Havent seen you in a while, something troubling you?

havent seen you in a while, something troubling you?
what are you having?
dont worry, its on the house

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have orange juice? Im feeling lonely OP i keep stalking her after all these years
Also where are the other /ugly/ brothers?

brother if we are here we are ugly. Barman, if you have it I will take an umeshu. (yeah its a weeb drink)

yeah, coming right up.
its water under the bridge man

yeah sure, not many people ask for that kind of liqueur

I'll have some golden rum, just disappointed that everyone I know is in a relationship or has had sex while I am supposed to be the most accomplished having a degree and a six figure salary but still a fucking virgin.

eh, some jameson whiskey, yeah ill have the bottle, unholy trips i see

Those trips.

I have a three day weekend. Nothing is really bothering me. I'm at peace, since a girl stopped talking to me for reasons unknown. Probably cuz I'm a sperg, but whatever.

Anyway, beer me please. Happy Friday everyone.

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coming right up.
hey, all in due time man

user where do they work? are their jobs soul sucking garbage? you may be doing better friendo

john coltrane is playing my favorite things in the background of this bar if i had to imagine it
meh, some wine for me, not that cheap if you will

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They are either in school or wage cucking at some retail job. I work as a Software Engineer.
I'm 22 its starting to get embarrassing.

sure, coming up.
i like your indifference, shows some caracter.
happy friday aswell

youtube.com/watch?v=H8w_Q57RQJc some nice va-11 hall-a tunes.

youre living someone else's life if you keep comparing yourself like that.
dont be too harsh on yourself

Just an extra strong lager while i chill to the jukebox

Give me something non alcoholic with ice.
I'm so tired of chasing her, doing all I can to be noticed and she keeps crushing after a scene faggot who pretends to be depressed while he already has a girlfriend.
Fuck I wish I didn't love her so much, spending all this time waiting for her to realise he won't even consider her.
Venting feels nice, I'll leave you a tip

fair enough man. Do you have fulfilling hobbies? i find most normies don't really care about their hobbies like us spergs do. I like model trains

sure, coming up. pick a song if you want

Outside of anime and video games I work out but idk if its as much a hobby as it is something I do to better myself. Although back in the day I used to play yugioh, now I just don't have the free time.

Ive been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because I love him so much and have made my life and schedule revolve around him but he doesnt show me affection or that he loves me much and lately not at all. He doesnt act like someone who is in love. Every time I think about breaking up with him though he gets bad news or something negative happens. I love him so much but even people around us have noticed that I give and give and give, and I dont get my love returned. Im so sad I cried all day today.

sounds tough man. does she care for you?
ill fetch you some coke.

sounds like you are taking care of yourself at least, that's never a bad thing. power to ya brother

doesnt sound like a two way relationship, do what you feel is right, i dont really pretend to give direct advice, i have been wrong in the past.
want to order something?

>two college degrees
>still living at home
>still work retail
>still a friendless virgin

Doesn't really bother me, outside of the occasional bout of loneliness. I want to find out what sex feels like, but not enough to try to get it.

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Sometimes she's so lovely and caring.
Other times she's just ignoring me

What degrees?
Fuck that shit is depressing hope you can get out soon user

man I miss clerks.

Barman's right. you shouldn't let your life be dictated by another; especially one who doesn't care about your own.

Chet Baker shows up in the bar and starts soloing that fucking trumpet. The piano sooths the ambient to a tranquil mindfullness

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I'll take some red wine, am curious on what it tastes like. Also nah, I'm paying. Not really one to take things without paying.

What's troubling me? Well I wouldn't say it's really troubling me. I'm just "alone", all the people I hang with are just acquaintances and nothing more. I lack any real friendship.

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maybe this song would help, tell me what you think

My father stopped talking to me when i turned 18 and quit my apprenticeship now im just trying to find myself

Give me a rum cola

Coffee if you've got it. Maybe some jw on ice if you don't.

Im at a very stressful turning point in my life. Final projects are going steady and I havent gotten to sleep much. I feel empty.

I dont know if youd have any sleepy time tea on you or opiods perphaps but anything to get me to sleep. Thanks Barman, I guess I should talk to him about it or something.
To me the worst case scenario would be having to break up. Hes been my best friend before we were a couple. I dont want to lose him but I know I might have to because its not fair to me.

