Was he the original robot?
>charming introvert but a failure
>high iq w/ good looks but still insecure
>hated normies, narcissitic
Was he the original robot?
ted knew how to talk to girls which is more than most people here can say.
ted was fucking pussy bitch ass nigga, who blamed porn for what he did.
Sociopaths are quite literally Ultra Chad. They can do things Chad is too scared to do and get away with it.
They are CEOs and shit.
>not knowing how to talk to girls but just choosing not to
I forgot he also was a degenerate porn addict, another good point
shut up, he kew how to seduce women with the english language.
you mess cant and wont learn nor try.
I find it gay to seduce women, sex is physical why sped extra energy on seducing something you will see as trash after sex.
I agree that porn is degenerate and has contributed to a lot of social problems, but in Ted's case I don't know how much of that is actually true. At the time he was blaming porn, he was involved with some Christians who were pretty much the only ones giving him any positive attention. He was the sort of person who told whatever lie would make him look best.
How do you seduce women using mouth noises, word master? When I talk to girls I keep talking about my terrible hobbies
you posted the wrong ted
kaczynski mostly fits. i think his iq and education elevate him a little, but his lifestyle choices and outlook bring him down. in some ways he is better than the typical robot, in some ways he is worse.
>was this turbo-Chad the original robot
>not realizing the most patrician robots are actually attractive
He wasn't actually that smart, he had a slightly above average IQ.
Exactly. Ted Cruz is the original robot. Just fucking look at the guy. Plus he's a porn addict.
I can't wait to see the new film about him. I hope it's good.
I hope the film shows when he took that one roastie cunt to the middle of the woods and chained her to a tree and tortured her to death over several days. Kek
Ted Bundy had no problem getting pussy, the difference is he was a fucking psychopath who murdered women. He was also kinda dumb, he went to law school and felt retarded and dropped out. If you relate to him, you're a piece of shit, and the only solace is you have neither the social skills nor the balls to do what he did.
Jeff Dahmer was a robot. Not Ted.
seeing dahmer's and bundy's looks makes me want to add myself to the list of attractive rapists
>but in Ted's case I don't know how much of that is actually true.
aint true at all, he was just being his edgy "manipulator" self.
>he kew how to seduce women
if by that you mean kidnapping them and knocking them unconscious then ya...
No robot is charming, intelligent though.
>At least i'm not Gacy
Gacy had to be one of the more pathetic serial killers, didn't he?
I mean, how hard is it to prey on children, really? Most other serial killers kind of upped their game, they either kept score, like fucking Son of Sam, or they at least went after healthy young girls. Its like fuck, if your going to kill someone, they should at least have a chance to escape.
Honestly, Serial Killers should be more sporting.
Ha. Ghost Stories. Like the one about the guy who'd dress up as a transvestite at night and go on a shooting spree?
Hell, with the right publicity, in this day and age they could be a damn superhero. "They were all scum! All jhons are scum!" (wooo! you go girl! (Oprah Grunts))
All terrorist attacks last year were perpetrated by right-wing.
Because somehow jihadists are fucking right wing, gimme a fucking break. American politics has nothing to do with these people, their beef is entirely with our leaders.
I mean, you think the people who voted for Bush knew he was going to start a war to pursue his families oil interest?
Get real, the guy was a full time loon, he spoke to the hate in all of us. You remember what fucking American's were like after 9/11? We were beasts, fucking animals.
>if by that you mean kidnapping them and knocking them unconscious then ya...
wdym user he had several long lasting relationships with several cuties. he most def knew how to get women
When people are pissed off, they get a pissed off leader. Trump is a calm leader. Its like nothing you can do can make the guy more than irate. I've never once seen the guy get angry on television.
the majority of women he killed like 95% of them he just kidnapped and knocked unconscious.
What about neo-nazis? Also jews did 9/11 not jihadists. Jihad is war for defense.
imo he was looking for ways to blame his problems on. a lot of people do that when they think they still have a shot at redemption (he clearly didn't and it was a bad move)
yeah because he was a fucking sociopath who had this incredible urge to kill women. he enjoyed killing women and raping them. if he didn't have that tendency i'm sure he could've had casual sex with some of those girls
what neo-nazi's, all i see are fucking left-wing fascist youth groups composed of mentally deranged women and underdeveloped boys who go around harassing white people.
robots have always existed
I don't think so,
I think he did it because he couldn't get them any other way.
And, oh yes, lets not forget the massive overinflation of the fourth estate, getting six different angles on a story and not one of them asking a single question that is relevant to what their investigating.
Unite the right was a thing, black church shooting, synagogue shooting + etc. Whole world is falling into nazi chaos. No wonder there are anti-fascists bullying white people. More power to them. God I love them. Fuck these nazi fuckers. They are everywhere dogwhistling. Pretty useless for me to say here on Jow Forums since everyone is so brainwashed here but still I got to vent my frustration.
the fucking neo nazi's are GONE dude, Obama completely wiped out their meth ring they had going on in the southwest, its leaders are all jailed or killed, nazi's are fucking gone dude, I haven't seen a skinhead in like 20 years.
So I mean, if there are no fucking nazi's, and protestors are causing shit left and right, it means their AGITATING, right? They are advocating violence towards our government institutions and using the media to make it look like the government is curb stomping them like they did prior to the Wall Street riots.
Every fucking year at the DNC its the same fucking thing, thousands of protestors get gassed in the streets and throw rocks at cop cars and actually, you know, FUCKING PROTEST, as compared to all making their own little signs and marching in a straight line.
But whens the last time you saw that covered on the news? All you see is shit about fucking anti-fa pulling shit over and over again, trying to incite violence over literally fucking NOTHING.
I mean who the FUCK are these people? I figure since the media isn't accountable to anyone, they stop reporting news and just make shit up, its cheaper to frame a scene than it is to actually report on it.
>No wonder there are anti-fascists bullying white people. More power to them. God I love them. Fuck these nazi fuckers.
Implying that all whites are nazis is the fastest way to create more nazis. Take a chill pill, step back, think about your opinions, and try to post in a way that helps your political team win.
he just had this weird fetishes that no one would want to participate in because they were so fucked up violent
hating women is not a fetish.
he hated women.
Whats up you plebbit faggots I bet you retards are excited for that movie huh
>They are CEOs and shit
that's psychopaths
in all honesty i think its gon be kino
the sudden realisation i am not special and am one of millions
i need to sort my shit
>Was he the original robot?
No. He was a dibbaloab.
cut this shit out you fucking yonoloa
I like the cut of your jib, dibbaloab.
>high iq
Pick one.
I got no political team. I just want peace and quickest way to do so is to kill nazis.
White people are fine.