Why do you not just slay those responsible for your misery

Why do you not just slay those responsible for your misery

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its impossible for me to get them all

don't want to go down for an incomplete revenge

I dont believe in using violence except in the case of self defense

Yeah and killing them is too merciful. There's plenty time to think of something that'll get them all. Like get some strain of mega African aids and letting them all fuck you in the ass, that would surely show em.

that person is me and i dont have the balls to kill myself

I thought progressively driving them insane through small acts would be more interesting but either way idk how to do it

Because I currently have no means with which to kill over 7 billion humans.

But I don't want to kill myself bud.

>Because I currently have no means with which to kill over 7 billion humans.

wow youre a pussy then

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If you know where they live or work
Rub ca fentanyl and dmso all car door handle

I don't think you understand how many a billion is.

one day we will

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>I don't think you understand how many a billion is.

It's infinity basically

>If you know where they live or work
>Rub ca fentanyl and dmso all car door handle

what will that do

Give them a rash.

They will die soon after contact with the skin

Because all of my misery "caused by someone else" is my own fault.

Why have I not slain myself? Too lazy I suppose

It may as well be, given the paltry resources at hand.

Obviously but that does not mean you will not feel better standing over the corpses of chads and staceys

>tfw you will never live in a time before forensic evidence and mass surveillance technology

boring thread "whaaa whaaaa I'm emo and edgy dae here love columbine n shit??" fuck off

Why? Chads and Stacys are cool and fun

Been there, done that, and i agree with you in that it is really fun. You get to see and enjoy their descent into madness and suicide

Half police job is watching social media waiting for the killer to talk
They talk a big game but are useless and lazy

If I killed everyone who took my mistakes and actions the wrong way, I would be committing mass genocide.
It's not worth it.
I barely feel good killing a spider

What kinda fun stuff have you done? Did they ever suspect you?

>I barely feel good killing a spider

Killing a person is not at all like killing the spider
You might like it

>fuck off

Careful what you wish for, normie ;)

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I manipulated it to where all of them thought i was the good guy (yes it was a group) so no suspections. Fun stuff? Oh ya know just the whole getting their friends to hate them, their parents, the school, and then themselves. And then u plant razor blades or drugs on them and report them to the school and see that fun go down. See them break down in public bawling... wonderful feeling

That's the problem. Mass genocide needs to be committed, but there's no real good way to do it right now except possibly full-scale global war, which all the politicians seem lazy as fuck to begin.

Hate to be the cliche but taking a psychedelic might help you understand.
Or just having schizophrenia.

>getting their friends to hate them

School me in this one, i am particularly interested in this. Anyway, sounds like u had a lot of fun. Did they get a perma criminal record too?

i cant kill my mom, id get caught and i dont want to go to jail

Mine is self inflicted

If you were a high vis vest and carry a clipboard you gain instant access to any where

You shouldn't hate chads and stacies for having luck on being who they are. Hate the system that enables the glorification of these people. Hate life because of the circumstances you got. No other person is to blame but life itself.

That would require a whole lot of people to realise a lot of their problems are self inflicted and say it's other people's fault to make themselves hurt less

Lmao I'm sure you did