Cultural studies and business. #1 is a meme degree, especially as I refuse to get a masters tohave a chance at making it useful. #2 isnt, as such, but I'm too spergy to make it work

Thanks. My job is OK, especially as i'm alone most of my shift. No normgroids bantering about parties. No annoying customers. I can listen to music and shitpost most of the night. I should look for a better job, but it beats my last job.

I need to watch Clerks again. Looking forward to the new Jay and Silent Bob movie.

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Its more of like an existential problem, you go through life knowing you have to do x at age y and when you miss out on it its very hard to not feel like there isn't something wrong with you like maybe you have problems socializing or something, but thanks barman I needed to hear that also can you fetch me some asahi beer on the rocks please?

yeah, i know what you mean.
ill give you this labelless wine we have under the shelf, dont tell the other guys i gave you a taste

I'm a man who keeps secrets so don't worry, here I'll slide you a few more dollars for doing this kind thing for me. Thanks.

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brother i sympathize with your problems, but you should never order beer on the rocks. In my eyes that's a cardinal sin.

I see youre a man of culture as well my friend

Cheers, Mr. Barman.

I've learned to take things as they are, and as they come. Kind of nihilistic or something, I suppose, but it's no use dwelling on shit you can't control. Just enjoy the ride.

... jesus, i sound like a boomer.

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Scotch, on the rocks.
Ima be real man, I feel like an alien.
I have a lot of trouble connecting to other people. I guess maybe I just put too much pressure on myself to make them like me and I end up shutting down, and it tends to drive people away. I'm working on it but damn man, it's driving me insane.

ill have some blue ribbon beer
my twin brother is in the US coast guard and im a NEET everyone in my family is really proud of him and they always talk shit about me being a recluse without a job, im thinking of also joining the military but im too much of a lazy piece of shit to actually do it and i already know that once im in im going to hate the next 4 years of my life, my predicament is that at this point the military is the only way to save myself from a life of doing nothing and living off my parents but at the same time im too comfy to actually do anything, 2 years have already passed since i graduated high school and time is really flaying, weeks go by and i dont even leave my room and i can go for moths without talking to anyone aside from my disappointed parents, as for other options like finding a job or going to college, they both haven't worked out for me i had a job at McDonalds while i was in high school but i got fired shortly after i graduated and i dropped out of community college due to anxiety and basically feeling sick when surrounded by intellectuals and normalfags

Damn this hits close to home.
I don't know how to handle this to be honest.
Other girls have tried.to show me love and I pushed them away

Its been a hot day, also asahi is truly a drink for intellectuals and needs to be enjoyed as such. Really? I heard about the news for it but it feels like they are gonna ghostbuster my clerks, its like that vampire the masquerade sequel I want to like it but deep down I know all the forced sjw shit is going to really ruin it

I'll drinking from the cheap beer I bought from the liquor store across the street, anyways life's boring

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I'm just starved for a new Kevin Smith movie desu. I have a high tolerance for SJW shit.

some people dont ever bother on looking, im glad to hear that.
coming up.
coffee it is, do you see purpose beyond these projects?
a clean conscience gives you better sleep than any of the booze i have on my shelf, hope you do well.
coming up
really apreciate it, ive been giving away too much booze as of lately i guess, though a good conversation is worth much more

may i have some water?

I just discovered that an artist that I looked up to as an inspiration as a kid has a secret account filled with the most degenerate animal porn and im still not clean after two showers

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Kind of your fault for making it "On the house" my dude. That aside, yeah, it really is.

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Hey barman is Jill in today? I haven't seen her

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Why don't you show images of the drinks you pour, barman?

I always liked when the Frogs & Feels bartenders do it.

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Barman, thanks for keeping up with the requests. You are a good man, I have finished with my first. I will take a whiskey neat (an islay if you have it)

>You're waiting in the shadows for a chance
Because you believe at heart, that if you can,
Show to her what love is all about
She'll change.

these lines i remember all the time
maybe if shes really a toxic girl try to find others, or youll wait too long in the shadows for your chance

hello, man
one shot of vodka please
i want time to go faster, you know...

coming right up, yeah i think i have that.
might as well make them two, busy night tonight

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I'm trying one last time tomorrow
Wish me luck, I'm going all out

>dont worry, its on the house

Imma need a beer after that hotline miami flashback.

as we all. ill fetch you some.
im having some whiskey as of now with maybe ill catch some vodka as the night goes

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good luck man, make a thread or something later on and tell us how it went

crazy times.
what kind?

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careful man, speak truthfully, but don't overdo it. slow burns are how lasting relationships start.

I'll have a cup of water, my good man.

