8values bread my fellow anonymous brethren?

8values bread my fellow anonymous brethren?


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epic results user

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Antifa is coming for me help me :(

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friendly reminder that r9k is a centrist board

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Not a neocohen at all though

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No idea what this means anymore, haven't done this since way back when.

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What I expected, libertarian, but a bit less market than i though I would have

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Feels good dabbing on the left and the right while one calls me a racist and the other calls me a snowflake

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anyone here /libtard/?

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this seems pretty accurate for me.

muh enlightened centrism

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Libtards begone

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Yawl are just a bunch of fags

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says the one with the most $oy ideology

Am i a libtard now? Always considered myself a libertarian

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lel, not quite how I would put it. I'd prefer just traditionalist conservative. And I don't think I'm THAT authoritarian.

'Classical liberalism' and libertarianism mean pretty much the same thing. Social Liberalism is what people are referring to when they usually say 'liberal' in the American context.

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You market cuck

ITT nationalist retards

Right wing populism will save humanity

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Guess my drug of choice.

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Uhhhh... I'm gonna guess the devils lettuce

Fucking Jow Forumsfags are all over this board now.
I don't really give a shit about politics, just want to be richer without working and take my drugs freely.

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I would be on board with you if you weren't socialist

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I'm not socialist I don't vote and I don't give a shit about politics.
If you do you're not a real robot and do not belong here. So get the fuck back to Jow Forums.

optimal results

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Reactionaries and politically illiterate.

Excellent deduction user.

Indubatebly, I used my detective skills!

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i wish heroin was legal

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Uwu what's this
I've never cared about politics

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youre literally a fascist user. based as fuck

prisons should really only be for violent offenders. nobody else needs to be off the street.

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Each day Jow Forums strays more into socialism, fucking neets

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why are you patriotic? what's so great about your country?

You are the scumest person, I understand why nobody likes you

What did I do that's bad and why do you think nobody likes me?

PolitiScales is way better if you aren't a lazy fuck

I don't get why my nation is so low, it should be at least 60%. Other three sound about right though.

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got fascist. slightly in favour of markets, almost 100% in favour of nation, mostly in favour of authority, mostly in favour of tradition.

why are you in favor of nation and authority? it doesn't benefit anyone, let alone you.

there is nothing wrong with nationalism, you retarded shit-for-brains nigger.

you could make a point for big government not benefitting me but i struggle to realize why you believe nationalism doesn't benefit me.
i'm of the firm belief that, as long as a government is righteous and benevolent towards its citizens and acts only according to their long term interests, it should be firm and have high authority.

Oh of course, benevolent dictatorships are fine except I don't think they exist.

i didn't say dictatorships though, did i? a government should step down if the majority of the country calls for it, but what i mainly meant is that laws should be strictly enforced. as long as the laws are proper and don't excessively and stupidly limit personal liberties

autocracy, forgot to take a screenshot before i closed the page.

CNN here I come.

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is this fucking original enough?

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Centralist, as expected.
I think tradition is good as it gives us an identity but progress can be more important as we can learn that parts of our tradition may be inhumane and change them.
I think authority is a little bit more important than liberty as sometimes the general population (normies) are a bit retarded.
I think your own country should come before others. But I also think people have the right to disagree with what their country thinks.
Not too sure what to say on this one, don't really think that markets should cater to everyone. There's a bit of luck in everything in life and that includes the hand you get when you're born.

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I would be a Bernie bro if he didn't pander to SJWs.

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Get a job commies

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feelsbad how I'm going to have an army of libcucks after me now :(

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Im a left-wing populist

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Hey we're pretty similar you and I]

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i just wanna die alreaddy

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I'm a REEberal.

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sounds about right, but originally of course

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>le ebin centrist
Shit test, I'm actually more of an egoist, but I guess they don't even consider that an option

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If you are less than 60 percent socialist, literally end your life.

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I thought i was more conservative. I guess equality is not just common sense.

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Based as fuck. Holy shit how do you even get a nationalist value that high.

