ask a neet of 7 years anything
Ask a neet of 7 years anything
Have you penetrated vagoo?
how can you survive without income?
how do you fund your NEET lifestyle?
What keeps you going? Don't you ever get bored/lonely from doing the same thing every day?
hey fellow truneet, i too am a neet since 2013
ever think about getting a job? i've been considering it lately and it seems to be way more trouble than it's worth. nigh impossible.
keep on truckin', fren
How ya holding up? I am a Neet of 7 years, almost 8 in June. So I can relate.
I am a neet of 2 years. what am I in for?
First few years will be alright. Then soon after it slowly turns into a self served hell. It's better to get out of neethood while you can. That or you'll regret it like I do.
Hang yourself.
You have four dollars and are stuck at a Taco Bell. What do you buy?
How do you keep yourself from being bored to death?
Nah I will just suffer but thanks. Completely original text.
was living with parents up until last year, now I am on welfare and they help with food (which i spend on alcohol) occasionally. It's very boring now because I am in complete isolation both in real life and now online with no friends at all
I am fucked beyond recognition and am not qualified to operate a a vacuum let alone hold a job
all of my hobbies are boring now. I no longer enjoy competitive vidya or films so I can truly see how shitty my life is without those major copes
better hope you have something to occupy your time with or it is hell
I'm on the way to becoming you.
I still have people that I speak to on social media that at least try to see me and now after seeing this post I'm gonna try harder to not become this person you are.
You've done me a great service.
>I am on welfare
what country do you live in?
how do you get free money for existing?
Is being a neet really based and redpilled?
What do you eat on a day to day basis?
How do you feel being a completely useless leech to society?
Society can go fuck itself, I refuse to take part in this disgusting world and contributing even a cent of my money to it.
t. neet of 3 years
>Society can go fuck itself
you say as you reap all the benefits of society. you typed that on a computer produced by society in a house produced by society while eating food provided by society. Stop being a fucking lazy hypocrite and either get a job or go live in the fucking woods and hunt for your food and build your own fucking house. Stop being a leech you lazy piece of shit.
where you live? i'm also a neet on welfare but i live with parents and pay them rent with neetbux. I'm not close to them at all so it's kinda like living with roommates. i wish I could get my own subsidized neet cave but it takes years of waiting on a list in america. ive been on that list for 4 years so far.
Not him but shut the fuck up faggot
Nobody contributes to society everybody takes what they can take
wow, someone clearly hates their job!
i work, but i wish i was NEET. i was only NEET for 10 months. i didn't "leech" off anyone, i lived off my savings. i have been employed 7 years
there was nothing better than those months as a NEET, nothing. sorry, loser, but nobody is going to get SHAMED into working. you basically have to force them.
also, a lot of NEETs straight up can't get hired anywhere. took me 10 months. i had a degree from a top ranked uni and also 5 years experience ... but still took me 10 months
everyone is a leech. you think that just because you pay taxes you're helping? nah, you're making it worse. fuck you, loser
>better hope you have something to occupy your time with or it is hell
nigga ur on a computer. theres tons of shit you can do. its like being stuck in a library and saying you have nothing to read lmao.
>vodka and wine bottles as piss bottles
holy shit, this is advanced. How's yor liver
a guy on my floor abandoned his apt and it was just a sea of cans and bottles (alcohol). Seriously, you couldn't see the carpet/ floor. The janitor said he'd used some as piss bottles and that the bedsheets were covered in shit and piss.
The commendable thing was that he was still holding down a job and was functioning to some degree. I have never seen that many empties in one room though, it was based and very redpilled.
you don't get it and never will
It's thing if you're living off saving or trying and failing to find a job, but people who refuse to find a job because they'd rather stay at home and play videogames or whatever while living off government checks are nothing but lazy cunts. I don't have a job because I'm a student atm but if working my ass off to get pay my bills and provide for my family makes me a loser, I'd rather end up a loser than whatever you consider yourself and other neets
plus its not sustainable long-term. you'll end up dead via suicide or the gov will cut you off.
it feels good, i have a clear conscience because i don't fund this evil system
i've been a shut in neet for the past 15 years. diagnosed schizoaffective and other shit. taken tons of medications that have permanently fried my brain. i think i know what im talking about you faggot tumblr bitch. being a neet isn't a fucking competition neither is being mentally ill. kill yourself faggot zoider. go learn how to grow your own food and hunt and eat a fresh animal. stop going to the same shitty sites every day. go on the deepweb and just go to random sites. you'll find something that will interest you. just like the internet was in the 90s.
funny how this "evil system" allows you to leech off hardworking people. Sounds like if anything user, youre the evil one
>hard working
Pick one. You want to slave away for kike domination willingly that's your own problem.
