/r9gay/ - #706

Sorry, I only have cuddle images edition

Last thread:

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Me on the left

I'm here lads. Repent you miserable heathens.

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who's on the right user

I pirated a couple of video games once
That's about the only thing I've actually done wrong


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The tough love didn't get through to you guys so I'll try something else: Please, for you own sake, repent and seek another path. Your are blind to what you're doing.

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Top eww and big yikes.

And what is it that I'm doing?




You are here through sin. Your parents sinned through sex and had you. Now you further their sin. You are rooting yourselves to this reality forever. You will never ascend to the place where you have no needs and no wants and live in eternal happiness. Do you really want AIDS?

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Posting images that have nothing to do with me doesn't even come under tough love, user.

>Italian boys
Pic related. This is peak Italian boy, silly.

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>Will not leave, I want boyfriend and meow is fun to see and talk.
But everyone hates the meow :

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Sticking your penis in shit and wasting your cum which is literal life force/children/souls. You are also spreading a disease vector around to innocent people and ruining society with your "subculture."

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>But everyone hates the meow :

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>Top eww and big yikes.
Yeah no

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Remind me, who established NAMBLA? Where did all of this "drag" and "trans" shit come from then?

>tfw no short scandinavian bf to carry over my shoulder

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Are you going to read this reply from the other thread or do I have to link it here user?

I prefer little spoon too though user

>Why? You're not rude to people.
Because meow is a meow

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How the fuck would I know, I'm not a member of NAMBLA and I couldn't give two shits about drag queens or trannies.
What, the answer is they were gay also and that's supposed to mean something to me?
Why's that a linking factor that matters and not anything else they might have in common with me or you or anyone else?


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>Sticking your penis in shit
Never done that.
>wasting your cum which is literal life force/children/souls.
Everyone does that.
>You are also spreading a disease vector around to innocent people
No I am not.
>ruining society with your "subculture."
What subculture? Robot subculture? Sitting at home and procrastinating?

Can't I just meme with you lads what's the big deal? Hell isn't real after all and nothing you do matters.

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>2% of the population
>lol it's not me!
What are normal, well-intentioned people supposed to do with you all while you go "bug-chasing" and anal prolapsing and child molesting?

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>What are normal, well-intentioned people supposed to do with you all while you go "bug-chasing" and anal prolapsing and child molesting?
maybe go talk to the people actually doing it instead of a bunch of lonely losers on the internet that just want normal relationships you retard

At some point, you're either sodomizing or being sodomized.
>everyone does that
No they don't. Stop projecting.
>what subculture
Yeah lol gay subculture doesn't exist what is the fucking San Fagsicko Pride Parade

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It literally isn't me, you fucking retard. How much do you think 2% actually is?

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>normal relationships
Nice try, demon. No one's buying it. Leave that man's body and return to hell. Christ commands you!

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>cum which is literal life force/children/souls
What did he meow by this

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It's just annoying user, you're memeing pictures of trannys and pointing at another party and saying "hurr that's you".
Hell is very real and I'm disputing that. I'm just questioning why you think putting effort in a mission to own le ebin homosexuals when you can actually be worthwhile and try to save people. Like you aren't even trying to convert anybody it's just the same shitty pictures and meme statements.

Do you actually believe people in this thread go to "pride parades", or do drag queen stuff? How new can you be?

>proceeds to be a part of the very same community, encouraging others who have these fetishes and seeking momentary pleasure by sticking his dick in shit
Open your eyes, not your ass, user.

>same community
You're an idiot, user, there isn't a gay hivemind and if there is they left me out of it.

I don't literally believe that--it's a symbol of everything you stand for. It's your final level when left unchecked. You have a disease and without treatment you just get worse. You can't be "normal"--that's what straight people are. Straight people can procreate. Gays literally shit on each other's penises. How is this acceptable to you?

I think he's actually just a boomer Christian or some pol troll. Any point I bring up he either ignores it or will respond once and then fail to create a counter argument or counter statement to mine.

you know this thread was specifically created to get away from the degenerate mainstream gay communities and /gaygen/ right? you could not pick a worse community to spam if degeneracy is what you want to combat

That's even worse. I'm telling you, these faggots are awful even to their own kind. Disavow them and seek a path away from the temptations of the flesh. You will be old soon and none of this will even matter. Make yourself holy, not a hole!

>it's a symbol of everything you stand for
You doon't know what I stand for.

Ahhh I fell for the bait and replied to him. Shit. I already know he won't listen to reason. He's willfully ignorant. I'll delete that reply.

give me your life force meow

>loving someone
That's not what you're doing and you know it, you little demon. You're trying to open up Solomon's seal in as many unwitting boys as possible. LEAVE THAT MAN'S BODY. CHRIST COMMANDS YOU.

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There's no disavowing to be done, I never avowed them in the first place. These people are strangers who I have never and will never meet. You needn't disavow every monster on this earth who shares some characteristic with you, and I will not stand to have that demanded of me.

