females here. They just stop talking to you after they ask for a picture of you and they realize you are an ugly male.
Are most of you newfags that came after 2015?
I don't know why you people have such a hard time believing that some girls might come here
Ciara? Origiiiii
>What's your opinion on the fembots that use this board?
Eh, they're okay if they don't attentionwhore. Fembot gf would be nice, but chances of meeting people from my cunt is reslly low.
>Do you like them? Have a favorite?
Don't care about the "celebs".
>Have you ever dated a fembot?
No, but I met one once.
>Post your fembot stories.
Probably because of the memes. I have been data mining for a few years and it seems like the percentage of females has gone up. Especially with lurkers
>What's your opinion on the fembots that use this board?
They are nice girls and I want them to be happy.
>Do you like them? Have a favorite?
I do like them, and I do have a favourite.
>Have you ever dated a fembot?
I am now. She's my favourite
>Post your fembot stories.
Made her cum last night and cuddled afterwards, 10/10 would recommend.
I have met 2 (TWO) fembots in person after talking online, both international
get gud faggot
femanons are actually pretty cool when you stop being excessively mean to them. butter them up a little bit and tease them a bit and they'll tell you all types of dirty stuff that no other girl would ever tell you irl because it's too embarrassing.
they're still whores though
It's interesting they choose to come here. I'm honestly curious as to why they come here when CC is a thing. I understand is slow but still this place holds a lot of hate for them so I imagine it's not pleasant browsing this place.
I don't know them. So I can't say much. Would like to get to know one atleast.
Never really dated in general.
I do not have much money and I live in the rural middle of nowhere user. I cannot afford airplane tickets.
No virgin pussy for you then
Probably because they were granted a golden ticket in life, chose easy when creating their character with all dlc included and somehow comes here.
I get robots coming here but I don't get why any female would ever come here when their finger snapping create earthquake tier of rumbling as the orbiters gather to worship, could have anything they want just by looking at it yet decides to come here (part from /wiz/) which is the most depressing place online. Few quick laughs as they see failed virgins for a few days sure but there wouldn't be a long term reason for one to be here.
>Probably because they were granted a golden ticket in life, chose easy when creating their character with all dlc included and somehow comes here.
that's a meme though, it's only true if you're attractive and having robot orbiters doesn't actually solve any problems you might have from years of mental problems, abuse, bullying, social exclusion
No. Her name is one of the female variations of Chris
Those who become "personalities" are empty depressed husk who suck attention out of pathetic nerds like a hoe sucks dick during a rave festival.
i utterly despise these kind of attention whores, but I get them. I just think that if your life is like that and that you come to resort to manipulating equally pathetic people who are desperate for affection, you are lazy as fuck and being a broken, insecure girl doesn't work as an excuse for me. It's manipulation period. Find any iota of dignity in you and seek a better path.
On the other hand, though, here are the fucking suckers who are so absolutely debilitated by their normalfag tier obsession with sex and girls that they are willingly embracing a life of denial in order to make up a perfect life with some literally who in their head that they will never get irl.
In conclusion I just wish you all would wake the fuck up and realize this symbiotic parasitic masquerade is dragging you deeper and deeper into hell. No matter how much you hate yourselves, none of you deserve that misery. Slay the thots, they are nowhere near as perfect as you think.
The femanons who respect the rule of anonymity are chill, though. I don't have any problem with female anons, just attention whore faggots in general.
>it's only true if you're attractive
That's a personal preference. Some guys have a fetish for ugly/fat/messed up etc. girls. Not saying the guy would be a catch based on that. But compared to a guy, it's like comparing a metropolitan city of orbiters to a desert in terms of activity
>having robot orbiters doesn't actually solve any problems
For a robot it would, someone would talk to them and pay attention to their miserable existence and perhaps brighten it up a little by just small talking.
It would mean the world to them if a girl even acknowledged their existence
not really outside of weirdos on the internet but there are girls that have feeder fetishes and shit on the internet too, if you're ugly and fat as a girl you get bullied in real life just as you would as a guy
>For a robot it would, someone would talk to them and pay attention to their miserable existence and perhaps brighten it up a little by just small talking.
>It would mean the world to them if a girl even acknowledged their existence
that's not what robots do though and if something like that could really solve your problems you don't have real problems to begin with. there's plenty of girls here that are completely fucked in the head and have bpd or other mental illnesses, being able to get fake robots that only pretend to like you because they're desperate to talk to a girl doesn't fix any of that.
if anything it makes actual human connection harder to come by because none of them treat you like a normal person
No that's not helping. It's like saying heroin helps because it makes you experience blissful extacy for a few minutes. Sure it brightens your pathetic existence, but it ends up causing an avalanche of problems in the longterm.
Orbiters are drug addicts. Only the drug is fleeting acknowledgment from irrelevant psychomaniac broken thots.
>It's interesting they choose to come here.