>It's thing if you're living off saving or trying and failing to find a job, but people who refuse to find a job because they'd rather stay at home and play videogames or whatever while living off government checks are nothing but lazy cunts.
at least they're not reproducing
they're leagues better than all the women who have children and get government checks!
>I don't have a job because I'm a student atm but if working my ass off to get pay my bills and provide for my family makes me a loser, I'd rather end up a loser than whatever you consider yourself and other neets
1 - i am not a NEET. i made that explicitly clear. i want to be one, but i can't because i need money
2 - i have no "family" to provide for, not everyone can do that
what reason does a single man who can not get a gf have for wageslaving at some job he hates if he can live for free off government checks? tell me, be specific - no dodging
not everyone can enjoy working at a job
You're fucking retarded. I don't even know what to say to you because i can tell that you've completely brainwashed yourself. At least ill most likely die happy with a wife and kids. More than you'll ever obtain fag.
Your social coercion isn't going to work on me pal. I will do everything in my power to resist you collectivist bullies and the fucking government until the day I die.
It really boils down to morals. What reason do you have to not fuck over other people every chance you get for your own benefit? most people would say they dont do that because theyd feel bad or they actually care about others. There's not a logical argument to why you shouldn't be a leech and live off of welfare, but most people don't do it because they have at least some decency.
Then go live in the fucking woods or something. Taking welfare checks isnt resisting the government you retard.
>It really boils down to morals
>What reason do you have to not fuck over other people every chance you get for your own benefit?
if someone else fucks me over, then i feel like it's just desserts. if they are innocent, i will not fuck them over
despite being employed and never getting welfare, i do not see it as fucking over people at all. that's a totally fraudulent false equivalence
>most people would say they dont do that because theyd feel bad or they actually care about others
i do not indiscriminately care about other people. most of these people would happily press a button if it meant i would be viciously tortured in exchange for putting $1000 into their bank account, as long as they don't get in trouble or have to hear about it
i feel no connection or responsibility towards this "society" i live in
>There's not a logical argument to why you shouldn't be a leech and live off of welfare, but most people don't do it because they have at least some decency.
wrong, they don't do it because they can get a gf and want to start a family. or they have expensive tastes and want "experiences" they can only afford by being employed. or they enjoy the social status they get from their jobs
not every person can do that. they want to enjoy their lives, and they objectively realize that living off the government's money (which sends billions of dollars to the 3rd world and also spends trillions of foreign wars) is better than wasting your one precious living slaving away
when the government spends $6 trillion on wars in the middle east for zionism, it doesn't seem "wrong" to take as much as possible from them for your own benefit
i encourage everyone i know to get government assistance. it's a disgusting monster which needs to be drained of its resources
>Taking welfare checks
I don't. I would live in the woods but it's illegal unless you own the land, which means paying taxes- something I will never do.
equal chances of a meaningless hollow unsatisfying but somewhat comfortable existence for decades or a spiral into mental instability, depression, alcoholism and suicide
but don't worry, you wouldn't have been better off working or studying since you would have never fit in anyways
What do you spend your days doing?
apparently not original lol
based and aIso honest
How'd you end up in this situation?
What age are you at this moment?
Do you plan to change it any time soon?
I'm 20 just now and I couldn't sit and do nothing for more than a week never mind 7 years. That would fuck my brain beyond repair.
>sit and do nothing
you can do things as a NEET
if you need to be forced to do things to actually achieve anything, you need to figure out how to fix that, sir
I don't require force personally, I drive my own desire to do things. I just don't see what I could personally do if I went NEET so I'm curious as to what you lads do. Just browse Jow Forums every day? Go for night walks?
>I just don't see what I could personally do if I went NEET so I'm curious as to what you lads do
i am not a NEET anymore, unfortunately, but i was neet for almost a year (best time of my life)
- reading, research
- writing [non-fiction articles]
- exercise, weight lifting
- cooking more complex meals
- walking outside soaking up vitamin d from the sun (instead of sitting in an office all day until sun goes down)
basically mostly things i have no ability or energy to do anymore since i'm full time employed
Ah. Alright then. I couldn't really refute that since I've never been employed. Full time student doesn't even fucking compare either.
Hope you find more time to do those activities user. Try maybe improve your sleeping schedule or something but that probably won't do much.
I got depressed, discovered Jow Forums and it made me even more depressed. Imagine not going out for days and just reading this site all day. for weeks. eventually you will believe its not even worth to try because you are ugly, cant accomplish anything, cant get anything done. you get reminded every single of your flaws every hour through the entire day.
