>Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!!
Why are redditors so obsessed with anti-vaxers all the sudden? I fucking get it.
Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!!
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Anti-vaxers are legit retarded and a threat to public health tho
no one takes them seriously tho
i feel like maybe you don't get how vaccines work
not really informed with this stuff mind explaining it to me
Yeah I wonder how people survived before 15 years ago
There are evidently enough retards to actually pose a thread to public health as shown by the recent outbreaks of diseases up until recently considered eradicated in first world countries.
it got in the news lately and it's always been a point of contention between mainstream posturers and anti-establishment malcontents, which tends to be particularly contentious due to the fight being over whether you inject somebody's kids with some mystery substance.
it doesn't matter if people take them seriously or not, folks are getting fucked up and sick cause of them regardless. it isn't like flat earthers where their retardation starts and ends with them just being laughed at. itd be lot less of a problem if it was only adult anti vaxxers getting sick, but they're fucking it up for the rest of us
Not as easily
Well there's light at the end of the tunnel seeing as some places already reacted and now you can't even get your child into Kindergarten or School without proof that they are vaccinated. So hopefully it's a brief period of retardedness forcing people to react to it once and for all.
Redditors are obsessed with anti-vaxxers for the same reason they're obsessed with flat earthers and MLMs. They're obviously wrong positions that give themselves someone to feel superior to just by existing and taking the default opinion.
At least flat earthers hurt no one by being retarded. Can't say the same about anti vaxers let alone MLM scams that legit ruin peoples lives.
Other than that yeah it's the same as looking at retards on TV and thinking at least I am not that.
vaccines are not a 'mystery substance'.
But user muh mercury makes it scary and poisonous because Susan on facebook said so and she totally knows her shit!
most early education and secondary education schools in america require proof of vaccination, and have for decades; and that's letting alone pretty much all colleges that require immunization records. nothing has changed in response to the current outbreaks, except for maybe in areas where lax immuno laws were passed by fucking idiots
You dont know whats in it tho
You can a) literally look it up on the internet in many cases and b) ask the doctor to show you what's in it. It's not a fucking UFO being covered up. There is no excuse to be an uneducated retard and then shout uneducated stupid shit.
What I don't get is that it's seen as a right wring thing.
My mom was a feminist (second wave) and an anti-vaxer. She became an anti-vaxer through her feminist friends. They all convinced her that the pharmaceutical industry was evil and that vaccines would give you autism or something.
>except for maybe in areas where lax immuno laws were passed by fucking idiots
Well yeah that is what I was talking about because there are still a lot of non public schools etc that up until recently didn't require it and in some cases they still don't.
>What I don't get is that it's seen as a right wring thing.
No it isn't. You're an idiot. Even Trump condemned anti-vaxxers.
I think you are just obsessed with those that are against anti-vaxxurss........
mercury/ thimerosal unironically causes autism and nobody has explained why they're added to vaccines. Vaccines themselves aren't bad but it's fucked up that they put this crap in them.
If the vaccine keeps you safe from the disease how does it fuck things up for you?
Jow Forums = FOX NEWS
I don't care about fox news or conspiracy crap but 1. thimerosal is added to vaccines 2. thimerosal is linked to autism 3. there's no reason explained by anyone why they put mercury (a toxic heavy metal) in vaccines ? Nobody has explained the purpose for it being added. The second you start questioning anything you just get the response like you're part of the anti vaxxer movement. This world is fucked. Fuck you all. Hope humans go extinct soon for being so retarded.
Same deal as everyone hating on trump in 2016. its always either the conservative views or the radical conspiracy views that reddit seeks out and destroys
apparently they used it as a preservative but idk why they didnt use literally anything without mercury in it
Redditors love to blow things out of proportion.
Why do they put aluminum in vaccinations?
Thats more due to the hordes of brown people invading your country than a handful of dumbass soccer mom women.
Anti-vaxxers are retarded and a threat to public health. If you want to see some actual made up outrage look a flat earthers which the media has been talking about lately, the people that actually believe that nonsense are less than 0.01% of the population and those retards aren't hurting anybody in any way that matters yet the media acts they're even worth talking about.
This thread is eerily bluepilled
This. Redditors really believe vaccines are safe lmao
With vaccinations, partly.
T. Guy who is older than 15
I want to get tetanus, Brad
How are anti vaxxers a threat to public health?