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hah, pussy chad, order a proper drink, faggot.

coming right up i guess.
cant help to notice some of the lads are looking you funny

No, I order what I want.

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ill have a lemon sour m8
just asked out a friend i knew didnt like me just because i figured that i would rather live without the regret, and as such i got rejected and destroyed both our friendship and her trust

how many more times will i have to go through this before a girl will say yes?

yeah thats the basic premise, you order fully knowingly like an absolute fag
you cant handle a hard drink chad?

hm, i guess some of us do things against ourselves. sometimes short term lies can lead to long lasting truth, the fuck i know, im a barman, sometimes i wish i was on the other side of the counter

hey man be nice. this place is for everybody, even chad who just wants water.

just give me something strong. not feeling anything tonight.


sounds tough... purpose is the drive of men i guess. you might search for it and find it in the way. bartender is a tad drunk atm so mind my nonsensical frases, heh

I quit drinking. I was interested in a girl. We'd drink together few times a week. Didn't go well. She quit first. So, naturally, I did, too. I don't even want to type this out, because I've gone over it so many times irl. Even rambling about it to a stranger. I feel embarrassed and disappointed in myself. At my age, I should have known better. I've resolved myself to acting more like an adult. Not in an impetuous way. But just slowing down. Guarding my heart. It had just been so, so long since I felt that way about another person. I became a teenager again. I was fucking puerile. It felt really good. But, again, I am embarrassed. I've gotten back into working out and reading, and I've been meditating. I regret meeting her. I regret making that connection and telling her things I'd never told anyone else. Almost told her my deepest secret. Glad I didn't. But I've learnt a lot. Never again, is what I tell myself. It's my new mantra. Never again will I allow myself to be that vulnerable again. And I've realised that everything I've been taught about the social world is a lie. Especially the mendacity of this shitty website. I have felt pressured, the past couple years, because early-infertility is creeping up on me, due to a medication. But, thanks to all this, I no longer have the desire to marry and procreate. In a sense, it is freeing. A huge weight off my shoulders. Now, I can take things slower. Live at my own pace.

yeah, im sorry, i guess i got a bit agressive with chad, sorry chad.
its the booze talking really.
comfy thread tho

I've been doing everything with my family and my twin sister for so long(home schooled and ex witnesses). Mom would buy the things I wanted from the store, we did home-school for years and recently my sister was in the same prerequisite classes as I, but this next semester we will be going our separate ways. Shes majoring in something medical while I do trade and construction stuff. I have never actually been on my own before and it scares me. I never had real friends or talked to people aside from teachers because I have a weird fear of people. Aside from that, I'm so worried that me and my sister will grow apart and she will start to not like being around me.

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brother you are talking to people right now. so long as you have a reason too (like being in a class) most people are completely open to being talked too. relax and chat brother,

I know I can talk to people here because over the internet, of you say something wrong you could either delete it or just not reply but when it comes to actual face to face conversation I become afraid. I start to constantly worry about different things that I might have said or did.

>of you say

i get drunk every weekend on my own in my underground welling san petersbrg like hole in the ground. as i cigarrete the smokes of wreched melancholic thoughts i drown myself with the warm blood of the companion of all companies wich is my jar and my jar demands itself as a necessity for the condition of beign. As heidegger puts it the condition of Being as being it self definse itself ironically thus perpetuating the axioms of definitions present unto ourselves due to our historicla comprehension of locgic and linguistic meaning. Thus i propose that we fuck in the ass Heideggers fagg sophist pseudo useless philosophy onlyof worth to intellectual masturbationists so they can jerk off to their mirages in the long continium that is the irrelevance of time and being

you are not wrong, but everyone says stupid shit all the time. most people forget it and move on. you will probably never not worry, but if you can say fuck it and start talking anyway. in the long term, most people only care about if you have to be nice respectful, listen and be reliable. If you can do those things you will find friends. Beyond that i can't help, (i am still single) but you will find your own way. we all do.

Thanks for the advice user. My main plan was to just keep my head down and lay low.

Whiskey wells shots, please. Why can I never learn, bros?

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>on the house
the most expensive bottle in your inventory then, and I won't be tipping you, wageslave

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Just kidding, I'll have a bottle of whatever craft beer you recommend

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I love too hard.

The first time I fell in love I stalked the girl, befriended her, and she gave me a cat that I took care of until the day it died, 10 years later.

Then I befriended another guy i loved then found out he was married so now he's one of my best friends and it's been like 6 years...

