What is so bad about being an NPC or normie? It sounds like a comfortable, easy life without any intellectual frustration, just accepting the world for what it is. Why is that a bad thing?
What is so bad about being an NPC or normie? It sounds like a comfortable...
Everyone thinks they're the individual, the main character. It's about putting yourself above others for a self-induced ego boost. Just like your picture. From what I know, "NPC" describes someone who has no actual thoughts in their head. Another way of saying "sheeple", or "normie". Following the herd and whatever. I always assume everyone thinks for themselves just like I do. Maybe even more than I do.
>intellectual frustration
i rofled
I don't think the majority of people thinks for themselves
its not a bad thing, just like being rich isn't a bad thing. you just have to be born into it.
Being an NPC is actually pretty swell, imagine being able to converse with the average person about things because your hobbies and interests aren't so esoteric. Yeah Stacy I will discuss the latest cloud rap album and avengers end game with you. Oh what you want to fuck me, damn I love being an NPC!
And what makes you think so, user?
Because they live in a world of stimulus with an overabundance of art, music and culture that speaks to you on a deep and emotional level but for some reason most people go watch marvel movies because everybody else does it and it gives people something to converse about. They aren't trying to appeal their intellectualism they are trying to appeal their social capital.
I see what you're getting at. At least, I think I do. I've heard "Everyone else is doing it" being used as a legitimate reason for doing something and could never comprehend why it was considered a good reason.
Honestly all of us are NPCs, just faulty ones. The real players aren't here, that's for sure.
Let's just take certain brands and trends as an example, there's little to no reason to buy a 1k$+ iPhone. Even considering all the screwups of Apple, people don't care, they just buy it because everyone else does for reasons I can't comprehend. Same with clothing, why do you need Calvin Klein underwear? Oh every other hip girls get them? .. Why are you clubbing twice every weekend? Oh, you tell me because everyone else goes there?
As a little annotation, that's literally the answer I got when I asked clubbers why they go clubbing. "Don't know, everyone else goes there'
Interesting points. Thanks for replying to me.
But to what extent do you consider "everyone's doing it" to be an NPC mantra? I mean, why do you wear clothes? Why do you communicate, for example? Sorry if these questions are stupid. It's because I'm not too bright.
Terrible examples. iPhones are expensive yes but have the best software and hardware on the market. Calvin Klein underwear looks good. Clubbing is fun.
Not OP but there are reasons for everything humans do, even if seemingly illogical. In my opinion, it's not a matter of doing what everyone else is doing but a matter of understanding why you're doing said action aside from because everyone else does it. A 100% NPC gives no thought to what it does, it only follows. Most people are fully capable of explaining most of their basic actions.
>accepting the world for what it is
Those words sound alien to me, like they disturb me for some reason.
clubbing is actually terrible, it's just a hangout for intoxicated people to dance and hook up
like tinder but in person
>for some reason most people go watch marvel movies
because they're entertaining. it really is that simple. once you've seen more than a couple, you start to get emotionally attached.
Nobody is npc normie you fucking retard.
You think only this way, because you are a damn narcissist and reasons why you are one are probably as follow:"parental neglect, too much validation from parents." And so many other reasons.
Do you really honestly think that nobody else in this world doesn't think that Pink Floyd is good or haven't seen the one hipster movie you like that did well in the box office? Bunch of bullshit. That guy you think is "Chad" is probably thinking more depraved shit than you are even capable of. Only reason why you'd think we are not npc is because we got small sense of anonymity here but without that we'd be blind automatons. I fucking am so fed up with simpletons like you. Why I have to living among you?
For me there's a difference between necessities and luxury / lifestyle. Clothing and communication is needed for survival or at least dependent to logical reasons. Without clothes you get sick and without communication you are screwed since you always eventually need to communicate to get something done. Simply living by the words of everyone's doing it, implies to me, that there's no inidividual thought process of why and the measurement of the outcome / pros and cons. For me someone must be extremely low iq or an npc, to not think or care about their action before they do it. It falls outside the boundaries of my understanding that a lot of people don't weigh out their actions.
Of course it's awful, that's why I asked people in person what they like about it. I never get told that they go there because they like the music, socialize or anything I could relate to. It's always been because everyone else goes there.
hmm ironing
The software might be a good point, but I disagree with the hardware. You get the same for way less of a price. But without the apple on the back of your phone. Also similar brands to Calvin Klein that aren't expensive and look the same. I don't see what is fun about clubbing. I've tried it a few times but all I gained from it was damaging my liver and observe people being retarded and drunk
It's part of the joke. But I seriously am loosing my hope.
I don't know if you realize that literally everyone thinks about their actions before they do it.
I buy iPhones because I don't want my data being sent to the Chinese (or American) government. People buy Calvin Klein because it makes them look more attractive. These are still valid decisions even though their reasoning isn't the same as yours when you're faced with that choice.
As if your data won't get send to governments when using iOS. You fell for the meme.
Not when using encrypted apps. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. My dad is a tech executive who works with 5G technology and he is literally forbidden from ever using a Korean or Chinese phone because of the security risk.
Apple is basically a stupidity tax for people that want to ensure they have a powerful device (whether it be phone, laptop, video editing computer etc) with the theoretical least amount of knowledge and troubleshooting required. Big professional companies often use Apple because they're going for a lowest common denominator / low hanging fruit amongst their employees. If you're working on a big project you can just have everyone use Apple stuff and it should work for everyone, right? So sometimes programmers and stuff really like Apple because it's what they interface with professionally most of the time.
The idea of young people buying iPhones to mostly run apps like Instagram, Tiktok and Snapchat is pretty funny though. They hear an argument like "Well, you use it everyday. So you want the best possible experience" in the Reddit comments in regards to someone complaining about the iPhone being 1000$ and they agree with it but they don't actually think about what that means.
>I buy iPhones because I don't want my data being sent to the Chinese (or American) government.
Please tell me you're joking.