>You're not an anti vaxxer
>You and your kids are vaccinated
>There's no threat to you
I mean you could say in theory they're a threat to their own health but in reality the stuff people are being vaccinated against are so rare that you'd be as well never getting in a motor vehicle to 'immunise' yourself from automobile accidents which statistically kill more people than any of these diseases even before their respective vaccines
And no I'm not an anti vaxxer I just keep asking people why aluminum/ mercury/ thimerosal are added to vaccines. Nobody comes up with answers other than 'le retarded anti vaxxer idiot' wtf? Ok vaccines are good things but why does everyone ignore why they're adding heavy metals to stuff being injected into little kids? Hello?
>tfw i was injected with iron maiden as a kid
Shit tier joke, buddy, but I laughed
could be wrong but if i remember properly its so the medicines can bind to the muscle and take effect. not all use heavy metals though and the amount is probably trumped by daily exposure anyway
Glad you liked my /clowning around/
People with weak immune systems like infants and the elderly aren't 100% protected against stuff even if they get vaccinated, they depend on hurd immunity much more than young adults with strong immune systems do. Many studies show that getting teenagers/younger adults vaccinated and adding to the hurd immunity actually does more to prevent vaccine preventable flu deaths in these weak immune system groups than getting them themselves vaccinated.
i foresaw this response. as far as any average parent is concerned it is. their decision is based on how much they trust the institutions. if you don't trust the institutions, you don't trust the substance.
Trump has also said anti-vaxx stuff, he's wishy washy and says one thing one day and something else the other day. I don't agree with saying that anti-vaxx is right wing though, it exists on both sides but more so on the left wing among retards that are all about muh green and muh all natural GMO-free dogshit is actually a medicine because nature is looking out for us (it isn't).
Theres more mercury in your fucking fish than there is in vaccines. Honestly you retards think that the presence of practically a couple of atoms in a drug will cause irreparable damage.
Aluminum, Mercury, and a whole host of other "dangerous" elements and molecules are present in vaccines... and many are both essentials for human life and incredibly deadly in concentrated amounts. Its like you can't fucking comprehend the idea of dilutions. Almonds contain the same chemicals as cyanide. Apple seeds can be genuinely toxic if eaten enough. Coffee is a potentially lethal psychadelic in the right amounts. Fucking dihidrogen monoxide is responsible for hundreds of poison-based deaths across the world each year. Guess what? That's fucking water. Honestly.
Mercury isn't actually included in a lot of vaccines anymore. A lot of the chemicals present are there in order to assist with immune alertion and recognition as a threat. There in such minuscule doses that you'd need to take literally hundreds of vaccines in order to get the same amount of mercury as you would from eating a couple kg of the wrong type of fish. They all have a purpose, and it's practically like homeopathy that the same white people who preach anti-vax love so much.
>source: medfag. You could literally google search; your own ignorance/lack of knowledge is not a point of argument. I realize that makes me sound like a cunt and I apologize.
the fish go through my digestive system
the vaccine gets injected into my blood stream
It's not the same thing at all
There's a difference between ethyl mercury and methyl mercury you fucking retard.
Mercury is mercury. Ending your reply with "you fucking retard" doesn't make you right.
their frontpage algo is fucked bc it's dictated by shareholders
it's designed to find the least offensive content possible while still seeming "natural"
They're both mercury but there's a big difference between the two of them and the impact they have on people. Methyl mercury is dangerous in any dose and ethyl mercury (which is the one in vaccines) is not. Anyone who is afraid of something because it just sounds scary and doesn't do any research despite more educated people warning them to is, in fact, a fucking retard.
It's the combination of astroturfing from pharmaceuticals and retarded teenagers joining in.
social worker reporting in
parents of severely autistic/retarded children love blaming vaccinations for their child's disability, and I get it. easier blaming the lifelong issues on something moderately outside one's own control versus accepting that one has given birth to a defective human bean.
>spoiler alert: most of us were vaccinated as children
>spoiler alert: very few of us are clinically fucked like the retards I advocate for
anti vaccination people are fucked. and fuck your mercury. it didn't do shit to the vast majority of children, including all of us posting right fucking now
You should focus on the part that is right, it's the part that matters.
I- are you smoking something? One way or another things in your digestive tract end up in your blood. Ever heard of the villi and nutrient absorbtion? Jesus christ.
being this retarded lul
An entire section of the Jow Forums is looking for a cop out while entirely ignoring that autism can be caused by social factors
Yeah, and the same water that keeps us alive is the same water that poisons and kills us in concentrations that are too high. The same salt that is necessary for our continued existence also causes fatal mass cell rupture if too much is consumed. The same medicines we intake to save lives are also both deadly in some concentrations, and hallucinogenic drugs when their molecular structure is flipped.