I never felt the envy of going around naked or wearing drags, thank you very much.

You can actually attain forgiveness and salvation. Those "people" are lost. Don't you see?
Tell me what you stand for.

Meow has no life force!

Good taste, speaking of vinesauce
Joel best boy

>No they don't. Stop projecting.
Are you actually denying that everyone masturbates? What about night pollution? What does the bible say about that?
>Yeah lol gay subculture doesn't exist what is the fucking San Fagsicko Pride Parade
I do not subscribe to any subculture.

Who will join at the end? Who will you say is your kind then? Where is your family? Where are your brethren?

the souls of your children will be mine, meow

I don't masturbate, user. It can easily be done and you will feel so much better. Leave all temptations of the flesh behind. Why not just try it? Don't you realize how weak you are that you *cannot* go without masturbating? What is commanding you to do it? Your evil nature, the one the devil has cast over all of us in this world.

I'm defined by more than being gay, you fool. Who are your family, your bretheren? Does every straight person fall under those umbrellas? Of course not.

I walk with Christ and the body of Christ, fool. He who came to divide brother from sister, father from son, daughter from mother. The only true family there is. Who will be there for you in the end? I'm off to bed lads. Enjoy your "meowing" and cum or whatever.

I prefer Binyot but I totally respect your decision. Joel is also nice.

Meow has no children!

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I love my boyfriend more than you've ever loved anyone in your life, you pathetic little weasel.

If you came at me like this in person I'd break your jaw and feed you your teeth, but of course you'd never do that would you? Coward.

>tfw no cute boy to cuddle with on a saturday morning
>tfw no cute boy to hold while he makes us breakfast
>tfw no cute boy to make horny and not let him cum all day

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And it all comes back to that, doesn't it.
I hope Christ makes you feel real comfortable on your deathbed.

Your boyfriend will cheat on you, and you will be alone in your old age. Your flesh will sag and you will be a laughing stock, alone without children. You sound like a big tough guy though and I'm very scared of you.
Nothing brings me comfort in this world, if truth be told. Goodnight lads.

that privilege belongs to short scandis user

This is the person you call "friend."

>Nothing brings me comfort in this world
Yikes. There's the big reveal huh. Some poor idiot projecting his disease onto others.

Joel is a beautiful man, I would like to sperg out with him over Godzilla and retro games as he laughs at my terrible swedish skills and I laugh at his little mispronounciations of English words
I haven't watched enough of Vinny's streams to really grow attached, but I like his weird noises
Pls dont, you're going to make me sad again

last one:

>Nothing brings me comfort in this world
There we go, you and I aren't really so different.
May you find a less confrontational path.

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>Faith doesn't comfort him
Ooh, guess who is going to hell for not believeing!

>tfw no moof to snuggle with

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No one will go backpacking with me...

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the only boy I ever loved turned out straight, sad life

I want a boyfriend that likes me for being me.

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hard to find user

I know, I am old, nerdy top with nothing special about me.

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Gotta love those fake news articles written by boomers.

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Hmm, is this swedeanon?

You guys ever kiss a boy? Did he have dreamy, sadboi eyes?

I kissed a boy once
he was dreamy but not a sadboi

Only once in a dream I had.

My bf, yes. He has soft lips. Sometimes a sadboy. Never when we're together though.

Nice eyes, but he likes mine a lot more.

never have I ever user

I'm never gonna get a bf I'm such a coward :(

Lets all list everyday activities make you a bottom if you do them! I'll start:

>drinking any kind of beverage through a straw except in cases of fast food

What makes you say that?

>literally the only boys that add me are british
They're so far away

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>tfw no british accent bf listen to lewd talk
british accents are so lewd and make my pp get all tingly and sticky stuff comes out!!

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>Lay on your side with your arm holding your head up and your top leg bent forward
>Flicking your wrist while talking

where are you user I'll add you
haha sike i'm british as well

also which one of you janny sons of bitches temp blocked me for garbage outside of /b/
mods don't agree with you, suck my dick

I've had so many chances to ask out my crush cause I see him every day in class and yet whenever I'm around him I'm terrified and I just try to ignore him. idk what to say to him. my friends even took us both out to a club one night and got us both drunk and we still didn't do shit. I'm pathetic

>tmw no meow bf that bullies brits

>tmw no meow bf that bullies me

Brits deserve to be bullied, you cannot convince me otherwise!

I love twinks! Twinks are the best! Everyone post lewd twinks!

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Just knotted my Rex dragon dildo. Felt pretty good.

>not letting me watch on video chat while moaning my name and pretending its my dick
wow user really selfish of you

>tfw flaccid 5 cm or so and erect 17
Kill me right fucking now.

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How thick is it user? I'd like a bf who had a small dick that i could take all in my mouth without gagging!

That sounds cute as fuck user holy shit. Imagine your bf playing around with it and having it grow right in front of him to the max size and him just being absolutely amazed

practically the same stats as me and imo it's the best of both worlds
don't have to worry about awkward bulges in publix when soft but still big when hard