Is it wrong to think that the War on Drugs is fucked up for turning millions of recreational drug users into hardened criminals?

But I have a job you capitalist pigdog :(

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Am I a lemon?

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Third Reich from the sun

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free the fucking market

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Me ne frego

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Centrists rise up

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>not 9axes
>shiggy diggy

my results are exactly what i thought they would be

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awful lot of commies and centrists on this board

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meh, I wish I was different but I guess this is not an extremely in depth one.. oR maybe itis and I'm just very stupid

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9axes is superior

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99% of these are just pathetic. Didn't know so many cucks browsed this place.

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I won this test

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shut up Jow Forumstard
the image file says "8value 4" did you maybe take this test 4 times to get different results for different situations?

too much of a brainlet to answer 216 questions

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this thread is now property of 9axes gang

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drumpftard spotted

r8 me neckbeards

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based and bluepillled

>"""free""" market
>economic axis : 66.5%
Fucking disgusting

How the fuck is my comment not original you stupid fucking bot

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i couldnt relate to some of the questions because im neither american nor religious, so it underestimates my traditionalism and capitalism.

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>85 percent multiculturalist
so you enjoy having babatundey rape your wife?

These are my results, any comments?

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More like /marxminion/ but yeah

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Seems fine, also czeched

This only works on a small scale where people agree to work together, attempting this on an international scale would involve people inevitably disagreeing with you, meaning you'll have to purge them. Doesn't sound very liberal anymore.

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I realize the fault in my ideology, user, I just have not yet found anything better, as my beliefs are contradictory: I don't like big govt because it's just giving too much power to a bunch of people, but super free unregulated everything means all of the assholes are going to prey on everyone else and I don't feel like waking up daily to a dick measuring battle just to survive. I like justice and equality like every other libtard but my sense of aesthetics is different and I'm not 100% sold on feminism. I guess the thing that I agree with the most is Fully Automated Luxury Communism but idk if that's a meme or if it's an actual thing. I could go on but doubt you want to read a wall of text.

phisically remove libcucks and fascucks

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cathbol aaa

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i win, oreginally

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I see the same issue in the sense that if corporations run wild, then they can monopolize and effectively control the public square themselves, censoring and banning who they like. Although as a supporter of liberalism and therefore the free market, I am not a fan of regulation or tax either, as long as there is competition.

Fully Automated Luxury Communism doesn't make sense once you think about it, if it's communist then everyone owns everything, right? If you have a luxury property, anyone can enter and do as they please with it if everyone owns it. Then it won't be so luxury anymore. Also full automation will leave many people out of work and resentful during a transition phase between capitalism and FALC.

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I didn't see this one coming.

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including you, bourgeois shill

Well, I'll admit to not knowing the specifics of Marxism, but from what I've heard there's a difference between private and personal property, as in you don't have to literally share your toothbrush and your house, but you can't own property that you don't directly use, especially if it's for making some form of profit with it, and AFAIK there will be some kind of police force.

The transition period is actually currently in effect, so ideally we'd aim to make it so that automation taking jobs makes the general populace have to work less hours and be able to focus more on higher subjects like arts, philosophy, STEM, and other things that robots can't do, instead of having a bunch of unemployable people harboring resent and potentially leading to violent uprisings.

The one ideology I can't reasonably get behind but that I keep lumped in with the political compass test is anarchism. They say we should abolish prisons and ACAB as if every prisoner was there wrongly or by stealing from necessity but what the fuck are they going to do about rapists and serial killers?
Also, care to drop a discord or some shit? I'd like to keep this convo going.

>but what the fuck are they going to do about rapists and serial killers
Seek out some form of revenge most likely.

i wonder if google and ((intelligence agencies)) already link these tests to our profile. result was centrist in all fields

>NEET board
>"Get a job"
No way, man. I can't wait until full automation is a reality and we can all enjoy NEETdom.

Smoke weed and fuck off

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>If you do you're not a real robot and do not belong here. So get the fuck back to Jow Forums.
Shove your gay ass gatekeeping up your incel ass, nigga.