TLDR being this retarded and pretending you understand grade 11 chemistry
the US is currently having the worst measles outbreak in 10-15 years, that's why
vaccinate your fucking kids
there is no medical risk and you are a scientifically illiterate retard if you believe otherwise
>thread in a nutshell
thanks for the true summary user
>1. thimerosal is added to vaccines 2. thimerosal is linked to autism
this is false. autism is genetic and thimerosal is no longer used in vaccines because the FDA caved to populist pressure from retards.
because they no longer contain thimerosal as a preservative, vaccines meant for third-world countries now have to be refrigerated, which limits their scope and penetration.
Sodium is sodium, that doesn't mean table salt fucking explodes on contact with air like elemental Na does.
Different chemicals have different chemical properties. This is not a hard concept to understand.
>things in my digestive system don't end up in my blood stream/end up in amounts that are negligible
you're either a legit elementary school dropout or a troll, I hope it's the latter. I implore you to learn literally anything about the human body from an actual academic source
>I should be allowed to jeopardize an innocent child's life just because it doesn't affect everyone else (it does)
tl;dr Having a significant number of unvaccinated people still puts the people who do have a given vaccine at risk, this is the sort of thing where going halfway defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place
I do hope this guy is trolling, but even if he is I'm glad it's being shat on since anti-vax is one of the few completely objectively harmful social ideas and I just know some underaged shit-for-brains that browse might buy into it bc they lack a strong sense of identity
>lack a strong sense of identity
I feel like this is the main culprit behind explosively stupid conspiracies like this. It's innate human nature to want to think you're more important than you really are. This can be on an individual level (someone unironically believing they would survive a zombie apocalypse or military takeover) and run all the way up to societal ideas that are hard to remove from your subconscious. Then the internet age makes people face the stark truth that they really aren't worth a shit and there are millions of others just like them. What are weak people to do? It's incredibly easy to buy into something that nets you both acceptance and a feeling of superiority. It's either that or have zero distractions from the fact that you're nothing.
Herd immunity for the sake of infants is an absolutely shitty argument and I'll explain why in two words. Whooping Cough.
The pertussis vaccination stops adults from feeling the symptoms of whooping cough, but they're still carriers.
"Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model"
Part two, allergies. See pic related, for one. Everyone is given the MMR vaccine, and it does more harm than good. It used to be back in the day measles were seen as no different than the common cold in its severity, and no different than chickenpox in its function, but now it's this big bad monster.
This was as recent as one generation ago, you can find any old show that will reflect the reality at the time, like the brady bunch; youtube.com
...oh, wait, no, you can't. You can't find this episode on netflix, it's been pulled because it goes against the narrative.
>You're not an anti vaxxer
>You and your kids are vaccinated
>There's no threat to you
>herd immunity in its entirety is bad because of one specific infection
>article you linked isn't even referring to humans
this bait is so poor that I think you're dumb just based on an inability to bait in a smart or novel way
1. thimerosal is not used in all vaccines, only some
2. they do not fucking cause autism, that was based on one quack doctor's bullshit paper that he retracted and lost his license for publishing
3. it's used as a a preservative in multi-dose vials which are pains in the ass to draw from and most places use single use vaccines instead - you get like 20 x that miniscule amount of mercury from a can of tuna btw
but yeah kids are gonna keep dying because dipshits won't listen to reason
>89,000 measles deaths in 2016 which is leagues less than what it used to be
Clearly these statistics are psyops instilled by daughter-fucking lizard men
wow, it's fucking nothing.
"In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15. It is estimated that 3-4 million people in the US were infected each year. Also, each year among reported cases (meaning more probably had measles than reported it because it's common cold tier, but let's stick to hard numbers), an estimated 400-500 people died, and 48 000 were hospitalized." From the CDC's own website: cdc.gov
500 people dying puts the mortality rate at about 0.1%.
But vaccines are safe, right? Of course they are, that's why we have federal law 42 U.S. Code300 aa 22. Standards of responsibility; making it illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers.
>linking verifiable evidence that hundreds died and tens of thousands were hospitalized just in the US and just in one year, let alone in undeveloped countries
you have built an excellent case against yourself, please take my upvote good sir
I could call you dumb for a different reason myself. That is simply that we are unable to perform an study using humans due to the ethical violation of intentionally infecting humans with a disease.
But, you are at least somewhat correct in that my argument was slightly misplaced. It's not herd immunity itself that's bad, its the public's idea of it.
Here's a US commercial for whooping cough. youtube.com
They go against the very science I previously posted. "get the vaccine so your grandchildren don't get sick!" when it mitigates symptoms, not transmission, making it more likely your child gets sick in the first place.