How do I stop loving so fucking hard? My ideal relationship is with a patient guy who will let me hug him tightly for an hour straight and not complain.

anytime brother. godspeed

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How do you guys feel about change? Specifically, personal change. Do you long to go back or do you accept it or even welcome it? For me, she chose the guy who I used to be. That sort of messed me up.
You find someone who appreciates it. But I don't think that's possible for people like us, 2bh. I've decided to just focus on other things.

maybe don't always assume that nice people are in to you? I had this problem too brother. I learned most people are just trying to be nice and are just trying to empathize. They fail, but you should recognize that. Don;t fall for it. true love comes with time and mutual exchange of feelings; it shouldn't be one way.

I like personal change. If I hadn't changed the way I thought or gotten over the past, I don't know how I would have survived the last couple of years because some horrible shit happened and I needed the strength that came with change to get through it.

billy joel starts playing new york state of mind as he drives the bar into a melancholic state of mind

I'll take a coffee please
At the end of May, it will have been ten years since I last got laid.
In the beginning of June, I will have been homeless for one year.
I have no job prospects, nor any desire to work
I am starting to run out of money
I have no friends or family that I can turn or talk to
I really don't want to die, but I don't know how much longer I can keep living like this

Reposting this from Jow Forums but who cares.

I went out with some friends tonight.
One of them is very social and he always sees someone he might know and initiates conversation.
Tonight he met two girls, one of them was apparently an old hookup he had.
Her friend was this ugly girl with big tits, we started talking and she was an absolute NPC but we got along well, we went to the same school so we bonded a bit over that.
He lives relatively near me, so I walked her to her house. I asked for her number when I was there, she gave it to me and I just though "fuck it" and went for a kiss. She followed, so I ended up making out and fingering her on her parents' door. I even got her tits out and fondled them as I kept on fingering her.
After a while I asked her if she'd like to meet me again sometime and she said yes.
I'm sure I kissed her badly, and I fingered her badly too, since I don't really know how to do that stuff.
But as a former self admitted incel, be bold bros. You may not get your ideal waifu but shagging a random slut makes you feel great too, and makes you more experienced for the time you meet an actually decent girl.
Gonna watch some anime and go to sleep now, good night brahs.
We are all gonna make it.

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>be me
>match with qt on tinder
>have a lot in common and same sense of humor
>ask her to go out and grab some drinks with me
>she says shes free Tuesday but I work so I take the day off so we can go on our date
>ask today if were still on for Tuesday
>sorry user I have too much homework to do maybe another time

Why are women so difficult robots?

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How do I stop comparing myself to other people? I feel like I do this constantly and I don't know how to stop. I've done some good things with my life but it never feels like enough. I knew kids who later on moved out of state and followed their passions and went on to become successful and I feel like I will never have that. It doesn't matter what I do or accomplish, I always have thoughts like "if I had moved away somewhere and went to a good college I could be living a life like that person." Have I just romanticized the idea of moving away and starting over? I've lived in the same county my whole life and I feel like I will never escape this place.

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Do you have 2% milk? I'm in a bad spot. It's crunch time. Finals are next week and they determine if I'll graduate on time or a semester late. I know what I have to do but I just can't summon the energy and motivation to do it. Hell, this lethargy is what put me in this mess in the first place. Fuck school. Learning used to be fun, but school forces you to learn shit you don't give a fuck about and heavily emphasizes on the results rather than the process. Most of the blame is on my lack of a work ethic, though. I know I need to put in more time and effort then others since I don't gave talent.

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As per usual, I'll take a bottle of whatever you use to strip varnish. Hows the bartender doing tonight?

Your mistake was in assuming she would keep the date. People nowadays are flaky as hell, and often dont bother to remember things so they forget about commitments in the snap of a finger

when i graduated high school i intentionally went far way from home. I rejected the safety net it provided. I knew it would make me feel like shit, So i moved from PA to FL. I haven't lived in PA since 2009. it was a good choice for me, but i was a choice i made. brother if you want to leave you hometown, then LEAVE. you are the only person truly holding yourself back. also barman keep the drinks coming i am going hard tonight god help me.

surprise me, friend
I'm having trouble getting over an online friendship of 4 years.. i truly don't understand how someone could say that you're important to them, but not talk to you? and make excuses about why they don't but insist they do care about you.
probably what hurts the most is that he doesn't even care that we havent spoken and he doesn't feel off about it at all. i just don't understand. all he cares about is school and his future job, which is understandable, but when you finally get there you're gonna be alone.