Granted that the internet is a cruel mistress and the world is a heartless bitch, between all this a girl can still find a home with a few orbiters, not lead them on and make it very clear from the start what they can expect while not setting her own expectations high or giving away information so any potential idiots can hate spam her.
Cutting off anyone that cannot behave and making a small group of acquaintances and with a few years who knows what happens.
A guy can't really do the same, girls don't orbit them and even if they manage to talk to one a bit their mind cannot process the situation as it's so unreal that in some form they'll fuck it up, be it that they become an asshole (which is just to cut him off) or they draw blanks in their head to discuss and the conversation goes nowhere/ends after a day.
In general a girl doesn't have to keep the conversation going, the guy does that and the girl either give short answers or drops a similar experience to verify said experience.
>if anything it makes actual human connection harder to come by because none of them treat you like a normal person
I'll give you that one but that is mostly as mentioned above, they don't know what to do and the situation is foreign to them and with zero experience they draw on retard advice from here AI "think like chad" to which their brain moves over to any high school be it movie or irl asshole in it and tries to copy that which obviously fails but they have nothing else
i get why robots say this when they can't even get 1 girl to talk to them but it's a really bad argument if you actually experience the other side. it's like if you say "i can't even go 5 steps out of the house" and someone says 'well I can't even go 4 steps so I have it worse, life is easy for you', even if fembots can go that extra step the result is still the same.
some things might be easier but all your mental illnesses, problems, anxieties, fears are all still there, normal people still treat you like shit and bully you, you still have no friends or real connections, no relationships, no one that actually loves you, you still want to kill yourself
the only bonus you get is being able to get robot orbiters but even that is more trouble than its worth. all you get is a bunch of fake people pretending to care about you because they're desperate. they never actually care about who you are, they lie, they feign interest in stuff you like to get closer to you, they try to manipulate you into liking them and then when you reject their advances they block you, ghost you, insult you, call you a fat ugly bitch cunt whore, spread your information ect.
there are robots that aren't like that but it's really not a positive to be able to get that and in the end you just end up feeling worse than if you just didn't bother trying at all. it even makes talking to nice robots difficult because you just assume they're faking it and will turn on you eventually
It may just be a step behind but it's still worlds apart, a robot cannot phantom any of that simply because they crave that which a girl already has.
Now if it is as you say shallow and what else all of this would be unknown as a robot haven't experienced any of this.
They see someone that has human confrontations and someone acknowledging they exist. They get jealous and it usually manifests itself in a lash out of questionable nature. A little bit warented but also easily avoidable by the receiver.
>reject their advances they block you, ghost you, insult you, call you a fat ugly bitch cunt whore, spread your information ect.
I'm not gonna dispute that their are a lot of assholes out there regardless of gender, however if there are unwanted advances I'd say the rules were not clear enough or they simply were too dumb to respect it.
Spreading information is just wrong, childish and quite frankly gives a rather clear picture of their mental state.
Insults is a spur moment, I'm by no means defending them as they were trusted with a profile and they betrayed that trust thus deserve a block and not a seconds though. Ghosting is frustrating but least you there as well get a clear picture of their intentions and can drop that person as well.
There's an ocean of trash to find a gem which would inconvenience anyone swimming in it.
Wait since when did I start giving out advice and support
I don't like them. I want them to leave
Why? It's honestly fun watching them deal with the place.
I don't know if a female exists that just browses the boards and occasionally speaks without bringing her sex into it.
I imagine dating an outspoken image board user would require a lot of mental effort to keep up with all the mental gymnastics.
I doubt it exists all I see is attention seeking.
But how do you know that? How do you know I'm not female right now?
Is really making a post with content that somebody would want to read that difficult of a task for your brain to comprehend? Its aggrivating enough dealing with whiny women during the day, last thing I want is for them to shit up where I spend my free time. I don't shit where I eat.
I guess it could maybe be the vocal minority, but to be honest every woke image board user I've spoken to has always ended up being male. The loud, annoying attention seeking ones are usually female.
Just going off of my own perceptions.
You're assuming I have that knowledge. If you read my post you'd see that I said I don't know. I'd like to hope so, but from what I've seen it doesn't appear likely.
A woman who casually uses a site like this and doesn't parade it around unless genuinely asked by someone who also uses it would be a very rare find.
Whoever finds that, keep them close.
I also collect orbiters but they are all stupid brown/asian girls :(
I have 7 at this second right now
Then I have to do all of that only bc some retard is going to tell me I'm an attention whore?! fuck off I don't care
she cheated on me and I just want to die
she was my only friend
i deserve all of the sadness i feel
Why do you deserve it? Did you do something?
Pic related is fembot. She likes being degraded in bed. Her discord is Ketamine#6844
Why post her? Why not post a fembot that wants a family? I'm sick of seeing women that just want a quick fuck.
Shes had sex shes not a fembot
She's being posted for no reason. This guy keeps spamming her discord.
I know. I think I've been on here too long.
fuck i would kill for a gf like this
Robots seems to be obsessed with fembots now
What happened back then?