I cant even describe it with words, its a psychological torture nothing compares to. I lost 3 years of my life to it. 3 fucking years man.
It's my fault, I'm not blaming it but in the end my life could have been entirely different if I never clicked on this hellhole.
Now I'm working my way back, got accepted to a university, started going to the gym and swimming multiple times a week, bought clothes, read books, got back into my hobbies i used to enjoy and improve myself with.
Being sucked into this mindset is something that cant be described with words. I had perfect grades in high school, every teacher told me I'm smart, I was genuinely a decent lad without much efforts put into school. Yet I ended up here because of a combination of a few things at the wrong time.
My advice if youre a 20 years old just leave this site. There is nothing good in here. I dont care if some cunt bullies you, if someone looks at you in a wrong way, if some shallow cunt laughs at you. Quit this site. there is nothing here but slow suicide
I couldn't really imagine what being sucked into a mindset like that so quickly could do to someones mind. Wrong circumstances, wrong time I guess.
I've been lurking here for quite some time, I'm quite used to it at this point but I could see how the pessimism could build up and boil over. Might leave eventually but I find that image boards are usually easier to talk to people on over social media, or discord or whatever.
Good that you're getting back on top though mate. Good luck wherever you end up. Maybe you should take your own advice and quit Jow Forums, or at least quit Jow Forums.
This board is poison.
not him but the deep web is not cool like that at all. i was super disappointed in it. once youve seen drug stores, cp, hitman services, exploration logs, and the occasional private library of misc stuff u have seen everything it has to offer. its not like the early internet at all. its not social, it doesnt have endless variety, there is no innocent or magical atmosphere, it doesnt feel like going on an adventure into the unknown
The lifestyle hierarchy:
Good job >>> NEET > McJob
If your only option is McJob you might as well try to be neet
How are you any worse as a NEET than the rich cunts who won the lottery, won with crypto/stocks (zero sum game btw), or got shitted out of the right vagina to a wealthy family? None of those people are helping society become any better and are actually TAKING way more from others than a lowly neet with 1k a month autismbux
ah yes, depression.
i know it.
What illnesses are you on the dole for if any? Been leeching off the parents for 3 or 4 years now, kinda worried what happens after that.
>doing busywork jobs for mr. shekelstein that are going to be automated soon is "contributing"
jobs literally exist to spiritually crush us at this point. if you're not NEET or self-made, you are a slave.
What made you Neet?
I was a neet from 2013 to 2017. I moved back in with my mother and sister and went back to school. I feel happier now than I have in almost a decade.
Why not put the lids back on the piss bottles!!
Imagine the odour
Are you simply not doing anything with your life, but still interacting with the outside world, or are you a full blown hikikomori? I was the latter for a year and a half and almost killed myself.
Enjoy your roastie wife cheating on you and your kids becoming normalfag manwhores/whores, respectively while also draining all your finances.
Taco Hell is expensive af now. I drop around $20 everytime I go there and it doesn't seem like I get that much.
at least you got a balcony you can smoke cigs on and look at the view
lmao id rather my kids be normies/roasties than neets. at least a roastie will carry on the bloodline. something most neets probably cant attest to
>carry on the bloodline
okay grandpa
What do you do to fill the time? Computer screen is now starting to hurt my eyes after a short while and I hate vidya.
not op but I've been a neet on/off since I was 17, I'm 25 now. most of my time is just being on the computer, I've been trying to go for walks to give my eyes a break for screens
>carry on the bloodline
>not wanting to erase your bloodline so it cant contaminate future generations
wew lad
normalfag/roastie genes aren't worth purveying.
what kind of pussy alcohol do you drink faggot??
>ask a neet of 7 years anything
18 years for me
This site is a pointless cunt-filled shithole, sure, but at least it's entertaining, all you're doing is running off to the world trying to be a wagecuck/normalfag, thinking that you'll find any meaning or happiness in it... you won't btw, sorry to burst your bubble.
>"carry on muh bloodline"
>that dosen't even matter in reality
Yes, I'm very sure the bloodline of random NPC No# 9185642379 is very impotrant.
Stop being such a bitchmode and get a job you fucking retard
>I am on welfare
How'd you manage that?
Good looking neet here, i have created quite a few single mothers.
Enjoy your roasty daughter getting impregnated by some random asshole and living a miserable life creating a kid that will an hero.
cringe desu famalama
So how much of that is piss and how much is actual alcohol.
why don't you vacuum your place and get rid of the fucking bottles? oh yeah, get a job.