Fembot here. Will it be possible for me to get an asian gf too?
Fembot here. Will it be possible for me to get an asian gf too?
>fembot here
girls kissing girls makes my peepee become the big peepee
Don't dykes hate men? Fuck out of here if you're not posting your tits
If you're a biological female virgin in california I know a girl who would be interested.
tell me about this girl please
kill yourseIf dyke
She's a personal friend that has always wanted a girlfriend but is too afraid to try dating one. Also a fembot and a virgin who has only dated one guy. She's small and asian, has her life together and we talk about it often enough
If millions of horny white men struggle to get one I seriously fucking doubt
Go to Cali or Hawaii and find yourself a degenerate filthyfrancis chigger wife if you're that desparate
Hey, can we share? I really want an Asian gf too. Granted I'm male, but I think we can reach an agreement.
I can tell your weight starts with 300 just by the way you type kek
Just be a very, very nice person to a very, very nice asian girl who you know is gay/wants to experiment and make a move - she'll usually be too insecure to say no and will usually be happy someone gave her attention (for some reason, people on Jow Forums place a lot higher value than society as a whole does, my gf considers herself a 6/10 but is substantially hotter than most whites and by far the hottest asian in her friend group)
Your ability to do this is exacerbated by the fact that actual off-the-boat Asian men are practically asexual, out of my gf's asian friends the only non-virgin is a girl who had one boyfriend, so all of the guys make no moves and have no sex
I think you are projecting yourself onto others. My body is very attractive.
Lesbians can't be robots.
It's depressing for me to realize that 50% of all women 15-25 are Lesbians. Fuck this earth and FUCK YOU.
Are you a lesbian too?
>white birth rates are down
>"it must be the men's fault"
>majority of white women are lesbos
Next you'll tell me the reason women are lesbians is because of men right? It's men's fault for that.
nah but I know for sure 100% that asian women are available to women and men in the same way
The problem with lesbians dating at all is that you have so much less initiative because of your gender, and with an Asian since she has none at all (and I mean NONE) you have to do all the seduction and imposing, but that effort will make her love you
Asians from mainland asia are, what Jow Forums says, insects, and they get very, very little real love from friends and family, so be very, very affectionate, because that will overwhelm them in a good way, and whether it comes from a girl or a boy they will always appreciate it (unless they're a soulless business student or ABG, which no one should consider dateable anyways)
50%? what? stop creating/believing false statistics
Have you even been around women 16-25? They're all gay.
>majority of white women are lesbos
God, you're retarded.
You dont have to be a lesbian to realize that your life doesnt have to revolve around having children for some retard guy who is socially 100 years behind.
You know, women tend to say that to the guys they arent interested in.
Do you live in downtown LA or something?
You know I'm not even talking about that, it's every woman I've seen that is gay on my campus. Not just the ones I hit on because I dont hit on any, I just stalk their instagrams and like 30% of them mention a LTBQBTBSG in their bio or some shit
no, we say it because it's true. women are hot as fuck.
statistically 50% of women are bi, and that's not including lesbians.
Oh im sure those statistics are legitimate and not made up at all.
I would like to hear everything about the research you conducted in order to get that result.
I'd honestly say women who are Bi or Pan + Lesbians are like 75% of all young women.
I fucking wish. We could completely ignore men if that was the case.
There are no girls on the internet
We already can you fucking idiot. origin
>numbers nowhere near that high for men
It hurts
Not only possible, highly likely
Making friends is easier and it's a guarantee she will feel dissappointed with straight relationships if any, so plenty of opportunities to make that step
Race play is disgusting and you should all feel bad you alt-right idiots.
I meet these criteria but I don't know how to flirt with women
You don't need to flirt, just be nice and talk to her. If she likes you things will progress naturally. If you're serious tell me a bit more about yourself. She's a bit autistic about the kind of looks she'd want in a partner but not in a normal way.
i think you should have went for it. being alone sucks.
I'd rather kill myself than touch a m*le again desu
>tfw asian
>tfw my eyes look like this
can I still find love
i was gonna say there's no women on the internetz but papa kek blessed you with trips of truth so i'm gonna believe it.
No, you can't, i'm sorry but the second you enter /b/, /v/, Jow Forums, /a/ or Jow Forums you become a wizard harry, a dark virgin wizard (witch in your case) who understands the magics of za internet. But don't be scared young one, there's a thing called yuri that will cure all your problems
What about cute asian bf ?
I bet,there's lots of them,suffering from loneliness.
Hurry up and do it then
God damn the alt-right and their *shuffles deck* race mixing!
sorry i don't find them attractive