89 000 deaths globally is due to the third world having shitty health. Back in 1963, of the 3-4 million infected only year only 500 died, giving it a first world mortality rate of 0.1%.
And those 500 that didn't die due to measles likely died to something else given their incredibly weak constitution.
Yes. Shit happens, people die. I'd rather have 400 die from measles, than tens of millions suffer from allergy, asthma, or other such preventable health issues. See pic related.
But, I'm not advocating for no vaccines at all. I myself will get a tetanus booster when I need it.
I'm against the numerous (several dozen, cdc.gov
But, if you decide you want to do it for your kids, by all means. But we have reached the point where we have children taken away from their parents because they don't want to vaccinate for an STD at birth.
Vaccinations are unironically a really fucking scary thing in a post Mk-ultra world. Forget about autism or whatever meme bullshit, I'm worried about the government putting microchips in everyones bodies or pacifying drugs.
I forgot a link to the allergy-vaccination thing.
And see pic related for the link between a significant increase in type 1 diabetes and the hepatitis B vaccination, which of course all infants need a vaccination for, you know how much sexually transmitted diseases spread with infants.
How much else in your life do you believe because of correlation?
>bruh just look at the numbers breh
Same reason why they are obsessed with science even though none of them are scientists
>social worker reporting in
>spoiler alert
Reddit has really taken over here hasn't it? FUCK off you fucking nigger.
According to Google, it's because it heightens the immune system's response, thus lowering the required dosage of the vaccine.
>i'll just call him retarded
>that's sure to convince him or make me look good to others
It's going to take me a bit to read this before I can respond completely, but I do have two quick responses after skipping to the conclusion, reposted here: "Several mechanisms have been proposed to ex-plain how vaccines might cause allergic or autoim-mune diseases. However, flaws in proposed mecha-nisms are consistent with large well-controlledepidemiologic studies that do not support the hy-pothesis that vaccines cause chronic diseases. "
So you have an inventor of a vaccine and (wasn't able to find too much info on the other guy, outside of him editing a few books), two people very heavily involved in the pharmaceutical industry, say "those studies are wrong, they're perfectly safe". Seems a bit on the nose.
Nonetheless, I bookmarked it to read tomorrow.
you took 20 minutes to type that
1. He didb't just call you a retard, it's a pretty succinct way to satirize your meme-tier inforgraphics that are SURELY displaying pure causation with variables isolated
2. You've formed a strong, controversial opinion on something integral to societal wellbeing and you haven't even searched Google Scholar for "vaccines and allergies"?
3. Complete double standards of scrutiny for what fits your narrative vs what doesn't. Please continue to nod your head and say "hmm yes". What a deep thinker
3 is even funnier bc one of his sources is literally a scene in a lighthearted sitcom. i could make an entire essay on how that alone is astoundingly stupid
>just by existing, you're a public health threat
maybe humans shouldn't be alive
>Measles outbreak
>One group is behind almost all the outbreaks
>The only states and governments FORCING vaccinations against measles are the states and governments they aren't measurably represented within
>"It's called herd immunity, you have to be vaccinated to protect the herd. To protect the people who can't be vaccinated. Groups like pregnant women and babies. Be vaccinated and protect the group that can't be vaccinated so they can't spread it.
>The group spreading it isn't pregnant women or babies
>It's jews
Come ~JOIN~ the official 4ch live chat user
>Im gonna go get a vaccine without my parents permission
>get national media attention
>get called a hero
MSM told them to be agitated about it.
You know what actually is a threat to public health?
Millions of unwashed disease ridden third worlders pouring into western countries bringing back diseases that were extinct here for decades.
Weird how the MSM or institutions don't care about that tho despite only having your best interest in mind :^)
cant tell whos more retarded, the people on Jow Forums who are anti vaxx or the people on facebook
Measles was declared extinct in 2000.
You are having this outbreak because of illegal third world immigration, and the media blames it on anti vaxxers which have already existed in 2000.
Because redditors are people who wanted to practice science but couldn't, so they cling to coat tails of acatul scientists and defend anything they say no matter how reidiculous it is sonthey can feel smart. Theyre no different than police or military groupies really
drinking rattlesnake venom wont hurt you, yet its its deadly if its injected retard
the mmr vaccine has killed more people this century than actaul measles has, also do some actual research these "outbreaks" literally consist of 5 people in counties of millions, stop believing the fear mongering retard
It's a circle jerk website. I don't know what to tell you, my man. Too bad a rich user can't buy it and ban the people with the most up boats to see how many kill themselves as an experiment.